

Izuku: {I remember you said you don't understand Japanese very well so I'll strictly talk to you in English} *gives a thumbs up*

Pony: *felt releaved and gave a big smile* {Thank you.} *small bow*

All Might: Young Midoriya and Tsunotori as villains will be facing young Todoroki and Monoma as heros [respect the random number generator] and to make it more fair could young Midoriya only use black whip and float?

Izuku: *nods* Sure.

Later as Izuku was carrying the bomb he was talking to Pony.

Izuku: {Do you think you can nail your horns onto a surface?}

Pony: {Yes why do you ask?}

Izuku: {Todoroki would probably freeze the whole building so if you use your horns to keep the bomb on the corner of the roof-}

Pony: {My horns will keep it there with the ice not only supporting it but also somewhat hide it!}

Izuku: {And they will think it's just a empty room.}

Pony: {That's brilliant!}

Meanwhile with the other students

Eraserhead: Izuku is giving a good example of using the rules to his advantage without breaking them... *rubs the bridge of his nose* Definitely a second Nezu...

Vlad King: *shakes his head* And the worst part of this is with the high roof design of the building it would be a lot harder to see if not impossible with the pillars blocking the view...

All Might: Even when he was limited in order to make it more fair for others he still can make the entire game go in his favour.It shows that there is more to just having a powerful quirk... *guilt*

Momo: *nods* Smart as usual.

Most students didn't know English well enough to follow so they just wait to see what his plan is.

At the bar

Toga: Boo!You are not allowed to be smart Ass might!

Dabi: Go and burn in hell!

Tomura: Useless piece of garbage!

AFO: Ignoring the idiot, it is a great plan.

Kurogiri: Truely... It's somewhat terrifying to think he has so much power along with that level of intelligence...

Back to the training and the entire building being frozen.

Izuku: *holding Pony bridal style so she doesn't get frozen* {I told you.}

Pony: {Yeah.So now we just fight?}

Izuku: *slowly puts her down* {Yes I recommend sneak attacks}

Pony: {Playing the villain role right?}

Izuku: *nods* {Do you want to split up or go together?}

Pony: {I think they will go together so it better if we do the same.}

Izuku: {Follow me.} *walks out of the room with Pony*

It isn't normally odd just by walking but because of the fact Izuku's shoes were frozen and now walking over ice would make clacking sounds but as he was walking he made less sound then Pony.

Eraserhead: He went out of his way to include his teammate, with stealth like that I'm sure he could easily win on his own.

Vlad King: Do you think he is using float to not make any sounds?

All Might: (No, the quirk doesn't work like that...) *confused*

Iida: Even when he is severely limited he still uses everything to his advantage, truely impressive.

Eijiro/Tetsutetsu: SO MANLY!

Jiro/Setsuna: Are we sure those two aren't long lost brothers?

As we see Izuku getting close to his opponents

Izuku: {You stay here while I distract them and use your horn canon when they can't see.}

Pony: *nods*

As Izuku leaps in and punches Todoroki he uses black whip to block fire that's coming from Monoma but by doing that made steam blinding them and Pony used this to her advantage and shot her horns pinning both of Monoma's arms to the ground while holding a fifth horn in her hand to his neck.

As the smoke cleared is showed Todoroki tied up in black whip and Monoma being held at horn point.

All Might: *over the speakers* Villain team wins!

Izuku: *deactivated black whip* Maybe next time?*holds out his hand to Todoroki*

Todoroki: *grabs his hand* Yeah maybe next time I have a different opponent.*smiles*

Izuku: *laughs and pulls him up*

Pony: *just took the horns off of Monoma*

Monoma: *struggling to say* {Th-thank y-you}

Pony: *smiles and gives a thumbs up* You welcome!

Back with the other students

All Might: It is clear who the MVP of the match is *turns to the students* any questions on their performance?

There was some mumbling but after some time you said no

Momo: There plans were quite clear from the beginning so I don't think we need to ask anything?

Eraserhead: Yes, but here are a few things that Izuku showed you all today that range from don't expect something straight forward or simple, all the way to you need to keep a eye out from any direction for a sneak attack.

Vlad King: And even if the enemy is weakened or limited don't let your guard down.

All Might: *nods* Yes as such the MVP is Izuku Midoriya

With the league

AFO: Take a few notes because what Izuku did is nothing short of effective and efficient.

Tomura: Strike from blind spots, use anything to your advantage...

AFO: Yes he even used his disadvantage to his advantage due to them thinking he is weaker and lowered their guard.

Toga: Well if being a hero isn't his thing at least we know he can be a great villain!*giggles*

Dabi: *impressed* No kidding, even I learnt something new.

A/N: Because I can't think of anything else I need to handle off, I'm skipping the rest of the exercise and lets just say Izuku was making All Might extremely uncomfortable by glaring at him every now and then, so now they are in class.

Aizawa: Now you will choose a class representative I don't care how but do it before I get back from principal Nezu's office.*leaves*

Mina: *nervous* Should we be worried?

Izuku: No no don't be, because if he had a problem he would say it out right.

Mina: *releaved* Ok good.

Iida: *also releaved* Then how are we going to choose?

Izuku: By voting?*shrugs a bit*

And so they start voting and after the votes are in it was decided that Izuku with eleven votes is the class president and Momo with six votes is vice-president so now Izuku is standing tall in the front of the class with Momo next to him.

Izuku: I promise to be the best class representative I could be, because you all deserve my best.*small bow*

Eijiro: *crying manly tears* Best class president ever!

Aizawa: *comes in the class* So Izuku is the class president?... *narrowed eyes* I don't know if I should be happy or worried.

Izuku: How about happily worried?*smiles*

Aizawa couldn't help but smile at that knowing he values those who follow him... But is still worried that he might have to explain why two students went missing... Not that he would mind said students going missing...

As the day ends Izuku was going to the hospital but a few people asked if they could join more specifically it was Todoroki, Mina and Pony because they all have something to ask Izuku

Izuku: Well I have a appointment and it will probably last thirty minutes so if you don't mind to wait my girlfriend will be here in twenty minutes if you want to meet her?

Todoroki: I don't mind.(I still need to ask him for help training.)

Mina: YES!Now I can see who she is!

Pony: *after Izuku translated* {Oh I can wait.} ({I want to know if he can help me in my Japanese.})

Doctor: *enters the lobby* I have to ask you not be too loud at a hospital.*looks at Mina*

Mina: *shrinks under his gaze* Sorry.

Doctor: Izuku we need at least three hearts for a few people and almost a dozen lungs, so if you could follow me.*walks away* Payment is the usual.

Izuku: Right behind you doc.*follows* I'll see you later.

After he left they were silent for some time

Mina:... Is... Is he really?....

Todoroki:... That... Is messed up...

Mina/Todoroki: I'm gonna kill his parents...

Pony: Ahh...

