
The door knock

William POV

I was just got off from work it was a big day and I wanna have fun as I was going to get ready and meet my friends but Lola who I spend one last night stand with she can't stop calling me so I just choose to ignore I mean we are done I wonder why she has been calling me all this week but not only her but Nina,Isabel and Luna have also been calling me too so still I just put my phone on silent because tonight I don't want anything from them all .

As I finished preparing I get out get my car and head at the club to meet my friends and I reach they my crazy one night stand girls are still calling so I leave my phone in the car to have I enter the club see where my buddies are sitting I go join as the party start, ooh my God I dance like I have never did and drink like I have never lucky I meet a new girl we start to flirt with each other and like always we ended up in bed ,wow what a crazy,awesome night it was but in the morning I wake up when there is someone knocking so hard on that can't make me sleep so well as I go down and trying to open my eyes I open the door and see a baby sitting on my door step holding a paper in her some hands.

"Good Good morning William my sweet boy , hope you are awake because This is now your baby since you haven't been answering my calls all this week sweetie that it time you take your baby I have been raising this baby for a long it's you turn now I just can't go on being a mom no way this is now your responsibility bye baby " and more of it her name is cami she is six months old love Lola "as I were still reading the letter about the baby the girl I spend the night with comes down and says who is that baby is that your baby ?" I answered her " apparently yes " ooh my God good bye " and good luck with your child now she is right I do need luck as I was just rethinking everything another knock knocks on the door as I see other baby but kinda older than the first holding a letter too and it says the same my heart started to beat so first and he is from my ex girlfriend Nina and he is called Joshua " you gotten to be kidding me as I was also thinking about it too another knock on the door a kid again that " are you my daddy ?holding a letter in her hands the kid and she enters running in the house as I am looking at the kids that are now my responsibility I sit down to come down another knock on the door now a seven year old so it looks like you are my dad " this is can't be true as I look at the kids in my house holding all the letters from they mom this is not true !