
Respect Yourself, Willow Stone

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Kevin Jones from the Jones family had kneeled down! At that moment, whatever power the Jones family had held in San Francisco was no longer theirs.

This meant that the Gold family had complete rule over the city.

But just as everyone in San Francisco thought that way, an announcement came from the Gold family: The head of the Gold family—Third Master Gold—had gotten a stroke and had been hospitalized!

After emergency surgery, Third Master Gold was finally out of critical condition.

Because of this bout of illness, Third Master Gold decided to hand the position of family head over to his granddaughter—Kimberly Gold. She had also become the new chairman of the company.

This had a huge impact on the entire city.

The fall of the Jones family had left a huge piece of the pie. If Third Master Gold had been at the helm of the company, he definitely would've taken that share of the pie.