After Todoroki explained to Pony, [he had the best teachers money can buy] she was angry that someone could be so cruel to such a kind boy

After some time a beautiful girl whose hair seemed to sparkle walked in holding a small girl with long with hair and piercing red eyes and the oddest thing happened, in Pony and Mina's point of view, was as soon as the kid was on the ground she ran to Todoroki who smiled back.

???: Your Daddy's friend!

Todoroki: I'm surprised you remember me Eri.

Eri: Yeah you were with daddy at my school.

???: Oh so you must be Todoroki.

Todoroki: And you are Diamond?

Diamond: *smiles* Yep!

Mina: WAIT!*points at Diamond* You are Izuku's girlfriend!?

Diamond: The one and only!And you are... Mina?

Mina: Ah yeah... Izuku talked about me?*a bit confused*

Diamond: He talks about the entire class 1-A and 1-B because Eri is always asking about it *softly pats Eri's head*

Pony: *looking at Diamond* {Beautiful...}

Diamond: {Thank you.}

Pony: {Wait did I say that out loud!?}

Mina: Am I the only one who doesn't speak English!?

Eri: {Ma-Mamma is ve-ver-very pre-pretty!} *slight blush of embarrassment*

Todoroki: Seems so.

Mina: NANI!?*disbelief and shock*

They all talked for the ten minutes that was left and then Izuku came out.

Izuku: I see you all get to know each other better while I was gone.

Mina: Yea, I didn't know you were a dad.

Todoroki: It through me off the first time too.*rubs his head sheepishly*

Pony: {It's nice to have a loving family.} *smiles*

Eri: *nods vigorously*

Izuku: *chuckles at Eri* {Definitely.}

Mina: *pouts* I really need to learn English.

Diamond: *picks up Eri* We are going to get something for Eri to eat, do you guys want to join?*translates for Pony*

Todoroki: Sure.

Pony: *nods shyly*

Mina: If you don't mind?

Izuku: Not at all.

As they go to a restaurant and got a big table they talked and ordered food but Todoroki, Mina and Pony were shocked to hear that Diamond doesn't eat or sleep just like Izuku.

Todoroki: Midoriya, I wanted to ask if you can help me with training my quirk?*a bit nervous*

Izuku: Oh?*raises a eyebrow*

Todoroki: My entire quirk... *he clarified*

Izuku: *smiles* I'll gladly help.

Pony: {Um Izuku?...}

Izuku: *smiles even brighter* {Need help in Japanese?}

Pony: *nods*

Izuku: {Sure I'd love to help you.}

Todoroki: And maybe than I can help Ashido with learning English.

Mina: You know you can call me Mina.*pouts*

Todoroki: Sorry Ashid- I mean Mina.*scratches his cheek*

Mina: *pouts even more* Meanie.

Eri: *laughs*

Eri's laugh brightened Mina's mood right up and laughed with the little girl and was soon joined by the others.

Next day as Izuku and Todoroki was walking to school they stopped to see the crowd but Izuku saw someone in the corner of his eye and nodded before he and Todoroki tried to get through the reporters.

???: Hey!*grabs Izuku's arm* Can you answer a few questions!?

Izuku: *turned and gave them a annoyed look* Huh?

???: *quickly lets go* SORRY!... Uh... aren't you too big for school?

Izuku: Aren't you overstepping your boundaries with randomly grabbing children infront of a school?*turns and walks away*

???: *flinched* It won't happen again!*bows*

At the back of the crowd.

Tomura: *smiles* (Leave it to my cousin to put people in there place with a glare and a single sentence.)

Inside the school

Todoroki: What do you think this is about?

Izuku: Our newest teacher of course!*with false excitement*

Todoroki: All Might.*seems annoyed to think about him*

Izuku: Yep.*is definitely annoyed to think about him*

As the day was going normally until in lunch time when a alarm went off.

Iida: What is happening!?

???: This means a villain entered the school!

And then there was chaos.

Izuku: *floats and looks out the window* STOP!

Everyone stopped and looked at the floating kid who had a cold expression on his face that sent chills down the spines of every class except 1-A and 1-B

Izuku: Heros are supposed to be prepared for anything and all of you got scared because of the media getting into the school.*points at the window*

And true to what he said as everyone looked out the see a crowd of reporters and cameraman and felt shame.

Izuku: And worst of all you all threw other students to the ground to be trampled.*points at the middle of the students*

As the crowd of students opened, it revealed a student with purple curly hair who was covering his face, with his uniform having footprints on it, at that everyone felt guilt but before anyone could do anything Izuku dropped down and went to the student and picked him up to see he was unconscious but his next words cut very deep.

Izuku: You all are supposed to be heros not civilians who panic a the slightest sign of trouble.*shakes his head in disappointment* I expected more from the students at the best hero school in all of Japan.*walks away with the unconscious student*

The students made a path for him as a few wanted to say something but didn't know what to say but a few parting words from Izuku made them determined.

Izuku: It's our jobs as heros and heroines to make sure this doesn't happen again so learn from this mistake and make sure to help those who can't otherwise we are just normal civilians who need saving.*left the cafeteria*

And class 1-A knew they made the right choice for class president, and slowly but surely everyone started to clean up the cafeteria and help were needed.

Meanwhile at Recovery Girl's office the purple haired boy was waking up but kept his eyes closed to listen to a conversation.

Chiyo: So his name is Hitoshi Shinso and his quirk is brainwash.

Izuku: *sounds surprised* Really?

Hitoshi: (He is just like the others, alw-)

Izuku: That's a amazing quirk, there is so much someone can do with it as a hero.*starts thinking*

Hitoshi: *shocked* Wha!?

Hitoshi shot up from his bed to look at the boy who said that... Only to be surprised at how tall said boy is.

Izuku: Oh so you are awake.*smiles*

Chiyo: You had a broken finger and a few bruises but nothing serious so I already healed you.

Hitoshi: Ah thank you Recovery Girl.*bows and then looks at Izuku* Did you mean what you said?

Izuku: About your quirk?*nods at himself in understanding* Yes, as a underground hero your quirk has a lot of uses and even in hostage situations you can keep damage to a minimum.

Hitoshi: *happy* I'm glad someone doesn't hate me for it.

Izuku: Well you don't have to worry ok but I am sorry for what happened to you at the cafeteria.

Hitoshi: No it's fine.*waves it off* I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Chiyo: So no pain or discomfort?

Hitoshi: *shakes his head* None.

Izuku: *smiles* That's good.*stands up* Well I'm off to class.*walks*

Hitoshi: Wait!

Izuku: *stops and looks back* Hm... Yeah?

Hitoshi: Can uh... Can you tell me your name?... *a little embarrassed at his outburst*

Izuku: *smiles* Izuku Midoriya, I'm from class 1-A you can visit if you want to train with me.

Hitoshi: *surprised* Really?

Izuku: Like you I was also a outcast and bullied *holds out his hand* we outcasts should stick together don't you think?

Hitoshi: *smiles* Yeah.*shakes Izuku's hand*

Izuku: *let's go* Well then I'll see you around.*exits the room*

Hitoshi: Yeah.

As it was at the end of the day they had one last announcement from Aizawa about a field trip in two days time.

