
The Unspoken Rules

There were Unspoken Rules of the Volleyball club in AllABoy Academy. The club, it wasn’t really a volleyball club, it was a club for something else, and it was always overflowing with newcomers. But there was an unspoken rule, to never break the rules of the volleyball club.

That_Harem_Writer3 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Hinata Shoyo, Aone Takanebu, Goshiki Tsutomu, Lev Haiba, Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi all stood up and left the room. Everyone assumed that they had all stood up and left for the same reason but they would later find out that this isn't the case.

Everyones eyes were now on the people left in the room. Kageyama Tobio, Kunimi Akira, Kindaichi Kentarou and Kogenegawa Kanji.

Kageyama just looked up from his phone as he could feel people starring at him.

"Can you stop starting into our souls please. Jesus Christ. Us 3 are still here because, number one, Oikawa is the only one of us who can drive and we knew it would be late tonight so we came here with him and number two. Oikawa is the one who took our virginities so we have no need to leave. Well actually, Kuroo you were the one that took Kindaichi's but still we have no need to leave. So take your eyes off us and leave us be." Kageyama said before going back on his phone.

Everyones eyes were now on Kogenegawa who was stood by the door fixing his nails and scrolling through his phone.,

"My parents are rich and own many, many, many strip clubs. I lost that thing at 13 so don't look at me." Kogenegawa said, while scrolling through his phone, just knowing that they were all looking at him.

A few people just let out a chuckle before Atsumu decided to bring up another conversation, involving a different new member of their club.

"You know the cute little ginger boy. I kinda wish I could take his." Osamu just glared at Atsumu and the other chuckled. "And Osamu seconds that." He says and Osamu nods at the group.

Everyone then looks at them and nods in agreement. That little ginger would be the centre of everyone's attention.

The rest of the admins nod. "I mean he is very adorable! And if he's, well Kageyama's friend then he's definitely either too friendly or not friendly." Kuroo said and kageyama said in a monotone voice. "Way too friendly. He's made friends with over half the year already. We've only been in school for 2 weeks." He says with eye roll.

And with that Oikawa burst out into laughter. "Geez. It's gonna be fun having that cutie in our club. We're gonna earn so much money that we'll be able to buy a private beach for these activities." Oikawa said, giggling loudly.

"Because it's only a matter of time before everyone knows. Because morning practice tomorrow is when everyone gets their handouts so us, and the school can tell who is who." Oikawa said while packing up.

"Anyway! I'll see you all tomorrow! Come on Tobio-chan and Kin and Kun-chan!" Oikawa said walking happily out the door and to his car, the three first years following him as Oikawa was their ride today.

A few minutes later Kongenagawa smiles.

"Ah. Looks like my limo is here. See you all tomorrow." Kogenegawa waves off and walks out.

Daichi had already left the door mumbling something about Suga and his second year roommates.

And with that everyone started to leave, and Kuroo locked up the Gym.

Tomorrow would be the first day where everything would start.


The next morning, the first years arrived at the gym doors and walked in. No one else was in school early in the mornings so they didn't have to knock, they could just walk inside.

"Ah! There you all are! Come on in! The list yesterday about your positions in bed was so Suna could get the outfits and things ready. So sit on the main couch, all of you." Oikawa said and the first years did as they were told.

"Right! Tops first please!" Bokuto yelled and Kunimi Akira, Aone Tanabuka and Yamaguchi Tadashi all stood up and walked over to where Suna was standing with a bag of jackets.

"Here are your volleyball jackets! The tops wear black leather. This is so that the people at the academy only know to approach you if you are wearing one of these." He said as he started handing one jacket to each of them who put them on as soon as they were given then, understand what they were for.

They then went and sat back down with everyone else. "Lev. Here's your jacket. It's a copper leather one. This is so people know you're a switch but you prefer to top. Next I want switches who prefer to bottom." Suna says as Lev stands up and collects his jacket, putting it on before sitting back down.

Kageyama, Kindaichi and Goshiki then all stood up and walked over to where Suna was stood with the jackets.

"Here are your purple leather jacket and don't forget to start wearing skirts. Remember. This is so people know you're switches who prefer to bottom." He said as he began handing the jackets and the boys who just nodded at him, taking the jackets and Kindaichi and Kageyama getting skirts out from their bags that Oikawa had got them and Goshiki getting out one Aone has passed to him from Ushijima.

"And now the bottoms." Tsukishima, Kogenegawa and Hinata all stood up. Damn. Hinata was lucky it was a Tuesday.

