
Alice 5

I don't want to listen her talking about her club. Somehow it annoy me. Especially when she talk about her senior, of course i'm jealous. Compare to him, i am way to inferior. I lost my confidence.

"Ahhh being childhood friend really pain..." Sighed.

Let's do something saaf.

"hmm Alice, are you free this weekend?"

"Let's see..... Ah... I can't saaf. Sorry, maybe next time"

"Oh... No problem"

Walking together until we get close to our home. End it with "See ya" and Separate. Every "See ya" with her smile make me impatient to see her again. That smile was deadly attack.

That's so rare. I wondering what she up to. So i'm gonna spend my weekend with sleep. Or Walking myself alone. Nevermind. Let's go back.

"I'm home"

"I AM HOME!!!" Well i need a little power so someone can notice me.

"Oh.. Welcome back big brother"

Well at least there someone noticed me. It's almost evening. My sister focus on TV watching her idol, my mother at kitchen prepare dinner and my father still not home yet. Then go straight to my room.

And the next day. Nothing to do. It's weekend.

Just take a walk.

Go to riverside.

I lie down.

"Hey, can i sit here?" Someone who passing by

"Sure, it's public place afterall"

I feel asleep..... Well the weather, the wind, sound of cicada and bird's whistling really feel comfortable. but asleep right in the middle of riverside.....

"Good morning"

That person still here.

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