But now Izuku is bringing Eri and Diamond to meet his friends and family that is known as the league of villains with the immortals there aswell, as soon as they walked in they saw Tomura, Dabi and Jason infront of the TV playing games, at the bar Kurogiri and Yato were talking, with Theo the tortoise on a table eating, Toga was talking to the new members called Twice and Mr. Compress and then there was All For One who sitting at a table while he was reading through one of Izuku's hero notebooks while Getsumei was curiously looking at him.

As everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the new people a beautiful girl and a young girl that was currently looking between Izuku and All For One confused until she asked-

Eri: Why are there two daddy's?

Some hearts were melted and a few chuckled

Izuku: *kneels down* Eri sweetie.

Eri: *looks at Izuku*

Izuku: He *points at All For One* is my dad so he is your grampa his name is All For One.*smiles*

Now everyone was curious to see what she will do next even All For One who had a calm face couldn't help but feel curious but he didn't expect what happened next.

Eri: *runs over and gives All For One a hug* Grampa One!

What surprised everyone was a small tear forming in All For One's eye.

AFO: *hugs her back* If anything happens to her I'll destroy everything and everyone in the world.

Everyone else: *nods* Agreed.

The next day everything was going normally with all the classes, reporters trying to get a interview with All Might and everyone was enjoying lunch, with Izuku just drinking coffee like usual.

???: IZUKU!

Izuku: Huh?*looks at ???*

As everyone looked at who it could be they saw a girl with pink hair and golden eyes wearing a overall with a lot of oil and grime on it but she didn't seem to mind.

Izuku: Hey Mei!*waves his hand at her*

Mei: *stomping to Izuku* NO TIME FOR FORMALITIES, MUSCLES!*slams her hands on the table Izuku was sitting at*

Now everyone else was tense seeing that this girl is confronting, what the school has come to know as 'the student that doesn't take nonsense' and it was like time stopped because no one was moving and just looked at the two and waiting to see what she is going to say.

Izuku: *calm* Oh really?*sips his coffee* What ya need then?*slightly leans in*

The atmosphere was extremely thick and it was getting hard for people to breathe with the anticipation of what is going to happen.

Mei: *seems offended* I NEED YOUR HELP MAKING BABIES!

And that is when all hell broke loose.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!




Bakugou: DA FUCK?!?!

Izumi: *coughs on her drink*

People were falling over in surprise, a few even fainted with the shear shock, some frozen trying to process what they just heard and so many people dropped their food and drinks, even All Might fell over with the shock of that, Iida's mind is revving but not starting, a lot of the girls are shell shocked, Izumi and Bakugou are frozen and having a hard time believing what they heard.

Izuku: *gives a giant smile* Of course I'll help!*stands up to leave*

Mei: *beams* YAY!!

Everyone: HE AGREED?!?!

Now even more people faint which includes Izumi, Bakugou and All Might, a few people slipping over the food or drinks they dropped and everyone just looks frantic even Asui who doesn't get fazed looks like she saw a ghost with the shear amount of shock but in the background a teacher face palms at this and stands up on a table when Mei and Izuku left the Cafeteria.


Everyone was still frantic but were somewhat listening the him.


Everyone immediately calmed down and everyone who was awake looked at the chaos, seeing a third of the of the students are out cold a few people have concussions from falling but with all the food on the ground it looked like a food fight happened and had gone to far.

Power loader: Leave it to those two to bring chaos with a single sentence each.*sigh*

Mina, Shoto and Pony were extremely confused because they know Izuku was A-sexual and that he wouldn't cheat so they knew there was a logical reason and they can't help but giggle at the state of everyone but Shoto also saw how All Might buffed down and was dragged away by Hound Dog he was the only one to see it.

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Mina: *holding back a laugh* I know he likes chaos and seeing what he did I can't blame him.

Pony: *holding back a laugh* Truth.

Shoto: *a soft chuckle* Yeah.

Now everyone was trying to clean the cafeteria up and take people to Recovery Girl and trying to explain to the students just waking up.


Izuku: See I told you it was worth it.*light chuckle*

Mei: Definitely!*giggles*

Nezu: *big smile* Truly wonderful, you two might give me a run for my money yet.*takes a sip of tea*

Izuku: All I need to learn is how you pull tea out of thin air and then I'll be on your level.

Mei: I thought that was a extra quirk?

Nezu: No no, it's not a quirk but doing it helps freak people out and to keep people guessing so I'll give Izuku that one.

Izuku: Anyway me and Mei are going to the support course to put some final touches on my costume.*smiles* Tommorow will be busy with the USJ after all.

Nezu: I can't wait to see what you two make.

Mei: *a bit giddy* It will be amazing!*waves* Bye!

Nezu: *waves* Good day.

It was the next day and now it's time for them to go on their field trip and everyone was on the bus busy talking, with Asui talking to Izuku.

Asui: I told you to call me Tsu.

Izuku: Right right, sorry Tsu.*rubs the back of his head sheepishly*

Tsu: I will say sorry in advance because I usually just say what's on my mind.[She's afraid to ask or say something insensitive around him considering his story...]

Izuku: *gives a comforting smile* No need to apologize, I'm a lot like that myself... *to himself* At least after my first death...

Jiro: *a bit saddened*

Tsu: Well can I ask you something then?

Izuku: *joking* You just did.*gives a smile and a thumbs up*

Tsu: *giggles slightly before becoming serious* You sometimes act cold and sound suicidal but other times it sounds like you have a lot to live for so why the sudden changes?

Everyone was very surprised at the question she so boldly asked but calmed down as Izuku's expression became a thoughtful expression but also got the others wondering the same thing.

Izuku: I think it's just my negativity separating from my other emotions almost like a multiple personality disorder except it's a single person with two sides?Like the one side is me wanting to die but this side has things to live for or so on...

Tsu: Instead of two coins it's really two sides of the same coin?

Izuku: *nods* Basically, my quirk doesn't allow my mind to break apart so it was a multiple personality disorder after I got it but got forced into one... I think?... Maybe?... Hmmm...

Kaminari: You mean like extreme mood swings?

Izuku: I guess that is also a way to look at it.

Mina: But at least he has control over it.

Toru: Yeah I don't know how it would have been if it was random.

Izuku: Yea and I wouldn't be able to enjoy the masterpiece from yesterday.*chuckles*

Aizawa: Whatever you say, chaos gremlin...

Mina: Your chaos child has evolved into a chaos gremlin!

Izuku: *le gasp* I evolved!

Aizawa/Momo: That may not be a good thing...

Izuku: *fake pout* Meanies..

Aizawa: You are the one who ruined my nap with that stunt you pulled.*glares at Izuku*

Izuku: Hahaha yeah I guess you have me there.

Sero: I heard everyone screamed so loud that even the reporters jumped in surprise when they heard it and dropped some of their equipment.

Izuku: Serves them right.

Tsu: You don't like reporters?

