
the unfaithful love

it is a story about a special princess who wanted to take revenge over the death of her mother that was killed by a cursed prince who was rumoured to be the devil's last child.

Favour_Maduku · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter one: Flawless skin....

Prince Leo sat quietly in the huge VIP room gazing at his phone without minding the amazing view of the night sea before him. It's his 26th birthday tonight and he wanted to have fun with a girl. His assistant Mr Luis is out preparing a perfect sexy girl for him. Feeling excited yet bordered about the whole thing, he started scrolling through the list of girls on the menu for tonight.

"indeed beautiful.... " prince Leo muttered to himself when he saw a white sexy girl with the perfect shape of a model staring right at him through his phone. "But.. I don't like the color of her eyes." he hissed and scroll up to view another girl. "Nice.... but too light skin. I'm afraid she might turn red with just a touch." prince Leo mocked. all the same no one was in the room with him the whole time.

This continued for like two minutes of him just scrolling and rejecting sexy ladies until his eyes caught sight of a gorgeous looking young girl with a perfect model figure. her blue eyes match well with her flawless skin. Her lips gave a little gape for her white teeth which is so adorable. her brown long hair fell smoothly down her shoulder to her waist. so hot!!

Prince Leo went through the girl's details and surprisingly found something interesting.

"Miss Melissa Donald from Germany, lives in Berlin, 23 years old..... lost her parents in a fire accident, bla bla bla...." prince Leo read out the information about Melissa. "Anyways, she's perfect for the night." prince Leo smirked as his thoughts grew wild.

Drooling over her beauty, prince Leo got lost in his bewilderment that he didn't notice the urgent knock on the door until it slowly crack open revealing Mr Luis peaking through the open gape.

"Can you at least knock?." prince Leo asked a bit annoyed at Mr Luis action of invading his privacy without permission.

"I'm sorry prince Leo. I've been knocking for some time now and there was no response." Mr Luis answered.

"Whatever..... How's it going?." prince Leo asked turning his attention to the girl on his phone screen.

"The appointed girls are ready. Would you like me to send them in?." Mr Luis announced with a cold serious tune.

"Yeah whatever." prince Leo answered without averting his eyes from the business he have with his phone. Mr Luis turn to leave and few seconds later, he return with seven sexy girls.

"Gosh! impressive." prince Leo thought to himself.