
The Universal Assassination System

Alex, a brave and heroic 40-year-old serial killer who dies in a big fight, trying to save the human world from a group of invaders."I will not allow Invaders to destroy the human world in my presence.I will not allow this as long as I'm alive! " Alex exclaimed. This was his home, and there was no way that he was going to allow for it to be destroyed. But during the fight, Alex was outnumbered by the invaders, during one of his assassination attacks. Caught off-guard, in a blink of an eye, he was overwhelmed and stabbed three times directly in the chest by the invaders' leader who relied on a sneak attack to eliminate the enemy.Ending up with grievous injuries, severe bleeding and breathing difficulty due to his lungs being pierced, Alex succumbed. However, fate seemed to have other plans for him. He was transmigrated in another world in a body of a 20 year old young man."Wait , How am I alive? Where is this place? Is this the afterlife?" Alex remembered clearly the pain that he had undergone before he died. It was just that, he didn't understand how he was alive.He looked around, only to realize that he was inside a small room that was old and only possessed a few crucial items such as the bed that he was lying on, and a chair and a table not far away from where he was. He managed to get out of bed with a lot of difficulty and headed towards the only window of the room.Peeping out the window, he saw a group of people moving around. From time to time, he could see that some other people were flying in the air without any external assistance. This was something that amazed him."This must be a fantasy world, where the strong prey on the weak, the monsters being enemies of humans." Alex muttered to himself as he looked out the window with awe and amazement in his eyes. In his world, although they were strong, they mainly depended on technology to combat the invading aliens. But here, this was definitely a world that focused on arcane powers. All of a sudden, Alex was attacked by an immense headache. In the next moment, a flood of memories poured into his mind.After about five minutes, everything receded. He finally realized who the body that he had taken over was. The young man whose body he had taken was called Alex, just like himself.He was an orphan who had been having a difficult time surviving. The house that he was in was the only thing that his parents had left for him.Alex wanted to understand more about himself when suddenly, a holographic screen popped up in front of him with a notification sound. [Congratulations to the host for getting bound to the Universal Assassination System.] [The host will be granted missions by the Universal Assassination System. Immediately after successful completion of the mission, the host will receive rewards from the System.] [Failure to complete missions, the host will be punished severely and could permanently lose his life.] [The host will be summoned through the System to take missions universally, across different worlds. After completing the missions, the system will always transport the host back to the current world.] Alex was once again stunned. He looked at the prompts in front of him as the information sank into his mind. Just as he was trying to comprehend the information, another prompt appeared. [The host's stats are as follows:Name : Alex Race : Human being Age : 20 years old Profession: Assassin Power Level: 2 Skill: Stealth, parkour.] [ The host will receive the first mission in 10 seconds...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1] ************** ATTENTION!!! Author's Note: Honestly this is my first novel as an author. Kindly support this book by voting as my power stones and Golden tickets to motivate and boost my morale. Also don't forget to collect the book in your library for actually it's purely a fantasy genre with alot of Action, Romance, Adveture and other so many others. Welcome!

Wekesa · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Purchasing the Information

Alex pressed on, the forest gradually thinning as the city's outskirts approached. The once-dense darkness lifted, revealing a tapestry of morning stars and Alex entered the City.

The chill of dawn greeted Alex as he stepped into Hilview City. The city's awakening was accompanied by a gentle coldness that sent shivers down his spine. Despite the chill, the metropolis exuded a warmth of activity and life.

Tall buildings stood as sentinels, their architectural diversity creating an intricate skyline. Bathed in the soft hues of the morning sun, the structures seemed to welcome the new day with a majestic presence. Each building told a story, a testament to the city's evolution.

The streets came alive with the hum of vehicles, breaking the early morning stillness. Traffic flowed in a harmonious rhythm, punctuated by the occasional honk. Shops unveiled their offerings, their storefronts adorned with vibrant signs, inviting exploration from customers.