Izuku: Do you know how many people want to interview me for being a immortal?A lot of people.I even had to move two times to stay away from them.*shakes his head in disappointment* I don't even want to know how bad it will be after being a hero for a few centuries.*shutters a little*

Jiro: That does sounds horrible.

Izuku: I might actually have to buy a island to build a house in the future to stay away from them... *puts his hand on his chin* Hmmm...

Aizawa: You say that like that would stop them.

Izuku: *sighs and shrugs* At least it will buy me some time.

Jiro: Let's just change the subject?I don't want to think about something like that.

Izuku: Sure.

And so everyone started talking but people slowly started noticing that Izuku never talks to Izumi or Katsuki and Iida is suspicious with remembering the first day of school what he said about Katsuki.

Iida: Hmm... (Are they-)

Aizawa: Ok shut up we are here.

And as everyone got off the busses to see the rescue hero: 13 with Uraraka being a big fan of her's.

Uraraka: OMG it's the space hero 13!

13: Welcome to the USJ!

Kaminari: Universal Studio Japan!?

13/Izuku: Unforseen Simulation Joint.

Kaminari: *embarrassed* Oh...

Neito: How do you know about it, Midoriya?

Izuku: I'm Nezu's personal student so I get a lot of info on school events and activities.*proud*

Everyone: (Wait...) *slowly looks at Izuku* (Is that why he enjoys chaos so much?...)

Aizawa: He was Nezu's personal student even before school started, ten months to be accurate... *rubs the back of his neck* I'm the one who actually introduced them...

13/Vlad King: So long story short, if they destroy the world we know who to blame.

Izuku: And I know who to thank for it.*laughs*

Everyone: *glares at Aizawa*

13: Moving on!*gets everyone's attention* The USJ is a place to train all of you in rescue in different environments such as flooded zones, burning buildings, landslides and so on, but we will also teach you how to control your quirk so that you keep damage to a minimum and not hurt civilians because quirks are dangerous no matter how you look at it, like my quirk for example Black Hole can turn anything to dust if I'm not careful.

Izuku: *deep in thought* Hmmmm...

13: *sigh* And no Izuku, I will not use my quirk on you.

Izuku: DAMNIT!

Vlad King: *sigh* Never changes does he?

Aizawa: *sigh* Let's go inside before Chaos gremlin gets any more suicidal thoughts and tests them like he did last time.

13: *starts going to the entrance* I still get nightmares from what I saw that day.

Aizawa/Vlad King/13: *shivers*

Everyone: (... I'm curious about what he did but I'm to afraid to ask...) *follows the teachers*

As everyone was heading to the entrance Vlad King, Aizawa and 13 were far ahead enough so that the students can't hear.

Aizawa: All Might over did it again didn't he.*not a question* (Just like Nezu said...)

13: Yes he did.*shakes her head in disappointment* He never learns does he?

Vlad King: He has to learn sooner or later.

Aizawa: (And hopefully it'll be after today.)

13: Hope it's sooner rather than later.

Izuku: (No need to hope, he will definitely not be doing hero work after today...) *glances at Jiro*

Jiro: *has a worried expression* (What do they mean All Might over did it?Over did what?...)

Izuku: *puts a hand on Jiro's shoulder*

Jiro: *looks at Izuku*

Izuku: *whispers so that only Jiro can hear* All Might just does so much hero work that he loses track of time so don't worry ok, he'll come by later on.*gives a reassuring smile*

Jiro: *smiles* (I forgot he has super hearing and can also hear what they said...) Thanks.

As everyone was going into the USJ while listening to 13 explain everything and Izuku sending a message reminding Aizawa about Jiro's super hearing and saying that he had to explain his, 13 and Vlad King's previous conversation.

Aizawa: (I did forget about that.) *looks at Izuku and giving him a nod*

Kirishima/Tetsutetsu: Hey you even got fake villains!

Aizawa: (Ok now to play the part.) *looks serious* Get back!They are real villains!*looks at 13* Call backup while I hold them off!*runs at the villains* (At least the agreement is he won't kill any of the students.)

Vlad King: And get the students out of here!*follows Aizawa*

13: We need to get out of here!

???: I don't think so!

As everyone turned around they saw a dark purple mist at the doors with what they think are yellow eyes.

???: We are the League of Villains and we are currently looking for All Might, he was supposed to be here.

Izumi: Why!?

???: To kill him of course, but I suppose master will want to kill all of you.

Izuku: Over my dead body!*rushes a Kurogiri* (All according to plan.)

???: *teleports Izuku body away leaving his head* Done, now for all of you.*teleports everyone all over the USJ*

Meanwhile at the Antarctic a portal opens dropping a headless body only for the head to grow back.

Izuku: *stands up while adjusting his costume* I am really glad me and Mei made this cold resistant material for my suit.

He stands up and stretches.

Izuku: The cold may not kill me but it's one hell of a way to spend the next few days, might as well use my stamina and start running and swimming back to Japan.

He starts running over the ice at full speed.

Izuku: Those reporters are going to tear All Might apart.*grins* If only I could have seen his face first hand, oh well at least Diamond said she will make a recording of it for me.

As he gets close to the sea he jumps headfirst into the ocean and starts swimming full speed.

Izuku: Three or four days of this and I'll gain a immunity against coldness and I'll build quite a bit more muscle mass.

Back at the USJ we see Izumi, Tsu and Hiryu in a boat inside of the USJ.

Izumi: I think I have a plan.

Tsu: What is it?

Hiryu: *shoots the villains with his scales* I'm listening!

Izumi: After I jump I'll use my quirk Shockwave to make a whirlpool while Tsu jumps and grabs Rin with her tongue.

Hiryu: What about you?!

Izumi: I can glide with my quirk by focusing my quirk downwards so I'll be ok, but Rin you have to shoot anyone who looks like they will attack us ok?

Hiryu: Right!

Tsu: Ok as soon as you are ready.

And they did the plan and landed on the shore safely.

Hiryu: *surprised* That went a lot smoother than I expected it to.

Tsu: True

As the trio looked at the centre they saw Aizawa and Vlad King fighting villains extremely fast and effectively.

???: You guys really are cool.*scratches his neck*

They looked at who said that to see a slender man covered in what looked like severed hands with light blue hair, just then a portal opened next to the man to show Kurogiri.

???: It seems as All Might is not here but I sorry to say that one student escaped before I could teleport them.

???: Damnit Kurogiri!If you weren't our ride I would have dusted you!*scratches his neck more* Anything else!?

Kurogiri: Yes I killed one student by severing their head.*muttered to himself* he did however look a lot like master.

Jiro: *heard what he said*

???: At least you are not completely useless!(So Izuku is now swimming in the Antartic?He is probably literally freezing his toes off!) *evil chuckle*

With Izuku.

Izuku: *sneeze* (I can't get sick which means only one thing.) DAMN THAT COUSIN OF MINE!

Back with the USJ.

Tomura: Huh, did you hear something?

Kurogiri: *shakes his head* No master Tomura.

Just then the front doors slam open revealing All Might.


Students: It's All Might!

