
The Unfated : The Jinyan Curse

History repeats itself. When everyone else was afraid of the curse to be unleashed after being suppressed for thousands of years, Jaelin and Sinian boldly dare to be with each other every time the clans go against them. They weren't supposed to meet. Nevertheless, they conquered rules to break the curse and sacrifice each other for the name of 'love'. Could Sinian prohibit himself from giving love to the woman he's committed to? And could Jaelin stop herself from falling for the man her heart desires and her body shivers for his presence? A cursed challenging love that enchants the young knight and demon to make them do their best not to be together for the sake of nature's safety and both clans' peace.

queeneverdine · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: A Turn Of The Battle

Jaelin woke up on the sound of the guardians running around and screaming Ixin's name. She hurried to the balcony to see what was going on and couldn't surpass it. It was surprising for her and felt angry to remember what he had done to her.

"The night leader and his subordinate are having a fierce battle!" Aria, a light guardian, was inviting her mates to go watch them fighting. Jaelin couldn't wait but wanted to get out. However, she remembered that she was trapped by that protective wall and was powerless to get herself out.

"Hey, you!" She shouted from the balcony, calling for her. "You're in control of your superpowers, aren't you?"

"Um. Not that much! Why?" Weirdly replied the fire guardian as she kept staring at Jaelin.

"Come over. I need your help!" As she ordered, the girl hurried to the room's door but felt lost since there were many doors in the corridor. "I'm here! Can you hear me?" Jaelin shouted, opening the door.

"Yes! What can I do for you?" As Aria was about to enter, she stopped her.

"There's a protected space behind the magical wall and it's forbidding me from getting out. Can you break it?" Inquired the red head girl.

"A magical wall? I can't see it," she remarked then got curious. "But, why are you trapped here? Who are you? Did the masters punish you?"

"Seriously! Why do you wanna know? I have no time! I need to catch up with the battle!" Jaelin was facing her from inside the room trying to get herself some help.

"So, you need to get out of here to watch it."

"Yes! So, use your superpowers, whatever you learnt and break it!" She tried to persuade her as the little girl crossed her arms to each other.

"Who do you cheer for then?" Aria smirked as Jaelin was starting to feel mad and provoked by a nineteen year old girl.

"Does that matter? Whoever Ixin is fighting, I'm cheering for him!"

"Huh! Then I won't help you! He's our hero! Bye!" She pouted, about to leave as Jaelin tried to stop her.

"Okay, fine! I cheer for Ixin!" She shouted. "That devil has greatly blinded young girls like you. What a pity," She continued whispering hatefully.

"Hmm. So, what should I do?" Questioned the blond girl smiling.

"Use any spell or ability of breaking and I'm sure it'll break!" Jaelin instructed as Aria sounded a little bit lost.

"I still didn't practice any breaking spell. I started getting my heixin to work last year only!" Confessed the blond haired girl as Jaelin sighed confusedly.

"Okay. What's your superpower?"

"I'm of the fire element!" Proudly answered as she smiled hugely.

"Awesome! Have you studied about the xiaofang practice?" She asked her as she nodded. "Great! Then you use the fiery wall to surround this actual one and tighten it until it's broken."

"Wait, what's that?" Aria seemed clueless and had no idea of how to do that.

"Ah. Forget about it. Listen to me. I'm gonna teach you how to use a breaking spell. It's the easiest. You need to gather all your power to the center of your palm and spell the curse's name right as you focus on your target. Got me?" She explained as she showed her the right movements for the spell.

"Is it like that?" Aria repeated the movements as Jaelin approved telling her to start. "Wait, what's the spell's name?" She questioned.

"It's 'break it!'. Spell it at the same time when you're about to release your power."

Aria was unstable to control her ability even though she was training for few years on her superpower's movements. She was eager to learn new things especially when it came to using her superpowers. She raised her right palm and circled it then straightened her arm spelling. The wall only moved but wasn't broken.

"How about that!" Questioned Aria in excitement.

"It's not broken. Try few more times," Jaelin felt hopeless in a guardian who had just learnt basics about her abilities. The little girl didn't give up but tried more and more. "It's okay, forget about it. Go watch the match before it ends," She groaned as she turned to go back to her bed.

"Can't you jump from the balcony?" Curiously asked the blond knight.

"I can't because this wall is a protected space for this whole room. It's okay, just go," Sadly smiled the red head girl, looking down and feeling helpless.

"I won't give up! I'm gonna try over and over until I see it smashed into ashes in the air!" Stubbornly insisted as she was confident about making it right. She gathered all her strength and got closer to the wall. Her power was gathering at her palm and just in the right time she spelled. "Break it!" She circled her palm and attacked fast that the wall was fully broken into ashes in the air. Jaelin turned around to look at her then looked all around up to see those lightened pieces falling on her and dimming slowly from their blue light.

"You broke it! I'm free!" Jumped the fire diva happily as Aria smiled nodding.

"I owe you a favor! I need to hurry to see my hero!" She ran to catch up with the match as Jaelin followed her to see what was going on.

The battle had just started and both demons were expecting to have fun. Jasper was using his stormy wind attacks continuously since he knew Ixin would not attack him any sooner but avoiding him instead, without using his superpowers. The battleground was getting stormy and everyone's clothes and hair were moving here and there, cheering for their own hero. Leo Jasper got impatient after a long while. He was as calm as the morning breeze but stormy as a typhoon day. As he felt underestimated by his leader, he decided to change his attacking method.

"I think you're not going to attack any sooner, your highness," he stopped his charging powers when facing Ixin as he claimed. Jaelin was curious about the two of them fighting. She had always wanted to see others' battles to analyze and see the techniques they use in attacking and defense.

