
The Undying Phoenix

The story of the Undying, Immortal Phoenix. Liao Ru is a young ambitious woman, who's purpose is to return peace within her motherlands of China. Shangqiu is a location in China known as the Golden Lands. It is the sacred central sanctuary for China and all their people. The Fallen Overlord and their allies have been causing destruction near Shangqiu which protects the Key of Origin. Liao Ru and her allies, Misao, Shi, Qiao Zhi, and Nagini have decided to work together to protect China and the Key of Origin from the hands of the Fallen Overlord and her allies. Join Liao Ru in her tale of the Undying Phoenix.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Misao woke up from resting and sat up on her bed. She held her head and thought about how I pat her head to calm her down. She was rearing to go back to her lessons and got out of bed began to search around base for me.

She went out to the training grounds then grunted as a shockwave generated across the training grounds. She looked ahead and noticed Nagini and I were having an exhibition match.

Nagini went for multiple quick strikes, but I parried each one then palmed her stomach, staggering her. I struck her body quickly then kicked her away. I raised my arms and trapped her feet with earth shackles.

Nagini grunted and her eyes shined. "Heh, you think you have me cornered? You haven't seen anything yet."

I kept a calm expression on my face and watched her. Nagini's aura began to spiral around her body. She closed her eyes and her hair changed to the color green then a gemstone appeared in front of her.

"Behold...the fruits of my experiments. You will witness what Super Nagini can truly do." Nagini said then the Gem entered her body and her aura surged powerfully around her body, pushing me backwards.

I grunted and covered my face from the winds. I watched Nagini break out of her shackles and laugh. Nagini held her arms out and opened her eyes. They were snake-like and shined a bright lime green and her pupils became pink.

"What do you think? I have made a way for me to achieve my Super Form at will." Nagini said.

"Hmph. I don't need any transformations to beat you." I said and dark aura began to surge from my hands.

"You think your feelings are hurt now? Wait until I really bring the hurt to you!" Nagini laughed.

My dark energy rushed around my arms and I glared at Nagini.

"M-Master?!" Meng Xun said in shock.

"Come then, Phoenix! Show me your power once more!" Nagini laughed. "You've never truly defeated me in one on one combat. This will be your time to show what you're made of!"

Qiao Zhi watched from his window and crossed his arms. "Nagini is never one to want to win. She even provoked Liao Ru into fighting her just to show off this form. This power.."

"Does this victory mean that much to you, Noxius?" Shi asked.

"Liao Ru, Nagini. What is going on?" Misao asked herself as she watched.

I curled my fists and got in my Qi Stance. I placed my left arm behind my back then launched myself toward Nagini. I went for a kick, but she dodged swiftly then countered with a strike at my face with the back of her fist which knocked me away. I rolled backwards and recovered to my feet.

Nagini dashed toward me and punched, but I blocked it and grunted as I was knocked back once again. She stomped her foot down and rock spikes began to erupt from the ground toward me. I dodged the last spike and palmed it then sent it crashed toward her. She dodged it and fired rock shards at me. I dodged them and raised my arm and a rock wall blocked her earth projectiles.

Nagini kicked through the wall and looked at me with a sinister smile. She landed on her feet and went for multiple sweep kicks, but I dodged each one and punched the air, sending a bolt of fire at her. She groaned as she was blasted with the fire and knocked away.

Nagini rolled on the ground and got up onto one knee. "I shouldn't underestimate her. I forgot she knows all elements, but in this form...I do too!"

She got up and dashed toward me and sent four water tentacles at me. I dodged them and surrounded myself in fire and spun around. The flames evaporated the water. I stopped spinning, but the flames around me kept spinning. I generated water and combined them with my flames, creating steam. The steam blinded Nagini.

Nagini looked around then grunted as she was struck on her cheek. She was struck again then began getting hit from all directions swiftly. She bellowed and her aura blew away the steam.