Tomura: NOMU KILL HIM!*points at All Might*

A/N: The fight will go to canon so I'll pick up after All Might launched the Nomu out of the USJ and is steaming.


Tomura: *so calm that it somewhat unnerves everyone* You sure about that?...

Just then another portal opens infront of All Might who was somewhat off guard but then the Nomu steps out like it never was in a fight and All Might understandably in worried.

Tomura: *calm* Nomu...

Everyone tensed up and waited to hear what he will say next the entire USJ was so quiet you could hear pin drop.

Tomura: *points at Izumi* Kill All Might's daughter...

Everyone including heros, students and villains were shocked at the revelation but the students started panicking because their classmate was about to get killed, as the Nomu rushed at Izumi a shot was heard.

Tomura: AHH!DAMNIT, KUROGIRI!*holding a bleeding leg* GET US OUT OF HERE!

Kurogiri: OF COURSE TOMURA!*teleports him and Tomura out of there*

Now all the heros were making sure the villains didn't escape but All Might was still in shock but more then anything he was determined to let Izumi live even if he has to die so he pushes his body to the breaking point to safe his daughter but was hit to the stairs where he coughed out blood and buffed down.

Heros were panicking because that unknown bird monster just took the number one hero out like nothing and it didn't have a scratch on it's body.

All Might: (I ALREADY LOST MY SON I WON'T LOSE MY DAUGHTER TOO!) *runs and buffs up his right arm*

Nomu: *puts both arms in a X formation infront of it's body to block*

All Might: UNITED STATES OF SMASH!*punches the Nomu out of the USJ... Again...*

Students were cheering, heros were releaved, villains were still in shock that All Might has a daughter and this different form that looked like a twig and even on that they were impressed by the power of that Nomu thing that the League was bragging about.


That is the one word that can describe the past week, pure chaos...

After the USJ villain attack the media was all over the area and when one camera man got a photo of a severed head of a student the media went ballistic.

One week ago.

As the students were exiting the USJ they were treated for wounds and then interviewed by a detective one by one, but there was one interview that stood out from the rest.

Detective: State your name.

Jiro: Kyoka Jiro.

Detective: (true) What can you tell me what happened?

Jiro: When we entered the villains entered from a purple mist in the centre of the USJ.

Detective: (true) *nods and writes that down*

Jiro: And then the mist guy appeared behind us when Mr. Erasure head and Mr. Vlad King went down to fight them.

Detective: (true) *nods*

Jiro: Then Midoriya tried to go and fight him b-but... *chocks up a bit thinking about it*

Detective: You don't have to say if you don't want to.(I guess they are worried even when he can't die, or is it because of his backstory of constantly being tormented?)

Jiro: *wipes away a tear forming* Thank you.

Detective: *smiles softly* Right.(It could also be they were afraid the same would happen to them?I can't blame them.)

Jiro: A-After that we were so surprised that he sent most of us off.

Detective: (true) *gives a reassuring smile and a nod*

Jiro: I along with Momo Yaoyorozu, Denki Kaminari and a few people from class 1-B that I don't know to well were sent to the mountain range.

Detective: (true) *nods and writes that down*

Jiro: We ended up fighting them off and went directly to the stairs at the entrance.

Detective: (true) *nods*

Jiro: We all saw All Might come into the USJ and started fighting that monster and punched it out of the USJ.

Detective: (true) *nods*

Jiro: But then the mist guy used his quirk to bring the monster back right infront of All Might, who looked tired and a bit bruised.

Detective: *frowns a bit* (true) *slowly nods*

Jiro: Then the guy covered in hands pointed at Izumi Yagi and told the monster to kill All Might's daughter.

Detective: *sigh* (true) *writes that down and nods*

Jiro: The monster punched All Might away and started walking to Izumi but we all saw All Might- change?... Into a very skinny man.

Detective: *pinches the bridge of his nose* (true) *writes that down and sighs*

Jiro: We... We were all scared and worried... *holds herself thigh*

Detective: I understand your concern.

Jiro: Before we went into the USJ the teachers were talking about All Might 'overdoing it' was this it?

Detective: *sigh* He has a really bad injury from long ago that makes him look like that.

Jiro: *nods* A-Anyway... *shakes her head a bit* After that he put everything into one punch and saved Izumi.

Detective: (true) *nods*

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Jiro: And that's when I realised that the mist guy and the other one covered in hands were gone.

Detective: (true) *nods* And from there everyone was escorted by the heros?

Jiro: Yes.

Detective: (true) Anything else you want to add?(I still have 38 more students to interview) *shaking off the feeling of dread he listened to her reply*

Jiro: Th-There is...

Detective: (true) *gives a small smile* Yes?

Jiro: When the mist guy talked to the other guy about 'killing' Izuku he whispered something under his breath.

Detective: (true) *widened his eyes a bit* And you heard what he said?

Jiro: Yes.

Detective: (true) *gets his notepad ready* Can you repeat it word for word?

Jiro: *nods* "he did however look a lot like master." when he said that he was referring to Izuku.

Detective: (true) And how did Izuku Midoriya look like?

Jiro: He was extremely tall and slender with white hair, red eyes.

Detective: (true) *nervous* (O-Oh no...)

Jiro: He was also wearing a formal black business suit as a hero costume.


Detective: *dropped his pen* (true) *visibility shaken* (This... Is bad...) Th-Thank you for y-your time you can go now... (I need to tell All Might RIGHT NOW!)

Jiro: (He doesn't look good, this is very bad...) *stressed* (They know who it is but to make him that nervous...) *swallows a lump in her throat and stands up* (This is very bad considering All Might is out for the count) *leaves*

As Jiro left the media stormed her to ask questions but stopped when the detective came out and gave a death glare at them for overwhelming the students.But at that moment they took the picture of Izuku's severed head and when the detective saw the cold red eyes and the frown on it's face knowing full well he is still alive his mind went blank and didn't stop the reporters going crazy.

???: *dropped their microphone* IS THAT A HEAD?!?



Jiro: *annoyed* (Is that all they care about!?)

That is how it went for the next week with the media looking into the identity of the severed head trying to figure out why no one is talking about it but was surprised that he was the urban legend "the headless horseman" or his new name "the undying hero" but they still are looking into his past while following a trail of bread crumbs... That was placed by none other than Nezu and Izuku themselves.

The headlines varied from "15 year old immortal selling his own organs for money", "UA student missing", "abused immortal UA student" or Nezu's favourite one "All Might or Small Might?".But there were dozens more headlines that aren't too interesting.

The media was still waiting for a announcement from UA and All Might about everything but they are busy with their own things...

After all of the students' interviews, the detective immediately went to All Might to tell him everything.

Toshi: Noamasa?What brings you here?

All Might was in UA's infirmary with Inko, Nezu and Recovery Girl.

Noamasa: *worried* I have bad news.

Toshi: *being treated for injuries* I doubt that it could get worse.

Nezu: (I'm sure he'd be happy to prove you wrong) *sounding interested* What is the news?

