
The Universal Assassination System

Alex, a brave and heroic 40-year-old serial killer who dies in a big fight, trying to save the human world from a group of invaders."I will not allow Invaders to destroy the human world in my presence.I will not allow this as long as I'm alive! " Alex exclaimed. This was his home, and there was no way that he was going to allow for it to be destroyed. But during the fight, Alex was outnumbered by the invaders, during one of his assassination attacks. Caught off-guard, in a blink of an eye, he was overwhelmed and stabbed three times directly in the chest by the invaders' leader who relied on a sneak attack to eliminate the enemy.Ending up with grievous injuries, severe bleeding and breathing difficulty due to his lungs being pierced, Alex succumbed. However, fate seemed to have other plans for him. He was transmigrated in another world in a body of a 20 year old young man."Wait , How am I alive? Where is this place? Is this the afterlife?" Alex remembered clearly the pain that he had undergone before he died. It was just that, he didn't understand how he was alive.He looked around, only to realize that he was inside a small room that was old and only possessed a few crucial items such as the bed that he was lying on, and a chair and a table not far away from where he was. He managed to get out of bed with a lot of difficulty and headed towards the only window of the room.Peeping out the window, he saw a group of people moving around. From time to time, he could see that some other people were flying in the air without any external assistance. This was something that amazed him."This must be a fantasy world, where the strong prey on the weak, the monsters being enemies of humans." Alex muttered to himself as he looked out the window with awe and amazement in his eyes. In his world, although they were strong, they mainly depended on technology to combat the invading aliens. But here, this was definitely a world that focused on arcane powers. All of a sudden, Alex was attacked by an immense headache. In the next moment, a flood of memories poured into his mind.After about five minutes, everything receded. He finally realized who the body that he had taken over was. The young man whose body he had taken was called Alex, just like himself.He was an orphan who had been having a difficult time surviving. The house that he was in was the only thing that his parents had left for him.Alex wanted to understand more about himself when suddenly, a holographic screen popped up in front of him with a notification sound. [Congratulations to the host for getting bound to the Universal Assassination System.] [The host will be granted missions by the Universal Assassination System. Immediately after successful completion of the mission, the host will receive rewards from the System.] [Failure to complete missions, the host will be punished severely and could permanently lose his life.] [The host will be summoned through the System to take missions universally, across different worlds. After completing the missions, the system will always transport the host back to the current world.] Alex was once again stunned. He looked at the prompts in front of him as the information sank into his mind. Just as he was trying to comprehend the information, another prompt appeared. [The host's stats are as follows:Name : Alex Race : Human being Age : 20 years old Profession: Assassin Power Level: 2 Skill: Stealth, parkour.] [ The host will receive the first mission in 10 seconds...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1] ************** ATTENTION!!! Author's Note: Honestly this is my first novel as an author. Kindly support this book by voting as my power stones and Golden tickets to motivate and boost my morale. Also don't forget to collect the book in your library for actually it's purely a fantasy genre with alot of Action, Romance, Adveture and other so many others. Welcome!

Wekesa · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Training Begins

Just as Alex's hand reached for the window latch, ready to open it and step toward whatever mysteries awaited him, Clara's voice cut through the silence, sharp and commanding. "Alex, stop! That is the Lumina Vex—an ancient and seductive trap that has ensnared many unwary magicians before you."

Her warning snapped him back to reality, and he paused, his hand still on the latch. The chill of fear mingled with his burning curiosity. "Why does it call to me?" he asked, turning to face Clara, whose expression was etched with concern.

"It calls to all who are strong in magic, seeking to draw them into its depths where many have perished. It is a test as much as a trap," Clara explained, her eyes searching his, "a test of your ability to resist temptation and master control over your powers."

The gravity of her words weighed heavily on Alex, the realization dawning on him of the dangers that lay in his path. This was no longer just a journey of discovery but a gauntlet that challenged the very essence of his will.

"Will I ever be ready to face it?" Alex wondered aloud, a trace of doubt threading through his newfound resolve.

"You must be," Clara replied solemnly. "For now, you must learn to harness your abilities without succumbing to the illusions of power the Lumina Vex offers. Come, let us prepare you for what lies ahead. Your training begins today, not tomorrow. There is no time to lose."

With a final glance at the mesmerizing glow, Alex stepped back from the window, a mix of reluctance and determination in his steps. He followed Clara away from the lure of the Lumina Vex, towards a destiny that was his to shape, fraught with peril but also brimming with potential.

As the light of dawn grew stronger, illuminating the path before him, Alex embraced the challenges of the new day, knowing each step was a move toward mastering his fate or falling victim to the seductive dangers of the magical world he was now part of.

As they walked, Clara suddenly stopped and turned to Alex. She took his hand firmly in hers. "Trust me, and do exactly as I say," she instructed with a sense of urgency. "We need to move quickly and discreetly."

"Rip and jump on the count of three," she continued, her voice low but clear. "One, two, three—now!"

In unison, they ripped through the air, a spell whispered by Clara enveloping them in a shimmering light. The world around them blurred, and with a sensation akin to being squeezed through a narrow passage, they disappeared from their original location.

Moments later, they reappeared in a completely different territory—Clara's homeland. It was a place that seemed untouched by time, where ancient magic pervaded every leaf and stone, resonating with a power that Alex could feel deep in his bones.

Clara released his hand and smiled slightly. "Welcome to our territory, Alex. This is where your true magic training will begin."

As they stood in the new environment, Clara gestured expansively around them. "Welcome to Farusi City, one of the most magnificent cities in the entire world."