I appeared in front of her and Nagini gasped. My eyes shined red and I bellowed as I delivered an explosive strike on her chest. Nagini's heart stopped for a few seconds and she reverted to her normal form. She fell to her knees then her heart began beating again.

I looked down at Nagini and glared. "Now we are even in near death experiences."

I turned around and noticed Misao was also watching. I closed my eyes and walked past her. Misao looked at me and hurried after me.

"So the Great Nagini has met her match huh. It was a fine performance...but shortcuts take you nowhere." Qiao Zhi said then walked away from the window.

Shi checked on Nagini and tapped her forehead, using his Chi to heal Nagini. She opened her eyes slowly and grunted softly. She looked up at Shi and huffed.

"I lost didn't I?" She asked.

"Yeah, but your display of power was outstanding. I couldn't tell you what technique she used as it looks forbidden, but I can say that I'm impressed." Shi answered and smiled at Nagini.

"I don't need your pity." Nagini said and stood up then stumbled, but Shi caught her.

"Rest. You just got done fighting." Shi said.

"There is work to be done. I must perfect-"

Shi placed a finger on Nagini's lip and she blushed. "As your best friend and ally, I want you to rest."

Nagini groaned and rolled her eyes. She pushed herself away from Shi then walked inside the base.


"Liao Ru!" Misao called out and grabbed my arm. "What was that about?"

"Nagini said some nasty things about you earlier. I wasn't going to let her spew out all that crap and let her get away with it." I said and looked back at Misao. "That is why I will teach you everything you will ever need to know before you meet Huangdi."

Misao looked at me and noticed how upset I looked. She didn't let me walk off, she kept me in place. "You don't have to keep fighting in my honor. I understand how weakened I am here. I do."

"You are not weak, Xeusheng Misao." I said and closed my eyes. I sighed and looked ahead. "You aren't weak anymore."

Misao looked at me then let me go. She watched me walk ahead and followed. "Why do you keep defending me? It's been three years and you've kept defending me from Nagini and the rest of our enemies of China."

"Because I know what it's like to be weak. Weak in my own country. I was just a mere commoner. Although I had skill, I wasn't equipped for battle. Because of my status, I was the lowest of the low in my home city of Pingtou. All I had was exceptional skill in martial arts. Nothing else." I explained.

"But you became strong! You're one of the strongest in the world right now!" Misao said.

"It is something I worked myself to the core for. All the pain and trials I went through. All the turmoil and error I faced. The hardships. The broken bonds. It took long to get here. I don't want anyone else to feel like they are weak. You may have a slow learning curve in practice, but your potential is better than my own. I will keep defending your honor until your name is recognized." I said.

Misao smiled at me and her tail wagged. "Liao Ru?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"You're different from the others, y'know. Shi doesn't even defend me this hard. You fought Nagini in my honor. Not many would go such lengths for me except my sisters." Misao said.

I watched as she hurried ahead of me.

Misao looked at me and walked backwards. "I will do whatever it takes to be strong like you. I will be useful to the council. They will all see."

I smiled at her and crossed my arms. "Well, if that's the case... follow me."

"Okay!" Misao smiled brightly at me.


Misao and I were in the prairie and she looked around. I placed my hands on my hips and looked at the sky. It was nearing the evening time so it was nice and cool out.

"Alright. The Earth Element. Fire produces Earth. You must use fire to create Earth which would mean to create ashes." I said.

"Create ashes huh. Easy." Misao nodded. She generated roots to come from underground then set it ablaze with fire. The fired burned the wood into ashes.

"Good, what you just used to make those ashes is called the Xie Cycle. Fire burns wood which creates the ashes you need to create Earth. Now use those ashes and solidify it." I said and watched.

Misao held her hand out at the ashes and began to concentrate. The ashes began to pull themselves together and solidify into a ceramic like stone.

"Now hurl it toward me." I said.

Misao raised her arm and the stone began to float in the air. She thrusted her hand forward and the stone flew toward me at high speeds. I caught it and lowered my arm.

