
The unhappy bride

The story of Makayla and her fight for love, will she choose her betrothed lover or the person she’s been with since high school. What will happen if she doesn’t do what her parents want her to?

Ellebella · Urban
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5 Chs


I woke up in a hospital bed.

"K are you okay?"

"What's going on." I tried to talk but only a whisper came out.

"Oh you shouldn't try to talk, your throat is swollen I'm surprised you're breathing but you're strong K, I knew you'd be okay." Brice reassured me as she went to get the nurse. My memory was groggy, I only remembered Mike choking me and that's about it. My throat felt weird, I couldn't really feel it actually. The nurse walked in, and checked my vitals.

"Well hello Mrs. Austin, you have a few injuries."

"Okay," I whispered.

"You have a concussion, few bruised ribs and your neck is sprained, right now your throat is numb, we looked inside before you woke up and it might feel like you can't breath so right now you're on a breathing machine and its best to try to keep your voice at a whisper or not talk at all, if you need anything just push the call button." She said as she felt my head. I didn't feel like talking, so I just nodded as she walked out. I wished Kyle were here he always made me feel better. My memory was slowly coming back. I tried to remember everything that happened last night, but I only recalled sleeping with Kyle and Mike chocking the life out of me. I felt the tears on my cheek as I relived the moment again and again.

"Makayla what's wrong," Kyle's voice emerged as he came and laid next to me.

"I'm fine." I whispered as I buried my head in his chest.

"Well I'll be here whenever you want to talk about it." He said kissing my hair. I felt a little bit better, I knew with Kyle by my side I was safe. I fell asleep with Kyle comforting me. When I awoke he was gone. I looked around the room to see if he was here anywhere, but he wasn't the nurse was here checking my vitals again and she asked me if I was looking for anyone but I shook my head and sobbed quietly. I texted Brice.

Makayla: where are you?

Brice: I'm getting lunch, do you need me?

Makayla: he left me

Brice: who, Kyle? Honey he went to get you lunch calm down he's with me, do you need anything?

Makayla: yea you know what I like. I felt a little better but he could have told me. I'll live so I just let it go.

"Makayla." A voice emerged from the door. I looked up as I reached for the call button. He grabbed my wrist before I could get it.

"So you go off with your ex and have sex with him and and come back to me?" He said devilishly. His hold on my wrist tightened as I tried to move my wrist.

"Oh you can't get out that easy, I didn't use protection and I didn't pull out." He laughed "So you're pregnant with my baby." I tried to scream, the pain in my throat worsened, I felt like my throat was bleeding. Mike put his hand on my mouth and whispered in my ear.

"You will leave with me, you won't see Kyle and you won't tell Brice, understood or there will be repercussion's." He said as he kissed me, finally releasing the hold on my wrist. I pushed the call button. The nurses rushed in, and saw him. They asked him to leave as they checked on me. I sobbed for hours, I sobbed so long I cried myself sick. I was with child, I wasn't fit to have kids, and to have Mikes baby at that.

"Makayla I got here as soon as they paged me, what's going on?"

"I'm staying with Mike." I sighed.

"What's going on-

"I don't have a choice." I whispered. "I can't talk about it."

"Fine don't tell me." She snapped as she stormed out.

Mike: when you leave I'll be here to take you home, to NYC. I already talked to the nurse and we'll be leaving Tuesday.

Makayla: okay.


I was in the hospital for two or three days. I was released once they figured I was fine on my own, but I left with Mike. We were on the way the way to the airport when Kyle texted me.

Kyle: where are you.

Makayla: I'm leaving with my husband.

Kyle: no you're not, what's going on??

Makayla: he threatened me, and I don't have a choice.

Kyle: I'll stop him.

He noticed that I was on the phone and he tried to take my phone, but I kicked him in the balls. He was down and I opened the door and jumped out. I fell out, scraping my arm trying to brace myself for the fall. I was lying on the ground still, I couldn't move my arm and I could feel the blood rushing from my head. I thought I was dying. One lady called the paramedics and didn't leave until they got here.