
Chapter 149— Holy Magic- Wandering Demon Killer

After the continues fucking, Ye Feng and the other two women he has just recently stabbed with his pleasure pole were now laying in the bed.

The three were naked, Yu Meixia and Shen Huiying's eyes were closed, and a satisfied smile arched on their lips.

Ye Feng was in the middle of all of it, as he was still awake, his eyes lingered on the two beauties.

He couldn't help but smirk, thinking that their virgin holy holes were taken by he, himself, the only one.

"Soon, after Li Kun and Zhao Peng, it's time for the other three." Ye Feng chuckled, as his hands were caressing the two woman's heads.



Shen Huiying and Yu Meixia hummed in their sleep, the fatigue of their backdoor deflowered was quite much.

Ye Feng shook his head, fortunately, no one heard what he said, as he almost likely said it for only he could hear.

Smiling and satisfied by the success of his plan, he yawned, as he close his eyes and finally drifted into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, in the Huang household.

Inside the room of a certain beautiful lady, a professor with admirable curves and plumpness of her breast was seen.

Huang Meiyin.


"Why.... I–I couldn't sleep!?"

She yelled loudly, throwing the plushie on the ground, as she gritted her teeth.

Remembering what Ye Feng did to her, her cheeks flushed, and her breathing become ragged, and she clenched her fist tightly.

She was a spoiled princess ever since she was born, her father and mother doted her too much, that everything she says was mustly presented.

"I... It's all because of that rouge... How... How dare he do that to me!"

She can feel the tingling sensation on her peachy surfaced, as she bit her lips.

Even her parents didn't do that to her.

Huang Meiyin if possible, she can make Ye Feng force him to move far away, and even dispose of him.

But, she was more worried about Ye Feng's recording that she spoke.

After all, Huang's Family was known as a Good family in the city of ShenXing, and she didn't want it to be stained after her parents' hard work to reach it.

Tomorrow, she'll see him again, her anger even rise up, as she found her lower cave tingling.

However, Huang Meiyin seems to immediately calm herself down.

Her eyes beamed with light, as she suddenly think of an idea.




Meanwhile, on the other side of the unknown forest.

A sudden black figure was noticeable, running so fast like a shadow.

"As I said, running away is fruitless."

Suddenly, a gentle yet ferocious voice was heard, as Immediately in front of the black figure, a man?

No, an unknown entity appear in front of his way, dark skin, with an unusual white tattoo tribe-like imprint was seen all over the body.

Topless, showing his buffed Demonic physique, wearing only a bottom that is almost like a skirt but made of human skin.

His appearance was vile, with big gouging eyes with red pupils, a long nose, and very long black hair, there was a horn atop on both sides of his forehead.

"Demon of the Forest of Juviiale."

The black figure, instead of running away, stopped and stared at the demon, wrapped in black robes, only a pure tint of black eyes was visible.

"Tired of running away? Humans surely are strange food, hahe~ all of them keep on running away until they become exhausted, but you, after running like a rabbit have the confidence to stop."

"Ahaha~ Food is serving himself for me, I see, hehe!"

The entity known as the Demon of the Forest of Juviiale laughed, licking his lips, as saliva smeared down of his mouth, his long tongue was like a snake.

The black figure in the robe, however, was silent but replied, "You seem to misunderstand me, dumb demon."


Suddenly, the demon hungrily launched toward the black figure, as he open his mouth widely, showing his sharp bloody teeth, he bit the black figure but suddenly...


The black figure vanished from his position, and the demon bit nothing but the air.

"You see, I despise all the demons like you, fouled disgusting beasts, who knew nothing but destruction."

"Cleansing the world, and vanishing all of the likes of you is merely fun for me."

Then, the demon notices that a circle lightens up, as imprisoning the two of them.

"A–Ahh! You– You lure me here!"

The Demon shouted, as the light emerge, and a massive size of a square prevented him from going out of it.

His eyes reddened, as veins bulge out of his face.

"Gaining the right to speak, and even think, after devouring humans brain and memories surely made you one of a kind Demon, but, it's nothing... After all, your entire race even owning a piece of knowledge is still below the ground."

The black figure stated, irritating the Demon of the Forest of Juviiale.

"Ha–Haha– You! I will rip your flesh into shreds slowly!"

The demon laugh madly, and his body become even more buffed.

He was about to transform into his 'Phase 2' Demonic Form, but the black figure...

"Holy Magic Array— Extermination of the Raining Sword."

The black figure chanted, a bright light blinded the square space, and immediately Holy Swords pointed at the Demon.

The demon who was transforming was caught off guard, as he panicked, 'H–Holy Magic!'

"Ahhhhhhh!– Stopp!–"

"Let the Cleansing begin."

After that, the Holy sword launched toward the Demon, who was transforming into a form, the demon was helpless, once a demon transformed, it was taking a minute to finish.

"Noooooo! I will hail in this wo—"




The Demon was showered and stabbed by the Holy Sword, and the Black figure only stared emotionless at the scene.

After a minute, the square-like room vanished, and the black figure walked to where the demon was standing a minute ago.

Crouching down, showing something unusual, a red gem was picked up.

"Level 3 Demon Core?"

The black figure knitted, feeling something wrong, Level 3 Demon was considered as low-level, but the Demon of the Forest of Juviiale was strong for a Level 3, the information said that he was a Level 5 Demon... But, why was this... A Level 3 Demon Core only?

"Something seems off, this is the second time, I encountered a Demon like this..."

The black figure grabbed a phone from the hidden pocket and called someone.

"What is it? You know it's unusual for you to call me, Wandering Demon Killer, or should I call you, the previous Holy D—"

"A simple question and an answer is all I need."

The black figure was not affected, as the two converse, telling the unusual phenomenon happening.

"I see... It's like their Level is low, but this Demon's physique, and strength are doubled."


"Hey, maybe, their Demon Lord or should I title him, as the Demon Sovereign came back to life."

"Impossible, it's widely known that he's dead a long time ago, the Four Pillars of the Founding Heroes killed that Demonic Sovereign."

"Later then, I'll inform this to the Hidden Magic Association."

After that call, the black figure was left all alone, and the Demon core on the hands vanished.

The figure blurred, as the shadows vanished.




[A/N]: I wonder if people still read this...

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