
The Unfading Promise: The Indomitable Warriors

He is all things calm and foreseeable. While He is all sorts of wild and unpredictable. How do they bear one another, you ask. In his ranging storms of madness, he is the rock-solid anchor he needs. They may be opposite for each other but they were the sun and moon for each. This story discovered about two Identical twins who got separated in a very young age and their life

Avyanna_Allen · Fantasy
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The Young Teenage boy raised his head finally after Long Yong decided to open his mouth but he kept his mouth shut.

"Who he is?" Long Yong's voice had gone deep as he had just hit puberty.

"Why did they die?" Long Yang questioned in his unusually deep voice. He stood up slowly and looked at Ares from the side of his shoulder. His bloodshot eyes were not staring at Ares. rather he was glaring at Ares's Feet. The sweat had stuck his hair onto his forehead with a few scars here and there on his elegant face. And when he turned around, Ares felt his breath stuck in his throat, He almost felt Fear creeping into his chest but he composed himself. Long Yang's eyes raised up to his eyes.

And Ares could see it. The absolute hatred. The dense of fire had woken up within his deep fiery pit of eyes.

"Are we the reason?", Long Yang wasn't dumb enough not to understand what just happened a few hours before.

Ares's hazel orbs stared backed at him. No pity, no sympathy. Ares had no emotion to give him. "...Yes"

Long Yang's hands clenched, Veins running through his arms up to his neck, He shut his eyes tightly.

"What if we refuse to believe?" Long Yong's croaky voice came out slowly as he slowly stood up next to Long Yang, Staring at Ares.

Ares smiled with his hands clasped behind his back. "Your highnesses have the world. Your world is the rule. If you say you refuse, then let it be."

Ares just finished his sentence, He slightly moved his head to the other side, and he was met up with a flower vase that was not even a palm's length away from his head. His heart stopped for a movement and he flinched when the vase shattered on the tree that stood behind him.

Ares moved his head straightly but his breath was taken away from him. He saw Long Yang standing there looking like a monster with his beasty eyes.

"FOR THE HEAVEN'S SAKE STOP CALLING US 'YOUR HIGHNESS'!", He snapped out finally. He could only see red right now. His breathing was becoming harsh with every passing second. His head was spinning nonstop like a roller-coaster.

Everyone present there shut their ears tightly with their hands as Thunder strikes suddenly appeared in the sky.

Long Yang was about to fall, he felt a hand covering his sight while another hand was wrapped around his shoulders, instantly giving rest to the furious voices in his head.

"Calm down, I said calm down" A girl's dead calm voice reached his ear. He felt her hand patting his furiously beating heart to calm him down. She pulls Long Yong into a side hug as she whispered to Both, "Calm down, I am here"

Ares watched the teenager becoming calm with that girl's uttermost care. He observed that girl's expression keenly. Soft yet firm...

"Ares called you like that because you both are the lost Princes of The 6 Realms!"

. . .

Sunset in the east, darkness surrounds the Universe. It was destiny's act That night two incidents happened. The hapless time for the Eunsista Empire begin and They too were born.

Once The Eunsista Empire was a mesmerizing place where the Laws& the Royals of the Universe were born suddenly The rain of fire fell in the Kingdom, The blaze of thunder whenever you see. It became the Graveyard of innocent lives! The fistful of curses in the destiny's writing. . . Made them lose faith in the creator! But cutting the creator's chains, Broadening the chest with pride, As the Lords who nip the lives of the ranging Demons! The beliefs of those who were oppressed and depressed! were born by a great mother.

Like the rains that pour incessantly in the blazing rain!

Like they who conquered death in the house of death!

Like a fatal bow facing a hundred-headed demon!

The burning igneous chest. . .Sweating in rampant fear! Boiling meteors scattered in the sky! The waves are waiting for the universe to embrace. . .The Sun waits with patience to set in the sky! Thunder and Lightning are overriding the hillock! To its own writing Fate too shivers!

They have left, They have no idea about the road they had taken...neither any knowledge of their destination nor about the monstrous history. . .

Beyond the inherent anger in them... Questioning the very creator! They who thunder. This is the story of two such heroes! The story of two brave hearts, the gusty warriors who went beyond destiny!

They had born to change the Legendary History of the Great Empires!

They had their bow, an arrow nocked, and ready to draw.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Avyanna_Allencreators' thoughts