

As the world began changing the view of reality changed as well the thought of the world's destruction came to play and the feelings of the people became non-existent. a sudden thunder that broke the clear sky on a sunny day, the sun was overlapped with the moon and the cloud sudden change spread panic, tornadoes Earth quakes, volcanic Eruption, happening all at once, the spread of panic all over the world, satellites crashing the number of deaths that keep soaring through the sky what appeared to be the end of the world was only the beginning of the anticlimactic experience that ends in a climax

Sepremekin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 10: the great conference

as I was scrolling true yt shorts I suddenly saw a notification it was a press conference that was being held each in the presidential house connected online it was streamed live to all the nations of the world as I joined the stream.

. . . . . . . . . . . as the president of the United States the prime minister of Britain started the conference all having their major general behind them as they immediately entered the matter at hand the appearance of demons.

all our scientist have been working hard to find a way to beat this demons that are rampant world wide and also studying on the newly awakened abilities by some persons and according to our research and the information gotten from streamer blood oath we were able to find a means of suppressing this demons we are sorry for not being able to respond this past week but I hope we will continue to move forward together.

as I was feeling to faint to comprehend what was going on aren't I streamer blood oath that the presidents mentioned am I that famous omg I'm known wow . . . as I tried to catch my breath.

the conference continued as the public was being addressed as I received a phone call from an unknown number well I ignored the call like any normal person but I kept getting called again and received a message on all my social media platform to pick the call a thought came to call the police but what would the Nigerian police do and we are already in a state of panic so I picked up the phone .

we got him through said a man in a black suit.. . . . hello who is this I asked

sorry if we bothered you but we would like for you to pls enlighten us on the demons according to your pov as I was shocked to find out that I was invited to join the conference me Donald ogar as I suddenly sat up straight and get ready as If I was in a classroom as I said on which part do you need enlightenment.

you have the mist experience in killing demons and is really skilled in usage of your ability so can you tell us what you've learn so far and what enabled you to achieve such a feat.

well it wasn't as easy as my video made it seem but I've gotten to know a lot of things from slaying demons including the ranking we all know that all demons look alike right well that's because they are all lower level demons the ranking is as follows

lower demon equivalent to an awakened human that is the one's we have been fighting so far but when a demon devours a hundred humans they evolve to a mid level demon which is equal to a human who has mastered two of his quotes.

as the phone line got quiet as the whole world seemed to be trying to process this new information as I continued further we all get a wish from slaying a demon and some use it to awaken their second quote and as they do that they won't get a wish after killing a hundred demons so it's best to use your wishes in something else and kill a hundred demons and still get a wish and you might have already mastered your first quote already and can devote your attention to mastering your second one I'm sure the other information I passed is in my other videos.

once you kill 10 demons you will be able to freely meet enter the mind space and subconsciously track how many demons you've killed not in a game gotten but like em as if it's just appears in your brain I can't explain it that well that's all the information I have access to right now and since I've killed only 32 demons this past week the being told me that something will happen at 50 so maybe I'll get new information by then.

as the presidents continued the meeting and I cut the call to my surprise I wasn't feeling pressured or relieved well i just felt normal I guess that my mind is too calm huh.

as they told the people that they have established a task force with highly equipped soldiers that have special abilities and that they would start training the people that have special abilities soon and the task force will be incharge of protecting the people be safe as the meeting was drawn to a close.