
The match maker (2)

After I arrive at home, I immediately open the letter that Sato Mao sent to me. I'm curious if the letter really her love expression for me or just a prank use her name to tease me.

My brows frowned when I read the content of the letter.

'Dear Fukawa Yamato

I always looking at you

I like you very much

And if you don't mind, I want to meet you in person.

The day after tomorrow, Sunday at 2 p.m. I'll wait for you in the clock tower at City Park'


I take a long deep breath. Right now I hold Hitoshi's letter in my left hand and Sato's letter in my right hand. I look at both letters in my hands…

"Damn…this will be going be love triangle situation…something that beyond my expectation"

If I deliver the letter from Hitoshi to Sato, that will hurt her feeling…

But if I don't deliver the letter from Hitoshi, that means I betray him.

Whatever I choose, I definitely hurt one of them….

"Aaarrghhh!! What should I do! This is so damn confusing!"

Which feeling that I must protect….


Sunday, February 14, City Park, 2 p.m.

Finally, I'm going to meet Sato in the place where she will wait for me there, in the clock tower. There are not many people around that place at that time. I see a silhouette of a girl near the clock tower, and I go to meet her.

"Excuse me…."

I greet the girl that standing in the clock tower's shade. When she turned her head, it's a beautiful girl with long hair and she looks at me with her pretty eyes directly at my eyes. Ah! It's not Sato…did I get the wrong person?

But what makes me surprise is she just greet me back

"Fukawa…you really come"

"You….you're Sato?"

"I really surprise you come here Fukawa"

"I also surprised. You look really different from usual you at school"

"Ah, really? I only put my glasses off and my braids lose thou"

I try so hard not to say 'you look more beautiful…' because there's an important letter that I must deliver to her. It seems today I must hurt her feeling….

"Fukawa, where do you want to eat lunch?"

"Ah, I…."

"Come on, it's lunchtime. Let's go to eat something first"

----- at the restaurant ---

Although our order already delivered, Sato not immediately eats the food, instead, she looks at me with her beautiful eyes. This makes me feel awkward somehow…

"Sato, what happens?"

"Fukawa…are you feeling cold?"

"Ah? Why you think so?"

"Since we meet, you always wear your jacket. You also put your hand in your jacket pocket. How can you eat with your hand in there?"

"Ah. You're right…"

Actually, there's a reason why I keep my hand in the pocket. I hold the love letter from Hitoshi in my pocket. I want to give it to her…but the time isn't ripe yet.

"Can I ask you something, Sato?"


"About me…why you like me?"

Sato's face becomes red when I'm asking that question…


"I want to know why, Sato"

"I also don't know why. It like I just suddenly like Fukawa….without I realize, I already fell in love. Like pressing a button and suddenly I fell in love"

She said that with sincere expression in her face. Somehow I feel my face also become hot after hearing what she just said

"I'm sound weird right?"

"Ah…no, you're not"

"It's okay if Fukawa feels cold….here"

After saying that, Sato put a knitted cap on my head

"This….knitted cap?"

"A gift from me"

"You don't have to give me gift"

"Please don't feel awkward…it's not expensive things. Only my own knitting, this is my first time try to knit something, maybe it's not good enough, but please accept that"


"And then…this too"

She gives me a small box, wrapped in fancy gift paper.


"That's chocolate. Today is valentine day, right?"

Oh no! if I accept this, what will happen with Hitoshi's letter. How I will able to give it to her? While I'm busy with my thought, my eyes accidentally look at her hand which had many plasters on her fingers.

"Sato…what happen with your fingers?"

"Ah! Ugh! This so embarrassing…this is my first time knitting…my fingers also get pricked sometimes with the needles….hihihi I look clumsy right?"

Sato smile bashfully while trying to hide her finger from my eyes. Suddenly my heart throbbing harder and faster.

She's injuring her fingers only to make something for me…


I can hear my heart beat like echoing in my ears. This is not good…it seems…my button already pressed.