
Meeting You For the First Time (Part 1)

Wifi knocks the door. Knock Knock anyone there? I am here for the T-project. A man greets Wifi, welcome! May I see your invitation card. Oops... I lost the invitation card I can't find it. Sorry Sir if you don't have the invitation card I cannot let you in.

What? Why? I am here for the T-project this is the file. Sorry Sir, I am in no position to read the file contents. Huh? Can you ask a higher position person to come here and see this? Sorry currently no one is free as there was an urgent meeting.

Huh? What's now, how am I going back? I am suppose to be here for T-project, I cannot leave just like this. It's just an invitation card that's lost why can't you let me in? The commotion takes for 30 mins have passed.

Blue walks in, everyone greets him, he greeted back with a cold face... Blue this guy says he needs to come in but he doesn't have the invitation card. No invitation cannot come in that's the rule. Wifi grab Blue arm I am here for the T-project, I need to go in. Blue sees Wifi grab his arm rule is rule... Your name is Blue please let me in, I just need 3 mins for you to hear me let me explain to you here.

I come for discussion of T-project which will benefits your company. We suppose to be in terms of talking and negotiate. The terms will lay $3,000,000 for 3 years and the contract can extend to 10 years if your company sees the improvement that will benefits everyone.

Blue hears this and he say let go my arm and follow me. Blue turns his head to his staff you may do your own job, I will bring this guy in myself. The staff nodded. Blue walks through the walk-way and many people greet him, he nodded back with a cold face. Wifi thinks in his mind who is this man his name is Blue but why is he so cold?

Blue turns to Wifi. By the way what's your name? Oh I haven't introduce myself I am Wifi from I-Tech. I am Blue. Blue opens the room door.

Have a seat. Wifi ask where's the person to talk to me? As Wifi sees the table title Assistant Managing Director but it's empty chair no one sitting. Blue walks to the chair and sit.

Wifi eyes open. Wifi thinks wow he so young a Assistant Managing Director? No means he is the son of this company. Mr Blue this is the file you can read them. Blue looks at Wifi, isn't you here for a discussion? Blue says I bring you in not for me to read this file, if I want to read the file than I won't need to bring you in.

Wifi says under his breath if I know I shouldn't have come here so much laws. (sounds so familiar) Blue says you can continue to explain more you mentioned "The terms will lay $3,000,000 for 3 years and the contract can extend to 10 years" what if our company don't see any improvements can we break the contract half-way?

For breaking the contract Uncle says it need to be at least more then 1 year to deemfit the contract. Blue says Uncle?? Who is this Uncle? Wifi says Uncle is the CEO of I-Tech. Blue is shock he mentioned Uncle. Blue read the file, he flipping the pages.

Wifi says Uncle ask me to stay in your company to work for you as we can work together for a better minestrone. Blue says I need to ask my Father for this matter, I can't decide this.

Wifi sigh; in his mind I talk to you half a day and you tell me you can't decide and need to ask your father for this matter.

Blue says I will call you. Wifi give his name card to him and say remember to call me. Blue keep quiet. Wifi leaves Blue company and thinks why is there such a cold man.

Blue give a call to his older brother and father telling them about Wifi and they had a meeting in the night at home.

Blue father says this is a good deal and ask Blue to be in charge of the guy name Wifi. Blue father says give Wifi a position as an Assistant to Blue. Blue is surprise but he cannot say anything else... Blue father says let Wifi work immediately tomorrow if he is available or else anytime when he is available.

Blue older brother sees Blue having that kind of expression and thinks I want to meet this Wifi guy.

Blue after dinner he holds Wifi name card and call him. May I speak to Wifi? Wifi answer yes I am. Blue says I am Blue this afternoon you came to my office. Wifi was so happy to hear this call because he was about to sleep.

Blue says if you are available to work tomorrow come at 9 am or else let me know when you can come to work. Wifi says I can come to work tomorrow. Blue says come to office at 9 am, you cannot be late. Wifi says okay alright see you tomorrow morning.

The next day at 4am, rings sorry Blue I need somemore days as I have something very important that last minute. Blue is shock, he looks at the clock huh? Blue says who are you? Wifi says sorry it's me Wifi. Blue says okay let me know when you can come to work.

Blue hears a loud BANG he is shock and the loudness causes him to fully awake. What's that loud noise? Hello? Wifi? Are you okay? Blue I am injured.... Huh? Where are you now? I am at outside the main road.... Where? Des Mall outside main road...

Blue says wait for me there.

(To be continue...)

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