
The UnGift

In a world of magic, there exist one who is not gifted.

KforKevin · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Disaster part 1

Chapter 1: Disaster, Part 1

11:21 AM

Loud and rowdy. These two words could only be used to elucidate the students of Class 3f. Their homeroom teacher stands in front of the whiteboard and announces to the Class 3f students, "Listen up, class!" The students continue what they were doing, without batting an eye at their teacher. The teacher decides to proceed, "In a few days, we will be going on a field trip, and we're going to Darvis's most prominent mine—"

Before the teacher could call the name of the mine Class 3f were going to visit for their field trip, Aena - 'The Unblessed,' calls it out for him. "Za Cave!" The teacher pauses for a second. "Wrong."

"What?!" Aena repeatedly taps her forehead with her right middle and index fingers. "I really thought that was the answer." A voice from the back of the class speaks out, "The most prominent mine in Darvis would be the Gem Core Factory."

Aena turns back to see who had just spoken. "Ohhh yeah, now I remember, that's its na—"

"Wrong." The teacher was fed up with the inaccurate answers his students had just given him, so he decides to answer it himself. "It's—"

A tall boy with a long and clean ponytail walks into Class 3f, with a stoic and proud expression on his face, tensing up the students of Class 3f. "Za-Core Factory. Not even a single person in this class knows it. You really are all bottom of the barrel."

Enraged by the student in ponytails, Aena abrasively stands up and walks up to him. "Just because you are in Class 3A, that doesn't give you the right to insult us like that, Jacky."

"Did I make a mistake? Did I stutter? Everyone knows I'm right, and that's why no one else intervened."

The teacher walks towards Aena and Jacky. "Aena, go back to your chair."

Aena folds her arms. "No! Not till Jacky apologizes."

Jack ignores Aena and faces Class 3f's homeroom teacher. "I have been assigned to go to 'Za-Core Factory' with Class 3f. I came to inform you beforehand."

The teacher stutters as he gives Jack an awkward thumbs up. "Y-y-you are w-welcome to j-join us."

Jack sighs and turns to leave the classroom, but he is interrupted by Aena, who grabbed him by the arm. "What do you think you are doing, rat?"

"You have to apologize first, or I'm not letting go."

Jack attempts to force his arm off Aena's grip, but they were futile. "How are you doing this? You know the usage of steroids is prohibited."

"Test my strength and check if I am using steroids or not!" Aena further tightens her grip and flings Jack across the classroom. Jack crashes on the teacher's desk. He stands up and runs towards Aena. "Aena!"

Aena strikes a Wing Chun pose. "Jacky!"

4:13 PM

A young woman donning a navy blue military ensemble adorned with dual stars on her gold shoulder pad humbly kneels before a regal gentleman cloaked in opulent crimson robes, seated upon an ornate throne before her. "I comprehend my obligations, your highness."

"If this undertaking were to falter, it would inflict hardship upon your clan and create inconvenience for you—particularly after the risks that your father took to benefit our collective."

"I understand, and I will complete this mission."

"You may go, Teresa; head of the Za clan."

Teresa stands up and leaves the throne room.

4:30 PM

Aena and Jack got into a fight, earning them both detention. They were to sit in a classroom till the evening. Jack sits comfortably on a chair, reading a book. He closes the book and glances at Aena, who was sleeping. He stands up and taps her back to wake her up. "Ignorant fool. As soon as Mr. Dunes leaves the classroom, you slack off."

Aena narrowly opens her eyes and, at the sight of Jack, she closes them back immediately. Annoyed at Aena's indolent behavior, Jack slaps her table and yells at her to sit up. Aena swiftly lifts her head, grips the chair next to the one she was sitting on, and throws it at the classroom's window.

"You idiot, why did you do that?"

Aena stands up and runs towards the window frame. She places her head through it and turns her head sideways, like she was searching for something or someone. Jack holds Aena's hand and drags her from the window frame and looks down at her. "What are you doing?"

Aena grips Jack's arm and looks him dead in the eye. "Let's go home, someone is watching us."

This sends shivers down Jack's spine. Then he lets go of Aena and goes back to his seat. "If he heard the glass shatter, Mr. Dunes should be here any second now. Don't worry, I will cover for you."

5:30 PM

As detention ended, Aena and Jack leave the school block and walk back home. Curious as to why Jack helped her, Aena asks him. "Do you have a crush on me or something?"

6:01 PM

Jack walks through the silent and empty streets of Alert, alone. Then he stops and looks up, as he reminisces to what Aena just told. "Aena, stupid Aena." Then brings his head down and sees a strange creature with pale skin and black horns, looking at him ten feet away. "So you finally show yourself."

9:00 AM

The day of the field trip was finally upon them, and Jack was nowhere to be found. He had been missing from school for three days now. And that was the start of the disasters because, in less than an hour, another disaster was going to occur.