Farusi City unfolded before Alex like a living tapestry of magic and marvel. The city was nestled in a lush valley that seemed to be cradled by towering crystalline mountains. Each structure and building was intricately designed, their walls embedded with shimmering stones that caught the light, casting colorful reflections that danced on the cobblestone streets below.

The architecture was a blend of natural and mystical elements: buildings with sweeping, vine-covered roofs that arched toward the sky like the petals of an immense flower, windows that appeared to be spun from glass but shimmered with an ethereal glow, and towers that twisted upward, spiraling like tendrils of smoke into the clear blue sky.

Bridges woven from what looked like pure light arched over gracefully flowing rivers that sang a soft, harmonious melody, adding a serene soundtrack to the visual splendor of the city. The air was filled with the light fragrance of an unknown flower, sweet and invigorating, enhancing the sense of enchantment.

People moved through the streets with a sense of purpose yet calm, their clothing as varied and vibrant as the city itself. Some wore robes that flowed behind them like trails of mist, while others adorned themselves in garments that sparkled with tiny lights, mimicking the starry night sky.

Clara led Alex down a main boulevard lined with towering trees that radiated a soft, golden light, their leaves whispering secrets of ancient magic in a language only the wind understood.

Finally, they approached a particularly grand building at the heart of the city. It stood taller and more majestic than the rest, its doors wide and welcoming, carved from a dark wood that shimmered with a constellation of embedded gems.

"This is the headquarters of our Order," Clara explained as they climbed the steps to the large doors. "It is here that we harness our collective knowledge, train new magicians, and deliberate on matters of importance to the magical community."

As they reached the door, Clara waved her hand, and the gemstones embedded in the wood glowed briefly, recognizing her touch. With a heavy creak, the doors swung inward, revealing a vast hall lined with towering columns of the same luminous wood.

Inside, the hall was even more breathtaking. The ceiling was a high dome, painted to depict the sky at dusk, complete with swirling clouds and twinkling stars. The floor was a mosaic of intricate patterns, each piece a tiny mirror that reflected light in a dazzling display of colors.

"We will go to the training grounds first," Clara continued, guiding him towards a large archway at the far end of the hall. "But remember, every step you take in Farusi is a step towards mastering not just your magic, but also yourself. Every corner of this city is designed to teach, to challenge, and to inspire."

As they passed through the archway, Alex couldn't help but feel the weight of the journey ahead. Farusi City was not just a place of beauty and wonder; it was a test, a teacher, and now, his new home. Whatever lay ahead, he knew that his life had changed forever, and there was no turning back.

As they entered the training grounds, the atmosphere shifted perceptibly, filled with the focused energy of deep study and intense practice. The area was dominated by a massive table, around which a group of five people were gathered, deeply engrossed in discussion.

The table was cluttered with books, scrolls, and various magical instruments, each item radiating a faint glow under the soft, ambient light of the training hall. On the far left, an extensive library stood, its shelves brimming with books of every conceivable type related to magic, from ancient spell books to modern studies on magical theory.

The group at the table looked up as Clara and Alex approached, their expressions turning from concentration to curiosity. As they rose to their feet, the respect and admiration they held for Clara were unmistakable. Clara greeted them warmly, "Hello, Professor, how are you doing with the team?"

Professor Jack, a tall man with a commanding presence and eyes twinkling with intelligence, moved closer to Clara and shook her hand firmly. "Clara, always a pleasure. We're making excellent progress," he said, gesturing toward his students. "Let me introduce you to the team."

Turning to the students, he began the introductions. "This is Lena, our expert in elemental magic; she has a particular talent for manipulating water and air. Next to her is Adam Smith, who excels in defensive enchantments and warding spells. Here we have Myra, our young prodigy in divination. And lastly, this is Simon, who has been exploring the complexities of transmutation."

Each student nodded in greeting, their faces bright with eagerness and a hint of nervousness as they met Clara's gaze. Professor Jack continued, "These students are not just learning about magic; they are learning how to weave it seamlessly into the fabric of their lives.

Clara smiled at them, her eyes reflecting pride and a touch of nostalgia. "I expect great things from all of you," she said, her voice encouraging. "Magic is not just power; it's a path to understanding deeper truths about the world and ourselves. Alex here is just beginning his journey with us, and I believe there is much you can learn from each other."

As the introductions concluded, the students and Professor Jack invited Alex to join them at the table, eager to incorporate him into their discussion and to witness the skills he brought with him.

This new environment, filled with knowledge and the potential for discovery, was exactly where Alex needed to be, and as he took his place among his peers, a sense of belonging began to take root in his heart as the rest of student cheered at him a hot welcome.

As the group settled back into their studies, poring over texts and quietly discussing magical theories, Professor Jack's expression suddenly turned serious. He glanced around the table, ensuring the students were absorbed in their learning, then motioned to Clara with a subtle nod. "Clara, a moment of your time, please," he said, his tone low and urgent.

Clara excused herself and followed the professor to a secluded corner of the training grounds, far enough from the group to ensure privacy but still within Alex's line of sight. But Alex did not bother much from this, because he couldn't hear anything from their low tones.

Just as the group began to settle back into a rhythm, the ground beneath them trembled slightly, and a distant, ominous rumble echoed through the training hall. Clara's head snapped up, her eyes scanning the room with a newfound alertness. "Everyone, be on guard," she announced, her voice carrying a sharp edge of command that sliced through the room's ambiance. She locked eyes with Alex, her expressions hardening with determination and a hint of fear."Don't move!"