Cafes emitted the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, mingling with the crisp air. The city's residents moved with purpose – some in a rush, others taking a leisurely pace. The sidewalks transformed into a thoroughfare of diverse faces, a testament to the city's cultural mosaic.

As the sun ascended, casting long shadows on the streets, Alex marveled at the blend of modernity and tradition. Skyscrapers towered alongside historic structures, forming a dynamic cityscape that embodied progress without forgetting its roots.

With each step, the city unfolded like a captivating novel. Alex felt the synchronicity between his purpose and the city's pulse. The quest for information about Jackson merged seamlessly as the distance to the information hub was getting lesser.

The morning stars faded into the daylight, and the city's heartbeat resonated with anticipation. Alex, caught in the flow of Hilview's dynamic life, embarked on his adventure within the city. The mysteries waiting to unfold resonated in the air, making every moment a step closer to revelations. Like a warrior, Alex kept his pace towards the Data Brokers Organization.

Eventually, Alex could see the pic of the City Mall shining at the top of other tall buildings beside the highway. He knew the only way to get there faster was to bypass through the corridors that offered a shortcut to that place. Alex could see the street children busy going up and down for their daily scrambles. He looked at them as if thinking that was the result of the bandits disconnecting them from their families.

Finally, Alex navigated the magical corridors of Hilview City, lured by the enchanting exterior of the Data Brokers Organization. The building stood as a testament to the city's fusion of magic and modernity, captivating him with intricate designs and shimmering symbols.

Approaching the reception, a burly old man gestured in the air, weaving intricate magical symbols for communication. Following this magical guidance, Alex found himself directed toward the Magic Team Translators, the hub of information retrieval in the magical realm.

At Cecilia's desk, he received a warm greeting. "Good morning?" Cecilia said, her eyes locked onto Alex's.

"Good morning," Alex replied, appreciating the welcoming atmosphere. Cecilia motioned for him to take a seat, ready to assist.

"I am Cecilia, a translator into magic," she introduced herself, twirling a pen between her fingers with magical finesse. "Kindly, how may I assist you?"

Alex focused on Cecilia, clearing his throat softly before expressing his request. "Kindly, can I secure information about the bandit leader, Jackson."

Cecilia acknowledged the request, emphasizing the organization's policy on payment before investigations. "Okay, we provide all types of information, but the client must pay fully before the investigation begins, as per our organization's policy.The cost of the information you're seeking is 1(Gp)."

"Wait, kindly I beg your pardon," Alex requested. (Cecilia smiling) "No, don't worry I will come up again, I said the payment is 1 Golden piece. That is equivalent to (100 SC)."

(Smiling and looking settled) "Okay, then I get you; here are 100 Silver Coins. (Putting them on the table for Cecilia to count.)

Understanding the importance of following the procedures, Alex nodded. Cecilia continued, "Before we proceed, may I have your identification? It's a standard procedure for our records."

Alex fumbled for his magical identification, a bit unsure of the magical process. Cecilia observed his hesitation and offered a reassuring smile, "No worries, take your time. What is your name?"

"Alex," he said to Cecilia, who scanned it in their records but couldn't find such a name. "Thank you, Alex," she said (pausing with a smile). "Now, let's get started with your request because it's evident from the records you're a new client to us."

Cecilia conjured a magical interface, displaying options related to information retrieval. "To begin, we need some details about the target," she prompted.

Alex provided what he knew about Jackson, the bandit leader, including any aliases and affiliations. Cecilia entered the information, her fingers dancing over the magical interface with finesse.

"Perfect, now let me check the payment details before we initiate the investigation," Cecilia mentioned. Alex observed as Cecilia performed a series of magical checks to ensure the necessary payment had been accepted by their magical gods.

"All seems in order," Cecilia confirmed, satisfied with the payment verification. "Now, let the magical investigation commence," she announced, her eyes focused on the magical interface.

A series of magical symbols and runes appeared, indicating the initiation of the investigation process. Cecilia's skillful translation of magic made the intricate symbols understandable for Alex. As the magical investigation progressed, Cecilia occasionally provided updates and insights - Jackson's location and his distinctive identity from his identical twin brother with whom they worked together.

