
The Beginning

Hello, my name is Diana Morningstar. When my parents found out they were going to have me they cried all the time, not because they were happy to have a kid my parents cried because they thought I was a mistake. When I was first born my parents neglected me. I was never loved not even for a second. When I turned three my parents thought it would be okay to use me as a personal punching bag. I suffered every year until I eventually became emotionless. My mom would always get drunk and hit me with her fists or sometimes even her empty bottle. My dad, on the other hand, would get drunk enough to the point where he would **** me. Sometimes they weren't even drunk. But in the end I was "Emotionless." When I was Thirteen they decided to let me go to school. Nothing changed because I just got bullied there too. Every Single Day. I had no friends at school because of everything I went through. I didn't trust people. So that means I didn't have any friends. At school, I got called many names. Every day on my locker it would always say the same thing "Slut, Go die, Unloved, Freak, Bitch, Unwanted," and the last word was always "Whore." In My life nothing ever changed. Well, at least that was what I thought. For me it was a normal day bullied at school after or before every class, No one talking to me or standing up for me. I was the "Unwanted" and "Unloved" child nothing knew. But on that day something did change. We got one new student. Who at the time I didn't know would change my life forever. August 12, 2017, that was the day we got the new student. His name was "Felix Morgan." His father was the CEO of the biggest company in Japan. Now that I think about it at the time, I never would have thought that I and he would become friends. Every time I would walk through the halls people would stare and whisper. But he never did, Felix Morgan never did. October 23, 2017, that was the day he came up to me and asked "Can we be your friends?"