"You guys don't have jackets you are just required to wear feminine outfits like skirts and dresses." And Tsukishima starred at Oikawa with open eyes in pure shock and horror.

"What?!" He asked and Oikawa just rolled his eyes. "I said what I said, now, I have spares and you don't need to walk to school in your outfits, you can get changed during each morning practice if that's what you choose. Now come on, I have a closet for the outfits." Oikawa said gesturing to the locker room but Hinata stood still and pointed his fingers together.

"Little ginger, you coming?" And Hinata blushed but gently shook his head, telling the other no.

"But you have to choose an outfit." And Hinata just shook his head again before pointing to his bag which was sat on the couch.

"I-It's a Tuesday." Hinata said and Oikawa raised his eyebrow.

"Tobio-chan. Can you show me what's in his bag please?" Oikawa asks and kageyama just shrugs and nods, going over to the bag and unzipping it, opening it up before chuckling softly.

"Tobio-chan?" Oikawa asks and kageyama finishes his laughing before smiling happily.

"Hinata. I didn't know you were serious." Kageyama says while finishing laughing.

"Oikawa. He has girls clothing in here. I had no idea he was being serious when he said he does trap Tuesday karaoke night." Kageyama was laughing while saying it but a lot of the admins just quirked an eyebrow.

Hinata just continued to point his fingers together, waiting to be told something. "Oh fuck. Okay. Um. You can wear your own outfits Hinata." And Hinata just looked up and smiled excitedly at Oikawa, skipping to his bag and picking it up before going to the locker area to change. The admins just exchanged looks before saying in unison 'fuck'.


Hinata smiled as he entered the dressing room and pulled out his favourite short pink dress from his bag that had matching lace panties, and matching pink heels.

He then put them on and went to the mirror, pulling out a pair of dangling diamond earrings and putting them in, before putting his hair into two buns at the side of his head and giving himself eyeshadow, blush and lipgloss in colours that matched his pink outfit.

He then smiled to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror and walked out of the dressing room to see everyone waiting in anticipation, watching him walk out, their jaws dropped. All of them.

"Holy, fucking shit! And you go out like this?!" Kuroo said, just managing to speak, his throat very dry from the shock.

Hinata nodded happily and giggled softly.

"Okay. Definitely bring your own outfits!" Atsumu said and Hinata nodded and smiled at them.

"Do you, have any spare outfits like that?" Oikawa asked him but Hinata shook his head.

"Not with me. But I do at home! I have all sorts!" He says and smiles happily. The bell then goes and he smiles happily at everyone once again.

"I'll see you all at lunch practice!" Hinata said and skipped out, happy to finally express himself and it be alright with everyone. Well clearly more than alright with everyone.

Everyone in the the room just watched him with wide eyes. "Damn! This year really is one for new things. First we get him and he's got a good ass and now, he actually likes wearing the girls outfits and has his own. This is gonna be the best year ever." Atsumu says and punches the air with his fist.

Everyone just nods in agreement as they then all snap out of it.

"Tsukishima, Kogenegawa. Stay. You two aren't leaving without being ready. The rest of you scram and be here at lunch! If you're not you best have a good reason!" And with that all the first years left. "Oh and one more thing. The rest of the second and 3rd years will be here at lunch for you all to meet."

Oikawa yelled out to the first years who were leaving.

"Now. KUROO! Help me get Tsuki into a skirt, white knee high socks, heels and a girls blouse! Bokuto and Osamu. Just show Kogenegawa where the outfits are. I'm gonna assume he'll just put on what he likes with no fuss." The admins just nod and Kuroo walked over with the clothes Oikawa had asked for.

Tsukishima starts squirming as the two admins start to change him. "Akk! I can do it on my own!" Tsuki yelled and Oikawa just laughed.

"Yeah. But I don't trust you to wear the would outfit if you did it on your own." Oikawa said as Kuroo pulled off Tsuki's boxers and yelped at an elastic type fabric being put on there instead.

"Stop!" Tsuki yelled but after a while he gave up on fighting as the others finished changing him.

"There. See Tsuki-bro. You don't look too bad." Kuroo says and elbows him and Tsukishima just glares and growls.

"Just get to class Tsukishima." Oikawa says and Tsukishima quickly ran out of the room and straight to class.

Kogenegawa then came out of the locker room in a pair of fishnet tights, the shortest pair of Jean shorts he could find and a crop top with red heels on.

"This is apparently what he decided on." Osamu said shrugging and Kogenegawa left to go to class.