Despite his limited proficiency in magic, Alex felt grateful for Cecilia's assistance as they delved into the magical realm of information retrieval at the Data Brokers Organization. The mysteries surrounding Jackson and the bandits were about to unfold through the weaving threads of magical investigation.

"Excuse me, Alex, here is your balance, (5 SC)," Cecilia reminded Alex. He had offered extra Silver Coins. "Oh! Yes, I had one hundred and five coins. Thank you so much," Alex thanked Cecilia.

"I will provide you the map scroll. This Jackson works with 15 men recruited by himself (looking at Alex's arsenal) Don't tell me you're a one-man army! Cecilia wondered at Alex's operation as a one-man force.

"Don't worry about that, Cecilia..." Alex was cut off by the system notification. [The host has 36 hours to accomplish the mission.]

Alex (staring a bit) "Hey! What is it? Cecilia couldn't understand what Alex was staring at for the system could be visible to Alex and nobody else. (turning at Cecilia and their eyes locked) "I have limited time," Alex uttered to Cecilia. "Don't mind, good day!" Alex walked outside, and Cecilia focused on him until he disappeared.

Alex headed towards the hilly street, knowing exactly where Jackson was going to attack the following day; he stayed alert. There was no need to attack from their home due to unfamiliar terrain. Alex had to wait and impose a surprise attack on their mission.

Alex kept walking down the street. Hunger had consumed him, and he felt like getting something to eat or drink. Fortunately, he came across an apple tree. He plucked the apples, chewed them up, and sat down under the apple tree. His body felt tired upon the mission that lingered in the air to be accomplished.

Despite Alex's best efforts to stay awake, exhaustion eventually caught up with him. His eyelids grew heavy, and in a moment of surrender, he succumbed to the embrace of sleep. In the realm of dreams, where the limitations of the physical world fade away, Alex found himself revisiting the events that had unfolded since the beginning of his journey.

The dream took him back to the enchanted forest, where each step resonated with the unknown. The ancient trees whispered their secrets, and the magical creatures observed him with curious eyes. As he ventured deeper into the forest, the howls of wolves and the mystical ambiance of the Magforest enveloped him.

In the dream, the landscape transformed, and Alex stood once again at the entrance of the Data Brokers Organization. The building shimmered with magical energy, and the intricate designs on its exterior came to life in vibrant colors. Alex could vividly recall the warm greeting from Cecilia, the translator into magic, as she guided him through the process of acquiring information.

The dream focused on the transaction, with Alex visualizing the exchange of silver coins on Cecilia's desk. Her magical finesse and the twirling pen became a mesmerizing dance, and the dream highlighted the kindness that emanated from her as she assisted him. The dream's lens zoomed in on Cecilia's beauty, emphasizing not only her magical prowess but also the warmth in her eyes.

As the dream unfolded, the scenes transitioned to the magical investigation interface. Alex saw the symbols and runes come to life, depicting the initiation of the investigation into Jackson. The dream emphasized the precision with which Cecilia worked, translating the magical language seamlessly. Alex felt a sense of gratitude for her guidance and assistance in unraveling the mysteries that surrounded the bandit leader.

In the dreamland, the cityscape of Hilview City transformed into a mesmerizing panorama. Alex walked its streets in his dreams, recalling the bustling activity and the blend of magic and modernity. The dream encapsulated the essence of his quest and the intertwining threads of magical investigation.

The dream gradually faded as Alex delved deeper into the events, leaving him in a serene state of rest. In the quiet realm of dreams, his mind continued to wander through the magical tapestry of his journey, and the echoes of the enchanted forest and the Data Brokers Company lingered in the dreamland.

As the dream began to dissolve into the haze of slumber, Alex found himself yawning with weariness. In the dream's final moments, a distant sound reached his ears, jolting him awake with sudden alertness.

"What's it, surely?" he questioned, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of disturbance. Just as he was about to rise to his feet, the mysterious sound echoed again.