Noamasa: He is still alive...

The room became quiet and cold after that...

Toshi: *shocked*...

Inko: *afraid*...

Recovery Girl: *tense after hearing that* Dear lord...

Nezu: *hid his smile and frowned* How do you know...?

Noamasa: The gate user said that Izuku Midoriya looked a lot like their master... *looks at All Might* Is it true...?

Toshi: *afraid... very afraid* I-Identical act-actually...

Noamasa: (true) *starts pacing trying to think*

Inko: No... Oh no... What does he want...?

Noamasa: Whatever it is they were here today solely for you All Might... *saddened* To kill you...

Inko: *gasps* No... *hugs Toshinori*

Toshi: *looks down* I see... *comforts Inko*

Nezu: *keeping his sad mask on while glancing at Noamasa* (I need to be careful with him around...) Do you have any plans Mr. Yagi?

Toshi: *distraught* No... *looks at Nezu* Do you have anything planned...?

Noamasa: *stops pacing and looks at Nezu with hope*

Nezu: (I do have plans but it's definitely not to stop All For One.) *shakes his head in false disappointment* I don't have a plan to stop All For One...

Noamasa: (true) *worried* Damnit... *rubs his temples*

Inko: Do you have a plan to find Izuku...?*hopeful*

Toshi: *hopeful*

Nezu: (I already know were he is so no I don't have a plan to find him.) *sighs* No I don't have a plan to find Izuku.

Noamasa: (True) Damnit!*starts pacing again*

Recovery Girl: Well I have even more bad news...

Everyone was now looking at her.

Nezu: (Yagi would only be able to be All Might for five to ten minutes...?Or will Izuku win the bet?)

Recovery Girl: All Might is no more...

Everyone except Nezu gasped.

Recovery Girl: You can't stay buff for longer than a few seconds before vomiting blood but One For All is also completely gone from your system...

Nezu: (I usually don't like it when my predictions are wrong... But I'm strangely happy, Izuku also won the bet but I should worry about that later.) *sounds worried* This is indeed bad news for the heros.(Key words "for the heros", it's great news for us.)

Noamasa: (True) *disbelief*

Inko: *tearing up*

Toshi: *shocked beyond belief* No...

Nezu: *deepens his frown* And you still have the public who is going crazy over Izuku's severed head... You also need to form a search party to find him, the sooner he's here the better... The best possible outcome for the heros is to find him before the announcement... (You as in not us and it's not going to happening and I know you won't find him in one week.)

Noamasa: (True) *has a migraine* We can postpone it to next week for a search for Midoriya.

Nezu: (And in that week the people will have found almost everything about Izuku.) *looks at Noamasa* You have to form the search party for our plans to work.(Specifically for my, AFO and Izuku's plan to work.)

Noamasa: (True) O- *was cut off by Toshinori*

Toshi: What is the plan...?

Nezu: *gives him a sideways look* The heros need to minimise damage don't they?

Toshi: *nods* Of course... It was a stupid question.*gets hit over the head with a cane*

Recovery Girl: *hitting Toshinori over the head* OF COURSE IT WAS A STUPID QUESTION!

Noamasa, Inko and even Nezu cringed at the sight.

And so everyone searched but found nothing... Let us see how Izuku is doing.

After a few days of swimming he found land... But his arms and legs still continued moving in a swimming motion and swam through the sand of the beach... We still don't know if it was on purpose or not...

Izuku:... No comment...

Izuku then stopped and stood up to dry his clothes and get the sand off of it.

Izuku: *frowns a bit* My course was off... *looks north* It would have taken weeks to get back to Japan... *looks around* So I'm in Australia... *smiles with joy* I wonder if I can see the spider rain!?

[Sidenote: In Jamaica and in certain areas of Australia the wind blows spider eggs into the sky and hatch midair meaning for a month it's literally raining spiders... Ps: They are bigger then you would think and would make webs over EVERYTHING...]

Izuku: I am going to need find people to help me get plane tickets... But it's going to be a pain because I'm here due to "Non legal methods" and I don't have my passport here... *sigh* At the very least I can see the sights and hopefully help out here for a bit...

Back at Japan.

We see Toshinori, Inko and Izumi sitting on the couch while Izumi is being hugged from both sides by Toshinori and Inko.

Izumi: *sad* I really hope he is ok... *sniff*

Toshi: *trying to reassure his daughter* I'm sure he's fine.

Inko: *trying to reassure her daughter* And we will find him.

Izumi: Like we were sure he was fine before he-...?*tears up*


It has been three days after Izuku got his quirk.

Toshinori, Inko and Izumi were sitting at the dinner table until Inko thought of something.

Inko: *depressed* Sweetie...?

Toshi: *sad* Yes...?

Inko: How... *nervous* How does... Izuku's room... look like...?

The other two tensed up and got extremely worried along with Inko, who doesn't like their reactions...

And so they now stood infront of a door they never even noticed before, at the end of the hallway and across Izumi's room and right next to Inko and Toshinori's room, with a template on the door with the name "Izuku" on it, but from how it looks like it's never been touched for years with all the wear and tear on it...

Toshi: *annoyed with himself* Probably been there since he was four...

Inko: *on the point of crying* How did we never notice this?

The others wanted to answer... But not even they know why they never noticed... Toshinori put his hand on the handle only to see his hand is shaking uncontrollably.

Toshi: (I've never been more worried to enter a room in my life...) *swallows the lump in his throat* (Not even when I needed to ambush All For One...) *takes a deep breath*

As he looked at Inko and Izumi they both nodded and believed they were ready to face what was behind the door....























But they were far from ready...

As the door opened they were greeted by the a overwhelming smell of blood and both Inko and Izumi throw up their meals and Toshinori feeling as doom was on the other side and buffed up in fear... But the door wasn't fully open... And the light inside was off... It seemed like the shadows themselves were leaking out of the room trying to drown them in darkness and promising grief and sorrow...

They went away to afraid to deal with it and closed the door and went to the living room with Izumi and Inko on their knees...

Izumi: *tears streaming down her face threatening to flood the living room* I-Iz-Izuku liv-lived in-in THERE!?*afraid* (di-di-did we really push him that far in-into the darkness!?) *hyperventilating*

Inko: *crying while holding onto Izumi for comfort* (Nonononono th-this is-is just a bad dr-dream!Yes, a-a bad dream we will wake up from!) *hyperventilating*

Toshi: *hugs them both* ( We'll have to wait until the morning sun shines through his room before even going near it...) *glances at the hallway*

The hallway itself gave of a aura of pain and everything seemed to become darker as he stared at it but a sudden chill down his spine made his tense his body and forced him to look away.

Toshi: *looks away while hyperventilating* (Weeellllllll then) *his body is stiff* (At least we still have the pillows and blankets from the other night on the sleeper couch.)

Toshinori's mind was thinking of looking back but his body refused to do anything of the sort which made him quite happy that he couldn't...

Toshi: (But way is my mind telling me to look...?) *tears falling off his face* (Th-This is far, far worse then what All For One could ever do!)

