
Open Hearts


After Wen Ning find them, mostly thanks to Wei Ying's exited yells, he boarded their boat with an apparent mix of emotions showing in his pale face. Wei had asked what was wrong, but after he shyly looked at Wangji, the Ghost General had told him it was nothing. Wei had not pursue the matter, thinking that perhaps Wen Ning had seen them kiss and was a bit embarrassed.

At any case, feeling nostalgia of his old home, Wei had steal some lotus seeds. As a righteous man, Wangji had protested, but after seen Wei so sad, he had given in, making an exception, which obviously make the Yiling Patriarch the happiest in a while. Then, he had receive a message from his brother that had trigger Wei's memory of the name of a deed that will take place in Yunping City, to which they decided to head next.

A few hours later, as the boat float down over the river in the direction of their next stop, Wei Ying had fall asleep in his Lan Zhan's lap, completely drained of his energy after the fight at the Burial Mounds, then his confrontation with Jiang Cheng that had cause him even more emotional pain. He was still furious about the way the Sect Leader treated Wei Wuxian, but he will let it go, as long as he didn't try harming him again.

"Light Bearing Lord... Light Bearing Lord..." Lan Wangji looked straight at Wen Ning, which was a bit embarrassed as the way 'Lan Zhan' looked dawn at his Young Master Wei, as if mesmerize by the sight.

He had suspect that the Light Bearing Lord was actually in love with Wei Wuxian, when he had visit them when they lived in the Burial Mounds, the very day he was back to normal. At that time, it had been plain to see the way the young Master Lan looked and treated Wei Wuxian, but just to be sure, he had asked his sister in private and his sister had assure him that the Second Young Master Lan, had indeed romantic feelings for him, but it was probably the same for Wei Ying.

"What is it, Wen Ning?" The deep voice of the bearer of Bishen make him go back to reality and Wen smiled slightly.

"Ah... I was going to ask you for a favor. Please don't tell Young Master Wei about his golden core been transfer. You see... I promise him not to tell anyone... but I felt sorry for him when the Clan Leader Cheng mistreat him in such a way." Of course, Wangji understood quite well Wen Ning's feeling, so he assented in agreement, as he looked down to the man that was resting over his lap.

"Don't worry, I will not tell him." Lan Wangji voiced, then he thought of something else.

"Wen Ning, was it painful? Transferring the core, was it painful?" Then, as the Ghost General told him about what Wei Ying endured for almost three days while been awake, his heart loved the man even more, if it was possible. He had never meet anyone as strong as Wei Ying, with not only a very powerful golden core that he had willingly let go to save his brother of an ordinary life, but also raised over all Clan's without one and creating such a powerful tool that raised both fear and excitement at the same time.

There was no doubt that the Yiling Patriarch was something else and he was grateful to have the chance to have him once again back in his life, after so many years of frustrating searches that end up with nothing more than a whish of the heart. Still, somehow, although in a suspicious way, Wei Ying had returned and his love for him could only escalate with each passing day. So, when they arrived to the nearest town that leaded to Yinping City, he took Wei on his arms, effortlessly and carry him to the closet Inn.

Wen Ning had decided to go out to do some night hunting, to make sure the town was safe, which was in fact only and excuse to leave the two Young Masters alone. If there was the need they will call for him, but the Light Bearing Lord was more than enough to protect Wei Ying on his own.

Around eight-thirty in the night, Wei wake up and find Lan Zhan looking up at the stars in front of the open window. The light of the moon reflected over his perfect white robes, making him look quite stunning. His heart instantly beat faster, remembering the way Lan Zhan had kiss him, with a kind of passion that was hard to clench.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei whisper and as usual, his hearing was extraordinary, turning to look at Wei in the moment he called him, even if it was nothing more than a murmur.

"Wei Ying." Lan said as he came closer to check on him. "How do you feel?" Wangji asked, sitting by him.

