
Rav3n BlackThorne

In a room, things and things were being discussed. About someone, a boy, who he did not even know it, but his life was never going to be the same ever again.

"What is his name" a woman in a black mask asked. "Raven Blackthorne" said a tall black man in response while sipping on an energy drink. "But he is just a boy" said a humanoid man in a hoodie who's wings sprouted from the back causing a big rip in the cloths he wore. "I knew you'd be a chicken" said a man covered in ancient tattoos.

"Enough" said a man in the darkness who didn't care who saw his face or who he was. "If it would be odd to the mortals to see a god in the making, we shall just change the mortal realm" said the man. "And how do you suppose we do this then" said the woman. "You should know, your the witch" said the dark skinned man. "Did I not say enough" said the man in the darkness. "We shall overflow his realm with abnormal amount of energy" said the man in tattoos. "And it shall cause a mutation in the beings in his realm" said the winged man. "But want this shorten the time till activation" said the woman. "But it will also make him more stronger than he could've been" said the dark skinned man. "Just get it over with" said the man in the darkness. "but want that mean that there will be people, and I mean a lot of people like us" said the winged man."Doesn't matter how many people get hurt, as long as the will of the master is fulfilled" said the man in the darkness. "Oh they wont get hurt, they'll get powerful" said the dark skinned man. "Ricardo, take the last dragon essence and distribute the mana across the mortal plain" directed the man in the darkness to the man with tattoos and he did as ordered. He opened a tube like object and directed it to the sky, all the five men and women in the room imbued their own mana into the ray and the dragon essence and a burst of colorful rays went into the atmosphere.

Every single thing on earth was suddenly but briefly had suddenly started emitting a bright light beyond the natural luminescence of living things. Animals, humans, plants and even some habits changed drastically all emitting a bright green light, except for one little boy... Raven Blackthorne.


"Ya useless kid" a large man with black hair said. "Every single person in the entire world got sometin' amasin' sept' ya kid" the man continued with a larger tone and a southern accent. "Now tell me why did I have to be the unlucky bastard that gotta handle an unfortunate kid like ya huh" he continued to bombard his own son with insults upon insults, while he stood there listening to every single word but not hearing a single thing, not because he was deaf but because he just decided not to. He left the room, he had better things to do than to hear his father rant on and on about how he was the only human being on earth without a special ability.

But even though he didn't he could use mana, and that is something that would've taken him months, but he learnt it in weeks. And that is what he prided himself on.

So he decided to make a business, since his father would never spare a dim in his name. He told himself he would make a fortune on his own, without his dads help. But for now his business would have to wait because he had to get to school. And unlike everyone else he cant use special techniques to fly or to teleport, or had beastly legs to run so he just carried a piece of wood carved the edges and imbued mana into to it. It began to float and he used that to ride to school everyday.

Nobody, no one in school ever truly understood him, maybe because he hung out with the weirdest guys and never talked. Zephyr, a hawk man, was his best friend, he was just as out of place as him. But truly, nothing really mattered to him. His mana naturally covers all his senses so he can't see, feel, smell or touch anything that doesn't interest him. So unless you really standout, he can't notice you unless you hit him or something.

In the cafeteria, as the plates clash, the indistinct chatter, the bright lights, Raven saw all of this, but saw nothing but the oger lunch lady and the food in front of her, his body moved with oblhect as he marched towards her with his tray avoiding every single person like a trained martial artist, finally reaching his intended goal he got his food and paid the lunch lady with no emotion on his face, despite being an oger she still felt sad when looking at the boy, "here" she said as she handed him on extra scoop on his plate, but he had no idea what was happening so he showed no emotion and walked away, "Raven say thank you" Zephyr said with a little bit of anger on his face, "thanks" Raven said but no one heard him,"no it's ok" the lunch lady said with a creepy smile on her face,"enjoy your meal" she finally said.

After lunch

"Hey" said a girl in the distance.

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