Toshinori then placed the two crying girls on the couch and then opened the sleeper couch to make a bed and tucked them in as he went to the light switch ready to turn it off but as he had his hand near the light switch...

He stopped... While not daring to look at the hallway...

Toshi: *frozen like a deer seeing headlights*

Izumi: Da-Dad...?

Toshi: *slowly turned to Izumi* Y-Yes ho-honey...?

He saw her face fulled with grief, fear and sorrow with her red and puffy face and a stream of tears...

Izumi: Ca-Can we kee-keep th-the lights on...?

Toshi: OF COURSE!I mean of course... *moves away from the light switch* (It's for the best...)

Then the lights flickered... And they froze with Inko and Izumi looking at the hallway with fear.

Toshi: (SHIT!) *runs over and stands between them and the hallway to his back* Le-Lets get some sleep.

And so they struggled to sleep with the light flickering every now and then and they could swear they saw something move in the corner of their eyes.

Eventually they fell asleep and woke up the next morning with the morning sun shining through the windows.

Inko: Be-Before we try that again we should clean up the hallway...

After cleaning up the hallway they were standing infront of the door again that seemed to be even more scary the yesterday.

As Toshinori opened the door he completely opened it with the smell overloading their senses but pressed on seeing the light come from the window they would have sighed in relief if it wasn't for what they saw in the room.

The room's walls were bland and dull with a few places colored red.The floor covered in bloody bandages and medical equipment.The equipment itself was clearly old and rusted.

They also saw what looked like a makeshift set of stairs that go up to the window made of boxes and the bedside table.

Speaking of the bed... Their isn't one, only a thin blanket in the corner of the room which was stained red with dried blood.

His room's bathroom door was missing and there were more bloody bandages in the bathroom.There was also moss growing up on the roof of the bathroom.

Izumi: *runs out with tears running down again*

Toshi: *looks at the makeshift staircase blankly* (He... He came and went from his room using the window.)

Inko: *blank stare with tears running down her face* (I'm a terrible mother...)

As they focused on the bloody and rusted equipment a extreme wave of guilt and grief wash over them.

Toshinori opened the drawer of the bedside table and found a paycheck from a store.

Toshi: (He worked in order to support himself...) *tears running down his face* I don't think I can face him again any time soon...

Inko went over to see what he means and sees the paycheck and at this point the crippling guilt took it's toll and Inko fainted.


Toshi: *quickly turns to see Inko who fainted* (All the stress, worry and guild got to her.) *quickly picks Inko up and walks out of the room* I'll have to clean up the room... And maybe put something in it for- *he cut himself off*... Like he would ever come back... *enters his room to put Inko to bed* For now I'll just clean the room...

Flashback end.

The three Yagi's had a grim expression and later decided to go to sleep.

We see the UA teachers in formal clothes standing infront of reporters ready for a anounsment about the USJ and missing immortal.

The reporters were now asking questions to them but most were for All Might... But little did everyone know that Nezu has half of these reporters blackmailed to ask certain questions...

???1: All Might, did you know about the attack prior?

Toshi: *calm* No I did not.(How could I?)

???1: Was the destruction of UA's gate not enouth of a intacator?

Toshi: *slightly nervous* Uh- We-well you see-

???2: All Might, are you awere of Izuku Midoriya's life with his discrimanation?

Toshi: *extremely nervous* Ah- Y-yes but-

???2: And do you know the identity of his parents?

Toshi: *slightly panicking* I-I d-don't see the relav-

???3: Why are they not in jail for their actions against a minor?!

Toshi: *panic* W-we-

???4: *from the back of the crowd* What is UA going to do about security moving forward!?

Nezu: I can answer that question.

Everyone was now paying attention to Nezu well everyone was wondering why All Might was becoming so nervous...

It was so interesting that all the blackmailed reporters are a lot less nervous about being blackmailed and a few had to guess that Nezu is giving them a story on a silver plater but that they just needed to wait.

Nezu: We are going to completely overhaul the entire security system although I will not be getting into details about the changes.

???5: Is there anything else you can tell us?!

Nezu: Yes, we will be starting construction on a dorm system to keep the children safe on campus.

The crowd of reporters were writing down the information and others were talking amongst themselves with the new revelation.

???3: Do you have any plans to finding the missing student!?

Nezu: We still lack the necessary information but I know that Izuku Midoriya will do everything in his power to return home.

???6: How can you be so sure about that!?

???7: Wait a minute!Are the rumours true about you being a father figure for him!?

The blackmailed reporters already knew that due to them asking when they first got blackmailed but Nezu hinted at the idea to pay attention to All Might when that question popped up and they are really glad they did, otherwise they wouldn't have seen that flinch or the look of regret all over his face.

Blackmailed reporters: (I-It co-couldn't be... I-is he th-the biological father...?)

Nezu: Yes, I've been making sure he had all the necessary resources to grow and learn for more then a year now, he is my personal student afterall.

Everyone, including the blackmailed reporters were shocked to hear that and could now understand why he was so confident about him returning, while a few were worried, there was one who had the perfect story.

???5: ("Nezu's teachings lives on till the end of time"... Maybe I should first ask Nezu before publishing that one...)

And so the questions continued while some wondered where Izuku was and what he was doing.

Meanwhile in Australia

We see Izuku helping in a hospital doing blood transfusions and blood donations.Due to the rate he regenerates the blood he can do both at the same time.

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Izuku: (I injected myself with a bit of every poison and venom so now I'm producing antibodies to all off them meaning that it can save more people.) *looks at the guy next to him*

???: *smiles and gives a thumbs up*

Izuku: *returns the gesture*

Back at Japan in a bar.

Tomura: I really hate this...

As he said that he was looking at his bandaged elbows that where in slings because he was shot, then he looked at the remote controller on the table infront of him...

Tomura: I can't believe I missed the reporters tearing into All Might... *while looking at the clock*

Suddenly a portal opened in the bar and Kurogiri step out of it and looked around until he saw Tomura looking sad.

Kurogiri: Young master?

Tomura: Did nobody think to leave the TV on for the guy with no arms?

Kurogiri: I did leave it on... Unless...

Tomura: *angry* I'm gonna dust that burnt bastard!!!

With Diamond and Eri

Diamond was sitting with Eri on the couch while Eri was fast asleep.

Diamond: *a little sad* We'll be waiting for you Izuku.

She turns the TV off and takes Eri to her room and puts Eri in bed.

As soon as Eri was in bed she hugged her doll that had fluffy green hair and green buttons as eyes which she liked to call Emerald.

Diamond: *takes her phone out* (So cute!) *takes a picture and sending it to Izuku*

Back to Izuku

Izuku got a notification on his new phone he bought with the money he got from selling his blood.

As he sees the picture he smiles warmly somewhat confusing the nurse.

Izuku: {My daughter.} *shows the picture*

Nurse: *smiles at the picture*

Izuku looks back at his phone and looks at the messages.

We miss you.:Diamond

Izuku grew sad but sent a message back.