"Ah, better than never, now that I had seen you all bathed in moonlight. You know, Light Bearing Lord's name fit you quite well, because you bear light indeed." Lan Zhan showed a hint of a smile.

"Where is Wen Ning?" Wei asked as he looked around but didn't see him.

"Night hunting." Was Lan's only explanation, yet Wei smiled.

"Then, we are alone..." Wei stated.

"Mn." Wangji confirmed, giving Wei Wuxian that same deeper look he gave him back in the lotus lake. The kind of look that make his heartbeats go crazy.

"Then, it's time to talk... you said we will do so later, right?" Wei said, as he sat over the bed, but unfortunately, he did it way too fast, making himself dizzy, to a point Wangji had to hold his back, in order for him not to fall back.

"Easy, don't be too impatient." Wangji warned him, yet, Wei simply took the opportunity to put his arms around Lan Zhan and kiss him. Last time, it had felt like heaven, so he wanted to have another taste.

In his previous life, he would had welcome Lan Zhan's softer side with open arms, because his life at the Burial Mounds had been a lonely one, even if he had gained a new family he had chosen to protect. At the end of the day, he had miss his Clan, his sister and even Jiang Cheng and when he came to visit, he had miss Lan Zhan quite greatly, that even Wen Qing took pity on him.

However, now was different. This time he was no longer alone, he had the very man that he had admire and fall for in so many ways. The man that also felt the same, even when he could lose it all because of him. Ah, yes... Lan Zhan had indeed a lot to lose if he chose to remain by his side, because there was no way his Uncle will approve such a forbidden relationship, even if Wangji's brother did and even less if it involved the infamous Yiling Patriarch of all people.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei try to break the kiss, but Wangji was still unwilling to let him go. "Lan Zhan... you promise..." Wei insisted and Wangji reluctantly ended the heated kiss.

"Wei Ying, you provoke me first." Wei smiled, while he took Wangji's hand on his.

"I know... it's just... if we keep this up, if we begin a romantic relationship, what will happen to you? I doubt your Uncle will approve of me been your lover, not only because I am a man, but also because he can't stand me." And not even Lan Zhan could deny that fact.

"I do not regret this." Wei arched an eyebrow.

"Oh? Even if you had to leave your Clan?" Wei wanted to know.

"Even so. I will never regret a second chance." Wei smiled.

"You love me that much, then?" He asked, eagerly to know the answer.

"Yes and my brother is already aware of it." Wei laughed and held him closer.

"Ah, Lan Zhan... why didn't I steal you away from the Cloud Recess in my previous life? If you had given me a hint, I will had move heaven and earth for us to be together... although, it may still have ended in tragedy." He sadly added.

"I would had protect you until my last breath." That sentence make Wei's heart even crazier, so he caress Lan Wangji's face with tenderness and the usual cold man, closed his eyes and kiss his hand. It was a bit surprising at first, to find out that the seriously cold Light Bearing Lord was in fact quite warm in his heart.

"Lan Zhan... I would had giving you my life ten times over, if that was your wish." Wei said as he pull Lan Wangji over his body, as they fell back over the bed.

"Then we had a deal." Lan said, closing the distance to kiss Wei Ying once more, however, after a minute or so, Lan Zhan went still over Wei. It took the brilliant Yiling Patriarch a few seconds to realize that Lan Wangji was fast asleep over his hastily breathing chest.

"Damn, it's nine already? Ah, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan... and it was getting good... you owe one, got it?" But of course, there was no response from the man asleep over him, so Wei simply sighed and hug his Light Bearing Lord, slightly kissing the white ribbon in his head.

Tomorrow, they will reach the Yinping City and find out what Jin Guangyao was doing or planning in there and maybe, with a hint of luck, they could also find out just how much of a bastard he had been in the last sixteen years and end his curse once and for all.

AN: Here you go, for those who wanted one more chapter. Hope it was a good one. Take care, until the next? I wonder. LOL. ❤❤❤😄

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