
The Unrecorded Extra

Before I woke up, I had a dream about the end of the world. At first, it felt like a vivid nightmare that left me shaken. But as I slowly woke up, I realized that the dream was the pre-ending scene of my own novel. I am Zio Varrez, an unnamed character in my own book, and to my disappointment, an extra. As I lived in my novel's world, I couldn't help but feel that my existence was meaningless. But what made it worse was the fact that the ending of my book was the end of the world - a bad ending. I knew I had to do something to become strong enough to change the world's fate, even if it meant altering the story I once knew completely. Little did I know, there was more to this world than I realized, and the journey I was about to embark on would uncover secrets that I never even imagined. "I thought I knew everything about the world, but as I lived and experienced it, I realized there was so much more to it than I ever imagined." === Daily update! === Author note: The story is going on rather slow pace, expect the boredom for the early 60 chapters

iLhamzki · Fantasy
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146 Chs

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What greeted him inside a medical center was despair. The room was filled with desperation and fear. People crowded the lobby with a gloomy atmosphere, most of them had grimaced expressions.

Unconscious victims lay across the left wing, and the seats around were moved away for more space. The Meds and Heroes were busy checking on the unconscious victims and calming down the confused masses — the ones who had woken up from the Voice Impact.

"It's okay everyone. Don't panic!"

It was a blonde-haired man, probably an Enhanced because he could amplify his voice so it would work as though he used a speaker to speak, resounding clearly in the room.

"How are we supposed to not panic in this situation?! An eye monster appeared in the sky, and its voice caused millions of people to fall unconscious, some even died?! What the hell is that thing?! What is Omega doing?!"

The group of civilians protested. Their faces expressed a mix of fear and hope.