Soon lunch came around and all the first years but Hinata were in the gym already.

"Geez. Where is that small ginger? He's gonna be the death of me." Oikawa say but the other first years just shrug at him. Why would they know?

But not too long after the doors opened and Kenma walked in while taking to Hinata and Kenma was actually laughing.

Everyone just stared at Hinata in pure shock. Before Kuroo decided to speak up. "You. Got. Kenma. To. LAUGH?!" He asked really excitedly and Kenma just looked at him in a monotone way, and blinked a few times.

Hinata just giggled cutely. "We were talking about the fact that I actually managed to die in animal crossing and well it is quite a funny story." Hinata says and Kenma nods at him before going to sit down with everyone else.

"Anyway. Did I miss anything?" He asks, only to see many more people there today and all of them starring at him.

"No you didn't. Luckily. We were just about to introduce our second and third years." Bokuto says Hinata smiles and nods, sitting down on the couch with a smile on his face.

"I'm Nishinoya." "And I'm Tanaka!" They say one after the other. "We're both switches and we share an apartment with Mr my favourite colour is orange so I'll be an orange shirt admin over there." They say and fist pump each other. "And we're both second years and best friends!"

The whole conversation was aimed towards Hinata. Hinata having no idea that this would probably happen a lot more.

"I'm Asahi." "And I'm Sugawara." They say with soft smiles. "We're both third years and bottoms. I'm also Daichi's boyfriend and another one of Daichi's roommates." Sugawara says and smiles as it goes onto the next group of people.

"I'm Yaku and this is Kenma. We're both second years and switches who are lenient to bottoming."

"I'm Issei, and this is Takahiro. We're both second years and tops. We're also best friends with Oikawa's main customer Iwaizumi."

"I'm Akaashi and I'm a switch. Not lenient side. And I'm dating Bokuto. I'm also a third year."

"I'm Semi Eita, this is Shirabu and this is Tendou. Me and Shirabu are second years and Tendou is a third year and he is also dating Ushijima. Me and Shibaru are switches lenient to top and Tendou is a switch lenient to bottom."

"You've already met me and Kita but I'm Suna. That's Kita. We are both second years and with live with the twins. The two of us are also dating and we are both switches. We have no lenient. It's just whichever one of us wins." Suna says with a chuckle and everyone just nods at them.

Oikawa then stands up and clasps his hands together. "Okay! So we realise we never told you our positions in bed. I'm a switch but I'm a lenient bottom. Bokuto is a top and Ushijima is too. Kuroo is a top and Sakusa is a top as well. Daichi is a top and the twins are switches." Oikawa says and the first years nod.

"Next on the schedule. Don't forget the task Oikawa has set you first years. Loose your virginities. And another thing is. The fees people have to pay to play volleyball with you. It's £30 for a blowjob, £40 for rimming and £55 for sex. If they want full time, with body for half an hour it's £85 and if they want you for a full hour is £100 with extra time £25 point every 15 minutes. Got it. Because if you mess up this money, believe me, you will be punished. Now. I know it's only day 1. But have you virgins started yet?" Daichi asks and they all look around at each other. A few of them worried that the others got the wrong picture.

Yamaguchi just looked at Tsukishima and Tsukishima looked back at him.

"Something you two wanna tell us?" Kuroo asked, quirking his eyebrow.

"U-um well. Me and Tsuki were never virgins in the first place. We kinda, had a fling over summer, a-and yeah." Yamaguchi said as he pointed his fingers together.

Oikawa just burst out with laughter. "You two weren't meant to leave yesterday then." He said laughing hard and the two just blushed.

"We had to leave. Tsukishima's brother came to pick us up and we were sure you wouldn't want him to walk in on you all talking about sex." Yamaguchi said and Oikawa just chuckled.

"Are any of the rest of you, secretly, not virgins?" Oikawa said, still laughing his ass off, even though he doesn't actually have one.

Both Aone and Goshiki's raised their hands.

"Oh this keeps getting better." Oikawa said, gasping for air from laughing so much.

"Well. We were a middle school thing... and... yeah." Good-humoured says while blushing.

"Fucking hell!" Oikawa says while laughing.

"And you Lev?" Oikawa asks, still laughing and lev raised his hands in defence. "Still a virgin." He says while laughing before Oikawa turns to Hinata.

"And. You're still a virgin right little ginger?" Oikawa asks Hinata and he nods.

The time talking flies by and soon lunch is over and it's back to class