
Get a grip of yourself

The days are fast and today is now our hunting day. However,

"Akira, a certain someone would like to talk to you," Rou said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Eros. He's waiting at the lobby," Rou said.

"Why is he here so early? Our schedule with him is still at six in the afternoon," I said and annoyance is clear on my tone. My schedule for today is already tight and him bothering us is already a great great disturbance.

"He wants to talk about something and he's holding a bouquet of flowers," he said.

"Then tell him that I have no time meeting him and he can only wait until six," I said while reading a few papers.

"Alright," Rou said.

Just as Rou was about to get out, Secretary Jane knocks and came in.

"What do you need?" Rou asked.

"I need to speak to Ma'am Akira," he said to Rou.

"You can talk to me. She's busy," Rou said.

"You're not my boss, "Jane said.

"I'm not but my position is higher than you and my role is more significant," Rou said with his chin up and Jane gritted her mouth.

"Fine Sir.. Mr. Loca is in the lobby..." Jane said but was cut off by Rou.

"We know," Rou said.

"We need to accommodate him," Jane said.

"No," Rou said.

"He's an asset to our company and we can't ignore him," Jane said.

"You won't decide about that. Go back to your work," Rou said.

"He will be a big loss if.." Jane insisted.

"What are you?" Rou said.

"A secretary," Jane said and looked down at her feet.

"You get it right and a secretary follows its boss orders and you are not allowed to make decisions unless your boss' life is threatened and she cannot move, do you understand Miss Jane?" Rou said harshly.

"Yes Sir. I will bear that in mind," Jane said in a low voice.

"Now, get out," Rou said and Jane gets out.

"You big bully," I said to Rou.

"I'm not," Rou defended.

"Yes you are. That poor girl..," I said.

"Come on. She needs to be put in the right place and she doesn't have to act like she knows what to do because she doesn't," Rou said.

"I know. But she's so good and fast in her work and we can't waste time in training someone to replace her," I explained.

"Fine," he said.

"I'm done reviewing our budget on the new project, so what's next?" I asked.

"It's already one in the afternoon and you haven't eaten anything. We need to visit your hospital and check the new medicine that Kean is trying to manufacture. After that, we ," Rou said.

"Then grab some food in the cafeteria. Make sure that I can eat it while you drive," I said.

He headed to the cafeteria and I headed to the lobby to drop some papers.

"Akira," a familiar voice called me after I dropped the papers.

"You're still here?" I asked with my back facing him.

"I waited," he said.

"For what?" I said and faced him.

"I just wanted to give you these," he said while stretching his hand holding flowers and I just looked at it.

"I don't need those," I said and walk past him but he held my hand.

"I know but will you please let me explain and please give me the one last chance, please," he said and his voice was just so intoxicating.

"You should have given me those roses when you still had the chance.. When I was so naive to believe in you.. when.. oh forget it.. We're not that young anymore Eros.. and get a grip of yourself will you? I don't want to be linked to you in any way" I said coldly and he just stared at me as I walked away.