

Authors note- This book is inspired by many other peoples book the biggest motivation for this book is "America's Home" By Meraki7734 so if you could go check out some of the books they have published that would be great and I'd like to give them a big thank you for letting me use some of the scenes in their discontinued book "America's Home". Now on with this prolog/trailer.

It was a regular morning for the Jones residence, filled with chaos.

Florida( Arturo) was riding his alligator through the house.

Georgia(Gabe) was throwing peaches at his siblings

Texas(Austin) was shooting his gun at Louis and his alligator.

D.C(Davie. Carol) was watching his siblings run around causing chaos.

Alaska(Nikolai) was sitting next to his little sister Hawaii(Leilani) and eating breakfast while protecting his little sister.

You may be wondering where all of these children's parents are.

Well if you were to look up the stairs to the second floor of the tree floor mansion you would see Alfred looking down on the sea of his children with his messy uniform and his younger brother Jhonathan to his left still in his pj's.


Immediately everyone freezes and looks up at their mother/Alfred.

Ludwig(Germany)- Alfred you need to explain what is happening here!


Jonathan(south)- "What he means is that y'all don't even know him that well."

Davie- "Shimá! Mama!"

G10- "YOU HAVE WHAT?!?!?!?"

Authors note- I forgot to mention that I had sent a message to Meraki7734 in another account, so clarification tall-lonlypotato is my other account. Now that that's cleared out, my prologs/trailers are little parts of random scrips that will appear throughout the book or sometimes not at all. I don't have a clear schedule but I might update this book every other week so if I had posted this on the 4th of November then I would have uploaded a new chapter on a random day of the week from November 16-20, etc. I also do not know other languages aside from Spanish(my parents are Mexicans) and English, so for some parts, I might use google translate, if you see any errors please tell me I can go back and fix them. If you have a question please ask I will gladly answer whenever I can.

P.s- By the time you read this I might be working on Chapter 1, also holy shit my anxiety was killing me and telling me not to do this but too late. Also for both, you and my sake let's make Hawaii the only girl. (cause like............... I suck at girl names so ya)


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