
The Unknowingly Changed Prince

So A Boy By The Name Of Ichiro Had Died From Unknown Causes And God Claimed It Was Fault And Gave Ichiro A Second Chance In Another World Will Ichiro Survive In That World Or Will He Die Like He Did Before

The_Great_Monarch · Action
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Chapter 1: The Unexpected Changes

"Shit! Shit! Get The Medical Team He Is Losing To Much Blood!"

Someone Yelled This To What Seem To Be Other People. Ichiro Heard The Noise And Slowly Opened His Eyes To Realize That He Was In Ambulance. Ichiro Slowly Identifies His Situation, Then Tries To Sit Up But Finds That He Couldn't Move Any Part Of His Body Then, Suddenly He Hears A Long Beep As Of Then Someone In The Ambulance Announces That He Had Died.

"Huh I Died? How And Why?"

"Ichiro In A Spirit Like Form Floating Above His Now Newly Deceased Body.

How Did I Even Die I Didn't Do Drugs Or Anything So I Find This Confusing.."

Ichiro Was Just Looking Over His Body In Pure Confusion Until Suddenly A Portal Opens Up Behind Him And Sucks Him In And Soon After Being Sucked In He Passes Out.

After That Ichiro Woke Up In This Realm That Was So Beautiful It Looked Like A Dream And He Stood Up And Walked Around Until He Saw An Old Man Just Watering The Flowers In This Beautiful Dimension That's When The Old Man Notice's Him And Walks Towards Him And Then Old Man Spoke.

"Hello My Child I Am Sorry For Your Unexpected Death It Was Truly A Mistake That You Died But Sadly Now It Can't Be Fixed So I Will Allow You To Be Transmigrated Into A Different Realm. Are You Ok With That My Child"

Ichiro After A Couple Of Seconds Understood His Situation And Who The Person He Was Talking To Was And Nods His Head To The Old Man's Question And Suddenly After He Nodded He Passes Out Again.

Not Long After Ichiro woke up for the third time. His head felt sluggish and he could only vaguely perceive his surroundings.

He felt like he was lying on a soft cloud, but as he tried to move, sharp pangs of pain and soreness declared his body's unwillingness to move. His head was still heavy as if someone had clobbered him with a stick. He couldn't open his eyes either. All he could gather was two female voices whispering around him.

"Gabriella, you're so silly. I wouldn't care so much about him if I were you. If he dies, you will easily own everything in the Golden Empire and you don't even have to marry this Buffon Of A Prince."

From the crisp voice and sweet giggles, Ichiro estimated that they were young girls around his age.

"Watch what you are saying!"

Another gentle voice interrupted slightly angry. After a few seconds Of Her Response It Became Quiet Then After 30 Seconds Of The Quiet Atmosphere She Started To Speaking Again. "Aurea, my silly little sister, do you know what you are saying? Don't ever say such things….. After all, Prince Yoshiko is my fiancé!"

"Prince Yoshiko? Who the Fuck is Prince Yoshiko?" Ichiro thought. He had absolutely no idea of what was happening right now.

He smelled a little fragrance. The natural sweet body odor of women.

Ichiro tried hard to open his eyes, and as his heavy eyelids finally budged, he was surprised by what he saw.

He found himself inside what appeared to be a luxury medieval European palace, with magnificent decors, royal furniture and a lavender scent; as if he was in a dream.

He was shocked. He started observing his surroundings after he felt that he had control of his neck again.

Two perfectly postured females appeared in front of him.

The one that was further away was a young girl dressed in a Beautiful Pink Dress, her blonde hair was simply styled in pig tails. She pouted And Looked Away From Ichiro. Clearly, she was unhappy to see him awake.

"She must be the one who didn't care about the prince." Ichiro thought, "Although she is young, she is very cold blooded."

As his sight moved closer, he realized that he was lying on a dark red, gold gilded king sized bed. His head was resting on a soft velvet pillow. A beautiful girl was sitting on the side of the bed with worry written all over her face.

Her Silky black hair was like dark clouds tied together with a purple string. Her skin was paler than snow and smoother than ice. The violet tunic skirt elevated her curves, making her appear like a goddess that most men would dream of seeing. She was just perfect.

"Ahem.." Yoshiko coughed intentionally to get their attention.

"You are awake!?"The black haired beauty bent over To Look At Him. Her expression quickly became one of surprise and happiness. "Yoshiko, how are you feeling? Are you still in pain? Priest Michael said that you have to rest properly…"

"I … em... What happened?" Ichiro didn't know what to say. Right after he said it, he as shocked.

Gabriella was using an ancient and weird sounding language. Although Ichiro was a student in the graduate program at a university that specialized in language, he never heard of this type of speech. However strangely, he doesn't just understand the language, he can speak it as well.

"Yoshiko, did you forget? When you were leading the soldiers To protect the kingdom, a sneaky enemy shot you with an arrow. Thank god you were wearing your helmet, or else you might have had to pay a larger price." Gabriella explained.

She gently placed her left hand on Ichiro's forehead. It wasn't hot And Though She Was A Bit Surprised She Was Happy Nonetheless. " Great! Your body temperature is back to normal. Priest Michael said that as long as you don't have a fever, everything will be alright. Yoshiko, you are a brave prince to go against an enemy empire while your father is not here, And proves that though you aren't as Strong the other's you make up for that with your knowledge and that right there makes happy to be your fiancé"

"Me? Yoshiko? Prince?" Ichiro didn't know what was going on but from what he heard from the the girl that's supposed to be his fiancé The Person He Is Supposed Be Is Quite Brave.

"That's right, our young and brave Prince And Soon To Be King Of The Golden Empire. It's all because of You appearing In the front Lines Ready To Fight The Enemy Even Though You Know You Have An Extremely Weak Body Made Our Soldier's Morales Increase Causing Us To Win The Fight And Gain New Territory!" Gabriella Said With A Smile On Her Face.

Ichiro Felt Strange For Some Reason Due To Being A 19 Year Old Virgin That Never Interacted With Any Girls In His Whole Life Suddenly Getting Complimented By One Of Most Beautiful Girls He Has Ever Laid Eyes Upon. He Didn't Know How To Respond To Gabriella.

"He Is Not Brave He Is Just Reckless And Stupid."

Aurea, the blonde girl said with a tone of hostility "if it wasn't for General Fizzer's Seeing That Attack Coming He Would Have Died.

Although Ichiro didn't know if what Aurea said was true or not, he didn't have time to figure that out.

His mind was messed up.

"What the hell" Suddenly He Remembers What The Old Man Had Said And Then He Just Smiled And Thanked The Old Man Telepathically.

"Well It Seems I Am A Prince That's Gonna Become King Soon And I Have A Beautiful Fiancé That Cares About Me And A Feisty Little Sister In Law Damn Oh Well Lets See Where This Takes Me." Ichiro After Saying This Chuckled Internally But Then He Sat Up.

"I Am Quite Curious About One Thing And That's Language Format Here It Seems To Be Some Type Ancient Language That Wasn't Discovered In My World But Most Importantly Why Can I Speak And Understand It So Well." Ichiro Just Sat There For Moment And Then Slowly But Surely Got Up.

"Meh Whatever I Will Find Out Soon Anyways Until Then Let's Just Explore This Beautiful Place Called The Golden Empire!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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