
CHAPTER 22 A warning

  Nathan's mom was going through some old photos of her son in the living room. She didn't know her son would sell himself as he did

  He was young and had a bright future ahead of him. Why did he choose to ruin it by marrying a woman like Laura? Yes, Laura was a nice lady; however, she wasn't what her son deserved

  “Mom, you don't have to worry… I'm sure my brother will take care of himself, “Zoey said, placing her hand on her mom's shoulder. Adeline nodded and did the same

  “How can you say that… you know how he is…no one will take care of him there…he has a habit of moving around without eating” she was his mom and knew what was best for her son? Nathan might look all grown up, but he was still a child inside

  “I know, but there's nothing we can do… he'll be fine,” Adeline said softly, their mom was suffering.

  “For now let's take care of you,” Zoey said and was about to coax her mom to sit down and eat something when suddenly the front door opened