"Now. Create more stones." I said.

Misao was about to use her Wood Manipulation, but thought about what I would do if she tried that method. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She stomped her foot down and extracted a medium sized stone from the ground and hurled it toward me. I palmed the stone and it shattered immediately.

"Too weak! Again!" I instructed.

Misao raised her arms and another stone was extracted from the ground and she hurled it at me again. I struck the stone and it shattered again.

"Once more!" I said.

Misao stomped her foot down and grunted as she accidentally created an rock spike. She quickly moved her arms to the side, causing the sharp part of the spike to break off.

She sighed of relief and looked at me. "Sorry, Liao Ru. I didn't mean to."

"No it's fine. Did you not see what you created?" I asked and crossed my arms. "An earth spike is very impressive, I must say. Maybe you don't have a slow learning curve after all. It was just you couldn't understand us at all. You learn pretty quick."

"It is all thanks to you." Misao bowed.

I watched her and noticed she hadn't stood up straight yet. I walked toward her and rubbed her head. Her fox ears flicked and her tail wagged happily. I smiled and scratched behind her ear. She blushed and made happy sounds, enjoying my affection.

"Alright enough. We still have training to get to. Now I want you to keep practicing until you never see error. Also touch up on your Fire Element also. If you need anything, I am right here." I said.

"Yes!" Misao said and stood up straight.


Nagini sat on her bed and looked at her paper with her notes. "I am years ahead of them when it comes to this. Only me and Doctor Ashikaga are able to create something this advanced and yet...Liao Ru is able to defeat me in my Super Form while she was in base."

Shi knocked on Nagini's door. "I'm coming in!" He announced.

"Come in already." Nagini said as she kept reading her notes.

Shi peeked his head through the door. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. What do you want?" Nagini asked.

Shi walked into Nagini's room and took her paper from her hands. "You should be resting and not trying to find ways to defeat Liao Ru. The truth is you won't defeat her if she's at full power. She is a chosen Ruler remember."

Nagini snatched her paper back. "You're being annoying and clingy. I don't like that. It is usually me clinging onto you."

"Well, I have to make sure you're okay. Remember in Owari when I met you?" Shi asked.

"What about it?" Nagini asked and looked at Shi.

"You were desperately trying to find power. It is how you met Murano through me. Don't you understand how it feels to be weak? Before you became a scientist and alchemist...don't you remember what it was like to have no power?" Shi asked.

"I was only a teen then. This was also before I was introduced to the power of a Ruler. I had a goal to avenge my parents. Of course I was weak then! I was emotional. I was imperfect. Now I can create any power I wish through the power of science and alchemy." Nagini answered.

"Why do you give Misao such a hard time then? She isn't weak from how you explained her power. You acknowledge her abilities as a Miko. Do you not like her?" Shi asked.

"No." Nagini said and looked at her paper. "I don't like her because of the sole reason of her acting weak. This isn't what the world needs."

"She wasn't acting." Shi said and placed his hands in his pockets. "You also acknowledged she couldn't use her power as she was. If she was able to use her powers here would you still say these things?"

Nagini sighed and rolled her eyes. "Get out of my face, Shi."

Shi crossed his arms. "Noxius."

Nagini ignored him.

"Nagini." Shi said.

Nagini softly sighed. "No. I wouldn't say those things. But it doesn't excu-"

Shi placed his finger on her lips. "That is all that needs to be said. You admitted it yourself. There is nothing more that needs to be said. Now that we understand the situation, you have to play nice."

"I really...hate you sometimes." Nagini said then slapped Shi's hand away from her face. She laid down. "If you aren't going to join me in bed, you should leave."

Shi smiled and walked to the door. "Have a good rest."

Nagini rolled on her side. "Out."

"Alright, alright. I'm leaving. Good night." Shi said then closed the door.

Nagini closed her eyes. "Hope and Faith are for weaklings...I don't need anything like belief or hope. Everything must be absolute." She said then yawned and drifted to sleep.