
The Untamed Love

"I was just falling deep in his love his love was maze but still i want to be in it, his love was dangerous still i want to drown in it he is dangerous said my inner soul but still i want him "

Atika_Ishtiaq · Fantasy
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 4: Regret?

<p>LUNA POV: <br/>Me and Amaira was moving towards cafeteria when Amaira told me something shocking." I am 89 years old." I looked at her astonished "Don't lie I said Iam serious Luna Iam 89 and I know you are going to be 20 soon." I roll my eyes "You are older than my grandma I think I shouldn't make a grandma my friend rather calling you Amaira I will call you Granny." I said mischievously "DON'T! Even dare or else I will kick your juicy ass". she replied even just knowing her for more than ten hours I got to know that she is one a hell dirty talker we both sit on an empty table after taking our lunch not untill a new voice interrupted us "Excuse me ladies can I sit here with you?" A boy in his late 20s i guess asked both of us I replied "Yes." he sit happily opposite to me and next to Amaira "Hi I am Chris Wood an omega wolf from Black moon pack." He introduced "And I know you both Amaira and Luna a witch and half vampire princess respectively." Amaira looked at him with uninterested face and asked "How the hell you know ?"." Well I have a special power my wolf can recognize anyone."." Well that's great." I complimented. "Thanks" he reply<br/>AUTHOR POV:<br/> "so how's the day going?" Chris asked trying to lead the conversation "until now good don't know a head." Luna replied "Yeah good until you decide to poke your nose." Amaira replied irritatedly Chris chuckle in response and decided not to talk more and focus on meal but Luna couldn't focus she was feeling as someone staring at her or more like throwing invisible daggers at her she looked around and spotted Adment he was staring intensely at her theirs eyes met even she wants to but couldn't break the contact it was like she was in his spell don't know why but she wanted to lose herself to him to give her everything to him what's this feeling she couldn't figure out just then bell rang breaking her chains of thought she move to her next class <br/>LUNA POV:<br/>It's been a month everything was going great with Chris and Amaira We were becoming close to each other Chris will try to flirt with Amaira which irritate Amaira a lot I think deep down Chris has some feeling growing in him for Amaira but she being her own self wouldn't notice it as I was making my way to cafeteria everyone was gathered in corridor that's when I notice Adment was choking Chris to death his Eyes were Golden Red and he was looking nothing but a monster I move towards them i tried to separate Adment from Chris by graping his hand but my small strength was nothing infront of Adment suddenly He bite Chris neck with his fangs followed by Chris scream I scream back at Adment to stop he did but I regretted the moment Adment stop and shows his bloody mouth to me it happened so fast that I can't figure out not untill I feel pain in my neck realizing Adment dig his fangs in my neck and snake his one arm around my waist and other on my head he was sucking my blood I wanted to scream at him to stop but my voice was numb I was losing my senses with a whisper I said him stop his grip didn't loose but he stop and look at me with guilt in his eyes or was it just my mind I lose my conscious and darkness envelope.<br/>AUTHOR'S POV:<br/>"I didn't admit my daughter in this academy to get bitten by a jerk." King Damion Black said to the Principal Mr Harris Grace pointing at Adment everyone was in Authority Hall after the incident "I am sorry it won't happen agai.." king Black cut him off "Don't speak Grace if you don't mean it this boy nearly killed my daught.."."I apologize King Black.," everyone looked at Adment shocked "Your daughter... I have no intentions of harming her it was just a reflexive action we shouldn't brag this more or it will lead to war if you know what I mean." Adment said to King Black "Boy you don't threaten me and stay in limits." king Black replied and leave the Authority hall Queen Emma Black was there too with worried expression she was leaving the hall when Adment said "Iam sorry Your highness." Emma look at him " I didn't mean it i...I just lost my control." Emma give him sad smiles and leave the hall.<br/>LUNA'S POV:<br/>It was dark I could hear monitor voice but couldn't open my eyes someone was calling my name after some second I open my eyes with blurry vision "Hey Luna you okay." i heard Amaira voice "hey hey you okay dear." she asked again I look here and there my sister Yeri Chris and Amaira was there it was all numb at start but slowly its paining Amaira helped me sit on the bed and looked at me with worried expression Yeri came forward and hold my hand her thumb caressing my knuckles "Iam ok but just a little bit of pain." I remembered every single hell thing what happened in the corridor "You had been unconscious for two days you have worried us a lot sis." Yeri said with tears in her eyes "Yeah you were and you lost so much blood we have to go to mortal world to find your type of blood and Thank God you are okay now." Amaira said with smile "Get well soon Luna its soo boring without you I can't handle Amaira alone." Chris said smiling "And Who told you to handle me hahn I didn't right stop with your drama." She said irritatedly "Alright guys I think my sister needs a rest so we should give her." Yeri interrupted "Ok then call us if need anything.". "I will." I assured "we are just outside okay." Chris said "Chris." I called for him "Yes ?" he replied "You are okay right?" he smiled and said "Yes I am." and they all left the room I sighed and looked out of the window It surely rain today as black clouds covered the whole sky</p>