
The Kiss (1)

There are many couples everywhere, walking together, eat together, watch movie together….

But, when they meet each other, when their love starting, then the most important…

When I can experience that by myself.

One day will be someone there become my love…

That's what in my thought while I'm waiting for the train that brings me to the school arrive at the destination. A girl voice in my ears distracting me from my thought.

"Kasukabe...…..Kyota Kasukabe..."

"Ah? Yes?"

I search where that voice comes from and I see a girl stand beside me. If I'm not mistaken, she the girl from the same school as me, Kashiwagi Kiriko, a girl from the business department that being talked often. She stares me with a gentle look, and in the next moment, her lips already bring a kiss on my mouth. her sudden action makes me stunned and doesn't know what to do, she looks at me with blushing on her face before she walks and moves to another compartment.


I only can watch her leave without able to say a word. What is this all about?

Bad news spread fast like a wildfire. During the first break at the school, the news about me kissing in the train already arrive at my classmates' ears.

"Kyota! You really have fun!"


Both of my best friend Kosuke and Yuji also already hear that news and now they tease me.

"Kissing in the train! What a courage"

"Huwaaaa!! Don't talk that loud!"

"What? How come you so tense because of that?"

"Hahaha….i agree that Kosuke. Kyota should be happy with that right?"

"..." (happy my ass)

"But I heard that Kashiwagi is a boys maniac"

"You two misunderstand me"

"What's wrong?"

Then I tell them the real story about that kiss incident

"Sudden attack? It's that really like that?"

"Don't ask me. I also don't know how she suddenly kisses me"

"Hahaha…this playboy"

"Kyota, listen. If a girl kisses you that means she has interest with you"

---after class over---

This Kashiwagi Kiriko… isn't that the girl with so many bad rumors about her?

Called as a bitch, slutty, easy going girl, some even say she doing Enko (Enjo Kosai – transactional relationship), always chasing boys in her class, and other bad rumors about her.

If possible I want to forget what happened this morning…although I'm a little bit curious about why she suddenly kisses me without reason. That thought fills my mind while I walk out and leave the school building. My steps stopped when I see two girls in the school gate, one of them is Kashiwagi Kiriko. She seems to wait for me there when she sees me she called my name


The other girl pat her shoulder and said,

"Good luck Kiriko, I take my leave here"

"Thanks, Tomoko, see you later"

After that, she left me with Kiriko alone. After that, she looks at me with a nice smile while asking me if I want to go home together with her

"Kasukabe…would you like to go home with me?"

Her request makes me startled…I'm almost don't believe with what I've just heard

"Umm…your name is Kashiwagi Kiriko, right?"

"Yes, that's right"

"I think we're not acquaintance yet? We from different class and different department"

She nodded.

"Today is our first talk to each other…but why?"

"Ah…it's a long story"


"How about getting some snacks first in a cafe? To make our talk more relax?"

Because my curiosity, I have to follow her to the nearest café to have some snack.

"Kasukabe…. Are you not ordering something?"

"Not too hungry"

"Oh it's so like that"

Kiriko looks happy when scooping her ice cream parfait that she orders before. When I examine her, she looks like an ordinary girl, she quite pretty actually. I just don't understand why a girl likes her rumored as a wretched girl. This makes me feel awkward, finally, I decide to ask her something that bothering my mind since this morning

"Can I ask you something?"


"About this morning in the train…that kiss…I don't understand"

Hearing my question make Kiriko startled and her face become beet red. The spoon in her hand also dropped eventually. This makes me confused, how come a girl that rumored as cheap, bitches, and other bad rumors become blushing when asked about a kiss?

"I'm sorry…..I….I…You…"


"I like Kasukabe….since first time saw you…I want to get close"


Her confession makes me stunned. I don't know what to say for what she just said to me.