
The Unlikely Alliance

Ophelia admired and wished she could have her father's love. Fate does not appear to be on Ophelia's side, since she suffers greatly when she is blamed for her sister's death. With how twisted her life has become, she enters into a marriage contract with her father's enemy, Darian. She embarks on a road of losing her only family left because of her newfound romance, and in the process, she must redeem herself. Ophelia finds out who she is and how her family hid her true identity, feeling betrayed she decides to embark on a revenge journey with Darian by her side.

MysticRia · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Two: Meeting Mr. Rude

 Clara came back with Pizza and more beer to help cheer me up, I wondered what my life would have been without her.

 "So much office gossip that I can't seem to understand why everyone wouldn't mind their business, you know I overheard Josh the fat tummy guy telling Jane the old single lady that you might likely be adopted," Clara said while we consumed our Pizza, we both laughed so loud.

 "I mean if I was adopted I wouldn't have to look this pathetic with the way your boss treats me, for the past 3 years I live like a complete shadow of myself, and my dreams just completely went down the drain, I lost my favorite human and only the man I love" I replied not knowing tears were streaming down already.

 "By my boss, you mean your father. Well, I know he has been tough on you and the whole Sadie trauma, He loves you but Sadie was his favorite and he was hiding that, she was the Company's supervisor, and she was in love with her job and it pleased him". Clara seems to know my family just like I do.

 " And I'm the child who wanted something outside the family's business, all I wanted was to own a library and have a supportive family. Guess I did ask for much, you know, I cry whenever I realized the one person who loved me dearly passed when I was just a kid, my mum left me unprepared for this cruelty, Sadie gave me hope but I'm living every day with the thoughts of me being the reason why she died. I killed her and I deserve the hatred". I was sobbing this time already.

 "No, you don't get to say that about yourself, I might not understand whatever pain you are going through but being timid at the moment wouldn't sort your issues out, I've seen you being selfless and I've seen you beat yourself up trying to be who your father wants you to be. It's time you stop and live for yourself, this is your chance, grab it and explore " Clara said playing with my hair

 She seems to know the perfect words that keep me on my toes, she's my sunshine.

 " you seem to know the perfect words to say to me even if I can't find them to say to myself, I want to explore at the moment and nothing is stopping me". I said sheepishly 

 We had our fill of pizza and Beer, I'm more than drunk at the moment. I would call an ex at this moment but I don't have access to any. 

 Couldn't remember anything but I found myself on the bed, I was pretty wasted. I dragged myself to the kitchen and I made some coffee. A few minutes later Clara walked in dressed for work already, guess I should get used to seeing her leave like this every morning.

 "hey drunk, you look like a mess, go take a shower you stink. I love you but you should fix yourself and I wouldn't want you sulking all day. Leave the house, go explore and try getting a part-time job to help clear your head, kisses I love you " Clara cried out before leaving.

 Well, this seems like my new life now, I cleaned the apartment before washing myself. Dressed casually and headed out to get a burger and then Job Haunt.

 Got my burger, went to a pack, and sat down to enjoy the view seeing how happy the kids were kind of excited me. I took my burger out and I was about to consume it when I noticed a young girl crying and she looked lost. I ran towards her, she has this blue ocean eyes and curly brunette hair, and she looks very adorable. I knelt before her and enquired why she was crying but you pointed in one direction I turned and I couldn't see anything, I asked her for her name and she whispered it.

 "Freya" she looked down after whispering and kept playing with her thumbs 

 "you look adorable, who did you come here with?" I asked her but just shook her head In a left and right motion, which means she came alone.

 "you know it's quite dangerous walking here alone, Mummy would be worried by now," I said in a calm voice

 " There's no mama," she said and tears dropped again.

 " don't cry sweetheart, how old are you?" I asked

 "seven " she replied with her eyes still on her thumbnails

 "Can you remember home or anyone I can contact to take you home?" I'm trying my best to get valid information from a seven-year-old, I feel insane though. 

 She shook her head in a "NO" notion, seems today is going to be a long day.

 Took her to where I was sitting, and asked if she was hungry and I shared my burger with her, she looked so adorable while she eats. She choked, so I had to go get her water.

 " Freya darling, sit here let me rush over there to get you something to drink," I said, patting her head.

 I rushed to go get her a drink when I bump into someone, I apologized but he was rude not to answer. He isn't important at the moment, I have a choking child to attend to.

 I got to where Freya was sitting, her eyes seemed to be turning red from the choking. I passed her the water and gulped it down.

 "Easy sweetheart, be careful not to choke on the water as well" I patted her back gently.

 While she was regaining her breath from the choking, I noticed two sturdy men and also a young lady dressed in nanny's clothes coming our way. Freya immediately turned cold. Seems like she knew who they were.

 The Nanny dressed lady went on her knees and hugged Freya. "Freya sweetheart, look how you got Nanny worried" the Nanny seemed nice.

 "how did you get here and who is she?" the Nanny asked her while she pointed at me.

 She didn't say anything but looked down and still played with her thumbnails. The hefty men seem to be her bodyguard, I wonder how she got to my place when she had this tight security. While my mind was wandering, I noticed how choked she was looking and also how blue she was turning. I tried rushing to her but before I could, a man well built-in rushed to pick her, she passed out and everyone turned in my direction. 

 The man's entrance has a billionaire aura and he should be in his early 30s. I wasn't thinking straight, I was worried about Freya and then this man turned to look at me with the most mean look ever, he has a well chiseled face and a broad chest. 

 "What have you fed my daughter, if anything should happen to her, I would watch you rot in jail and I'm not joking about it," he said with a thunderous voice and then he walked away and then stopped to look me right in my eyes then he hissed.