
The unread letter . . . . (Complete)

Sameer is madly in love with Anuradha after following her for many months he gave her a letter. Anuradha didn't read that letter. Now it's Anuradha's turn to give a letter to Sameer but same thing happens here, Sameer also didn't read it. They got separated and met again in different condition with Meera. They'll be able to unite with each other? Will they get the chance to read each other's letter? Letters changing the destiny of two love birds that is Unread letter.

Fakeshadow · Teen
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19 Chs

Fate changing mistake

Both Anuradha and Sameer was waiting outside the emergency room.

One doctor came out of the room Anuradha went to him and asked doctor how's my daughter? Is she ok? Can we meet her? She was just asking questions non stop. Doctor said ma'am the situation is critical she lost a lot of blood and her blood is O-ve which is very rare blood group and at present we don't have this group of blood in our blood bank, if your blood group is same so you can give or please arrange it. Sameer said sorry mine is A+ve suddenly Anuradha remembers that her blood group is same she saw a ray of hope. Doctor please take mine, my blood group is O-ve but we have to check if her body will be able to accept or blood or not he wrote on a paper DNA test instead of compatiblity test and gave it to her. He did a mistake but he doesn't knew that mistake is going to change life of three people. Ma'am please go to the lab and get the test done immediately as you know we can't delay it anymore. She went to the lab and gave her blood samples and waiting for the result.