"Are you tired, already?" Provoked the devil, smirking arrogantly, having no intention to use his superpowers.

"At all. But I'd love to see how far you'd go with your defense plan," The silver haired stated confidently. He closed his eyes, was raising his arms from both sides while inhaling slowly and deeply. A strong hot wind was gathering in that space between them formed turbulently as a huge tornado was rising in the air. Ixin got backward sensing the hot windy weather and wondered how could a demon with a cold body summon such an ability of the air element.

The fire diva widened her eyes to see how Jasper was in control. Furthermore, he used something out of the demons league which she found fascinating. She eyed Ixin creating his lightening protective space and noticed that he wasn't attacking at all.

"That's what I've been waiting for," chucked Ixin, confidently and impressed of what he was witnessing. As Jasper created the full form of his hot enormous tornado, he opened his eyes exhaling fast and attacking Ixin directly. He created a double lightening defensive space to protect himself.

"Finally, you're using your superpowers," arrogantly claimed the air demon, smirking lightly and continued attacking because he knew he should've never underestimated him.

"Is that all you've got!" The night leader shouted when he was still trying to protect himself and was never the type to admit losing.

"Aren't you going to attack?" As Jasper talked, Ixin transformed his defensive space into an attack of a lightning source to take him down. But his subordinate was fast with turning his hot tornado to defend as the two forces met. "Now, it's getting exciting," Smirked the silver haired as Ixin didn't want to give it all to win. He was aware that his injuries would worsen and they were already putting him in a dangerous spot without doing any effort. However, he risked his own health to check on Jasper's abilities.

Jaelin was noticing every move and saw Ixin starting to freeze for being unable to defend against the hot temperature tornado. His body was getting hotter as he gave up to its weak state. He clenched his teeth as his arms were shaking.

"Jasper, stop it!" As Jaelin screamed, Ixin couldn't hold it back but let the tornado get him down unconscious after spitting blood all around. The guardians of the Lunar Eris freaked out for the horrible scene and were murmuring all around. Aria heard her and she understood that all of them knew each other. She followed to see who was that girl she had just saved.

"Ixin!" Jasper called and hurried to check up on his leader and Su Jaelin ran toward him to see why he was beaten by his subordinate.

"What happened to him? Why didn't he attack you?" Anxiously questioned, checking on his head. "Call master Jin, now!" She ordered shouting while Jasper was quietly worried.

"He didn't recover. I forgot for a while that he is weak these days," He murmured clarifying the situation as she recalled when he extracted the poison from her body.

"Is it because of the poison?" She questioned worrying.

"He suffered from the poison and from the remedy. His body is like a battlefield where two are fighting and both are causing harm on it. How careless I am to accept his challenge!" Regretfully admitted as the masters ran toward the crowd which surrounded the three. Jaelin noticed them coming while she wanted to hide since she had not met them ever since she was punished. But felt sorry and indebted for Ixin since he had saved her, so she decided to get back to her room first and see where they would take him to take care of him.

"Make a way!" Master Lu screamed, passing through his disciples as master Hao was ordering them to get back to their barracks. "What happened to him! Who caused such a mess!" Shouted the great master as Jasper looked down.

"We battled for fun and forgot that he is still injured. I hurt him in the attack," he confessed as the master sighed.

"It's okay. Let's take him to his room or to his chambers. I'll find his remedy with the physician," master Jin interrupted as he was checking on his vital signs and injuries with his magical healing palm. "Let's carry him to his chambers first. Guardians shouldn't disturb his rest. And you, Jasper, need to take care of him and not damage his injuries," he continued glaring at him as the other bowed nodding.

It was a spacey Asian royalty room style. A black wooded bed with dark purple sheets, surrounded with black curtains in silk. A pair of black solid and wooded chairs facing a long desk while small light lamps were hanged in the air magically. Some books put on those shelves and paper scrolls, well-organized and in order. The doors were rounded and sliding in the whole night chambers rooms. Ixin was laid down on his bed shirtless. Master Jin was anxious since he knew about the way he healed himself. Nobody would ever handle that intensity of the remedy and poison of a different species inside his body. His fever was high as his cold sweats were dripping on his bedsheets. The physician felt confused for what to do about his state. He had never heard of such a risky thing done by a demon, especially high-ranked, a high tier and a nobility.

"I don't think anyone has survived such a fierce poisonous battle," Sighed the physician as master Lu felt the need to interfere.

"Isn't there any other solution to save him? His body is about to explode!" Jasper cried, eying both master Jin and Lu while the last one hummed in a worry. "You can save him, master! Your healing powers are the best so far," He continued begging.

"Why did he bring that to himself? If he dies, the world would be happy to get rid of such an evil leader as him, don't you think so?" The great master joked as everyone stared at him shocked. "What! Don't you all hate his arrogant attitude?"

"This is not the right time to focus on such thing! He's dying!" The silver haired shouted for the first time showing his caring.

"If you care this much then why did you turn him to be in such state?!" He teased him with vanity as the demon calmed down, looking down with such a regretful stand, clenching his fist then turned away to leave the room.

"Where are you going? Your leader is dying and you're running away?" Master Jin questioned his reaction.

"Leave him alone. He's just a kiddo," Master Lu carelessly spoke. "I'll take care of this but you should help me with the protective space to subdue the spell," He ordered while he was getting ready.

"I thought you weren't going to help him."

"Eh, after all, the world needs some evils like him to keep it balanced. Don't you think?" Joked again the old man, leaving them both wondering how could he have such a mood not to take things seriously.