
Tomorrow's Song (3)

For the next month, I study diligently, my classmates even amazed by this sudden change of me.

"Is that the lazy Kota?"

"Lately he studies diligently, not the usual him"

"What happens with him?"

There's even become some talk in the teacher lounge

"There's surprising progress on Kashiwaya Kota lately"

"His marks increasing significantly, become better"

"Previously he's so lousy"

"Touka High School….hmmm..if he wants to enter there, he should be like that"

Well, if you ask me why I change….If I'm accepted in Touka, there's a girl that I want to express my feeling to…Sasaki Shiho…I will reach my future with confidence.

Takeshi greet me when I'm passing the softball field

"Hey….here comes our genius…I heard you study hard for the High School entrance exam"

"Hehe…I only have one chance to be successful in the exam"

"So, what we will have to dinner later, Kota?"

"Ah, I have to attend an extra class. Sorry Takeshi, you should go home alone. See you later"

Takeshi only looks at me who left the school with pity eyes. Maybe his pity with my condition that always busy study and have no leisure time to spend with him.

And when I'm about to reach Marushin Study Course building, someone bumps me from the corner of the street

"Ouch! That's hurt"

"I'm so sorry…are you alri…"

It's Shiho who bump with me again

"It's you, Kota, I don't need to apologize"

"You really….you really bump o people every day?"

"Yes. I even ever bump into a thug before"

"Oh my God!"

"Ah, Kota do you already take your Entrance Exam ID card?"

"No, I haven't taken it yet"

"How about we take the ID card together tomorrow?"


"Who knows we can get the seat close to each other when exam. Having someone we know in the same place when Exam seems fun"

She said that with the excited expression. Gosh, day by day I'm getting more and more like her…..

So, the next day, I and Shiho take the ID card for the exam together. And like she said, we get the same room for the entrance exams.


"Hey, Takeshi…."


We're currently taking a break in the roof of the school building, basking the warm sunlight there.

"Do you…have someone you like?"


That's the only comment he said and continue reading a book.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question and you just keep reading. I have one person, if I can be accepted in Touka, I will say my love to that person"

"Is that me?"

"Don't be ridiculous…. I still like the girl you know"


"I never think I will able to fall in love, but when I see her, my spirit to study somehow increasing. It's so amazing"

"Hey, Kota…"

"What's up?"

"Good luck… I support you"


I will reach my future with her…in Touka!


"It's tomorrow.."

"Yep, tomorrow at 8 a.m."

"Let's meet up at the southern gate at Nozawa train station"

"I feel my heart keep throbbing hard"

"Same with me, I feel so tense. Shiho, how about we have dinner together for raising our spirit?"

"That's a good idea"

"I know a delicious Okonomiyaki shop, I'll take you there"


At the Okonomiyaki shop

"Kota, how about tomorrow preparation?"

"I think I'll bring bento from home"

"Me too. The canteen must be crowded when the break time"

"Ah, that one seems already done…flip it"

"Kota…why you want to enter Touka?"

"Ah? Nothing special…but"

"Oh, so there's a hidden agenda…tell me about that?"

Shiho looks at me with a sharp look. She seems to notice my intention. I can't tell her I want to enter Touka because she also wants to enter Touka right?

"Ah, I will tell you about that if I accepted in Touka. So, how about you? Why you want to enter Touka?"

"Ah? Me?"

"Are you also have a hidden agenda too?"

"He he he…"

Shiho look hesitate before she finally gives her reason to enter Touka

"That's…that because, in Touka, they have great softball team"

"huh? Wait a minute…didn't you said before you don't like softball?"

"Eh, really? Did I ever say like that? Well…actually….I…."

I haven't had a chance to listen to Shiho explanation when a voice suddenly call me

"Hey, Kota…you're here?"

The one who calls me is my best friend Takeshi.

"Oh, hey Takeshi"

"Are you just finish take the extra class?"

"Yeah, how about you?"

"I'm just finished with extracurricular at school…."

Takeshi's eyes see Shiho that sit in front of me, he immediately turns his back and about to leave the shop, what a good friend he is. He doesn't want to disturb his friend's private time.

"Sorry…I didn't realize"

He surely will leave if I'm not holding his jacket

"Wait a minute! Don't just leave yet…."

I want to introduce him to Shiho. He's my best friend, so he should know the girl I like

"Shiho, let me introduce my friend, he also gets a recommendation to enter Touka because of his achievement in softball sport"

Ah? Why Shiho's face suddenly become red? She covers her mouth with her hand and suddenly running out from the shop


"Huh? Shiho?.....Takeshi, I'll catch her first"

After following her running for some distance, I finally managed to catch her.

"Hey, Shiho…what happened with you?"

"I'm shy…I can't see that person"


"Takeshi Nagano…."

"Huh? How? How do you know his name?"

"Kota…he's your friend right? That man, Takeshi Nagano….is my reason to want to enter Touka High School"


At home, I still thinking about what Shiho said to me…

'I'm clumsy, every day I always bump into someone. One day I bump into Takeshi Nagano…it's a magic, I, who never remember the faces of people I bumped into, can't forget his face. After that, in the street, in the train station, I'm always looking for his figure. I see Seiba Junior High School in his uniform's collar and after I ask my friend who have a friend in Seiba, I know his name is Takeshi Nagano. I also heard he get a recommendation to enter Touka. That's why I try my best to be able to enter Touka….'

I'm really like a fool.

Me, for this last two months…why I should study so hard just to be able to enter Touka

There's no longer reason for that….

Next morning, in the road near the train station

"Kota! You late! You fifteen minutes lates!"


"Come on, we must hurry!"

"Um, Shiho…."


"What if…what if you know Takeshi already have a girlfriend…what's your reaction?"

"Hah! Really? He already has a girlfriend?"

"That just if…"

"You mean! You make me surprised! Well…I will be shocked of course"

"And….not taking Touka entrance exam?"

"Huh, why I must not take the exam? That's nothing related to that. If we love someone sincerely, that love will not fade, even it will become an unrequited one. Liking ourselves is also not bad right?"

Ah, that's right…

"Didn't take the exam because broken hearted…that's ridiculous. We have the freedom to decide to continue our love or not, right? Come on, we must hurry, we'll be in trouble if we came late"

True…when first time I see her, I immediately like her. But in her heart, there's only Takeshi…and I already think that's the end. Even unrequited…I should have confidence.



"After this exam, I…"


"I want to eat together again with you"

"Okay, yesterday I have got a chance to eat"

"Let's go. The exam is waiting"

"Okay! I'm ready to take the exam"

I must have confidence in myself, and try my best just like her.

~Temporary End~