
The job(2)

When cole reached his office, "Grand father, cole said as he walked over to give his grandfather a hug," Mmm my grandson is all grownup how is Spain? Mr jasnah kholin asked with a grin. " it's fine forget about my grandpa , how are you instead?

Cole the CEO of Derrick's game app company, the only son of the kholin's, his parents were involved in a car crash when he was age five and ever since then his grandfather had been his only family.

"Im fine son, just you know the old man needs rest mr jasnah said with a grin," I heard the company was running at a loss I came back to over see it grandfather " cole said with a serious expression.

Mr jasnah knew the company was running at a loss not that it would affect it much but he didn't know the news had got to his grandson over in Spain. The atmosphere turned tense, Mr Alex call for a board meeting right now, we have a rat in the company then he looked are the pile of names of the board directors that were placed oh his desk.


Penny rushed inside the company and headed to the programming department, on her way she noticed the employees chatting among themselves

"Isn't he charming?

" I think I'm going to have an heart attack " one of the employees said.

I know right... if I have him for myself I won't wish for anything more" said another employee.

" i would let him spoil my life and I would thank him for it, said another with dreamy eyes.

" young, handsome and rich what else would I wish for?...

"I just wish he could glance at me just once and I will die with no regrets.

"But I wonder why he came today, one of them pondered

She knew immediately who they were talking about" it's like he works here, she thought to her self.

She reached her station and headed to the manager's office.

She knocked at the door" come in a stern voice answered from behind the door. She went inside with sweaty forehead and palms and saw a middle -aged man busily typing on the computer at his desk.He looked up with a frown" How may I help you miss?. Mr Rowan known for his harsh replies, people often wondered if he had children or a wife because he was always in a bad mood.

" sorry sir I'm late, she bowed and continued " I'm Penelope Brown,u got an email that I've passed the interview "she said feeling nervous that she might get scolded which she definitely got scolded for.

"How on earth did you pass the interview, when you came late on your first day to work, he looked at her with lazy eye and stood up" follow me let me introduce you to your colleagues " he shook his head and went out" oh right..... you can call me Mr Asher , he said nonchalantly and she bowed her head in response and followed him out." Phew... that was close, what a nut case, he could at least be nice to a new employee " she thought.

After she was introduced to the other employees she was shown her desk where everything she would need was already provided" wow..... I must have saved a king in my past life for me a job in this company"she smiled.

She switched on the computer and started working on the documents that were already prepared for her on the desk which were all about game programming, while she was immersed in her work she sensed someone stand beside her, she looked up and saw a beautiful lady who was about her age or two years older, she put on a smile and said" How May I help you?

Oh sorry to disturb you my name is Isla Andrew but you can call me Isla"

Oh Isla nice to meet you again, we were introduced to each other a while ago sorry for not recognizing you" she said apologetically. She laughed and replied "it's nothing I'm also a new comer I started work about two weeks ago. It's lunch time .... uhm care for a bite at the company's cafeteria? Sure let's go I'm starving already she said grinning. They both laughed and headed to the cafeteria, they got along easily and became friends in no time, they chatted about so many things and realized that the shared so many interests.