I will be getting a plane ticket tommorow.:Izuku

I will see you all soon.:Izuku

I can't wait!:Diamond

After that everything continued until Izuku got on the plane to go back, while writing away in his new book about interesting quirks and trying to ignore four people shouting in the plane about stands or something...?

He kept to himself until one of them suddenly got a hole in his hand and started bleeding from his mouth.

???/???: Joturo!/Jojo!

Izuku: (So something is attacking them that other people can't see... Interesting...) *slowly gets up*

???: Star Platinum stopped it with it's teeth just in the nick of time.

Izuku: *slowly moving to the group* (Who or what is Star Platinum...?)

???: Just as I feared it's going after Joturo's stands tongue!

Izuku: *still moving slowly* (Invisible creatures that if injured will injure the user and they're called "stands", so I can just knock out the guy they are facing.)

???: It's him, represented by the tower card of the tarot, symbolising calamity and the interruption of a journey, the stand is called the Tower of Grey!

Izuku: *quietly listening to the sounds of the air for movement* (I'll listen a little more of the his story...)

???: Tower of Grey is responsible countless mass murders which he made to look like unfortunate accidents, the plane crash last year in England that cost over 300 deaths was likely his work and how many more have there been over the years?

Izuku: *ready and waiting* (Screw knocking him out I'm beating him to a inch of his life...)

???: I've heard rumours, but to think he teamed up with Dio!?


Throughout Joturo screaming that over twenty times Izuku felt the air and got general idea on how big the target is.

Izuku: (That explains the noise... It's a flying bug but I can only hear the movement in the air but I got him now!) *slowly and very stealthily moves to the sound*

???: It dodged that too!?Not just from a single hand but it also dodged a two fisted barrage of blows!*narrows his eyes* It-It's so fast!

Bug: Hehehe even if you had ten guns from one centimetre away they would not be able to touch my sta-

Izuku: *didn't hear it speak* (Got you!) *grabs the bug with great speed and accuracy without a sound* Even if I can't see you, you will not escape me, you damn bug!

All: NANI!?!?

Izuku: Now *tightens his grip* let's see who is controlling the bug.

Bug: Nononon-

Izuku: *crushes the bug*

Just then a old man at the back of the plane screamed and fell off his chair and the group turned to him and saw him stick his tongue with the symbol of a bug on it and his tongue splitting in half.

Izuku: What kind of crazy quirks do you people have?

???: Well-

Izuku: You know what forget about that, we have bigger problems, you made him out as a terrorist which means that he either was planning to kill the pilots or-

Joturo: He has already killed them.

Izuku: Stay with him *points at the man on the floor* he is still alive enough to make trouble.

???: How did you-

Izuku: I have hyper advanced hearing and I can hear his beating heart.Anybody want to be my copilot?

???: I did a bit of flying back in my day so I'll join you.

Izuku: Great, we'll be able to make it to Japan in no time.*go's to the cockpit* (I'm so glad me and Nezu went over the basics and advance things of flying a plane.)

And so Izuku with the help of Joseph Joestar landed the plane safely at the airport with some help with air traffic control and once they landed the police came to take the terrorist away with Detective Noamasa leading the investigation.

Noamasa: Who was the people flying the plane if the pilots are dead?

???: *from behind him* That would be me along with one Joseph Joestar.

Noamasa: (True) *starts turning around* Well then on behalf of-of t-th-the p-po- *staring wide eyed at Izuku* Y-You-

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya.

Noamasa: (True) *extremely nervous* Ri-Right, n-now-

Izuku: The villain teleported to the Antarctic shelf and I swam for three days to Australia.

Noamasa: (True) *surprised* (God damn!) *pulls out his notepad and writes that down*

Izuku: I originally thought I would have had troubles getting back here because I didn't have a passport or ID with me outside my home country.

Noamasa: (True) *less nervous* (How did he get back then?I would think that would take months.)

Izuku: I also thought it would take months but fortunately I was able to help one of the leader's children who was poisoned and did a blood transfusion and they helped me in return.

Noamasa (True) *very nervous again* (C-Can h-he?) *stares worriedly at Izuku* (Ca-Can h-he r-rea-read mi-minds...?)

Izuku: (No but facial expressions lets me figure it out) *smiles at him* (But he doesn't need to know that.) And what would give you that idea?

Noamasa: *swallows the lump in his throat* (And he's Nezu's personal student... We're doomed!)

Izuku: *laughs light-heartedly at the detective* Anyway I also helped hospitals while I was there too get money for my plane ticket.

Noamasa: (True) *writes that down with shaky hands*

Izuku: The plane ride was quiet until the other group of four people started screaming for what I thought was no reason.

Noamasa: (True)

Izuku: But turns out that they were facing off against the terrorist so I helped them and after that I flied with one of thier group to land it safely here.

Noamasa: (True) *nods*

Izuku: And before you ask I can't tell you about thier abilities because it's not my secret to tell.

Noamasa: (True) *sighs* (First the group escaped from me asking questions due to the Speed Wagon foundation picking them up and now this.)

???: IZU!

Izuku/Noamasa: Huh?*turns to the side to see a girl running to them*

Izuku: Diamond!*braces himself for the incoming high impact tackle hug*

All that Noamasa saw was a blur hitting Izuku and heard a large crash followed by a loud "oof" from Izuku, when he looked behind him he saw the girl latched onto Izuku who was on the ground with blood dripping from his mouth but also saw him mouthing the words "worth it" before whipping the blood with his sleeve and hugging the girl.

Noamasa: (True.) *blinks a few times* (Okaaaay... I did not see that coming...)

Time skip

We see Diamond still hugging Izuku infront of a primary school while waiting for Eri, and after the kids that started going out they heard it.


Diamond: *takes one step away from Izuku*

Izuku: Eri!*braces himself for the incoming high speed missile hug*

Izuku got hit with great speed and fell backwards with Eri being very happy and Izuku healing the back of his head that hit a sharp rock but still smiled and mouthed "worth it" and hugged Eri back.

As the the trio was going home Izuku carried Eri while Diamond hugged him from the side and they were just talking about everything that happened in the past week.

The next day Izuku went to school after dropping Eri off at her school, it was interesting to see everyone jump when Izuku entered the classroom dramatically posing.



Aizawa: Loud as ever I see Chaos gremlin.*gives a small smile* and you're just in time for the announcement.

Izuku: *got to his seat* I'll explain were I was at lunch.

Everyone reluctantly agreed and listened to thier teacher.

Aizawa: *serous* Your fight isn't over.

Everyone except for Izuku tensed up with that.

Aizawa: The sports festival is coming up.

Everyone immediately got relaxed and then immediately got determined to do thier best for it.As soon as the bell rang for lunch everyone went to the door to get to the cafeteria to listen to Izuku's story but they were blocked.

Kirishima: What's going on?

Bakugou: Isn't it obvious?They are here to scout out the-

Niato: Midoriya!You're back!

Izuku: Yeah and I will explain everything in the cafeteria.

Just like that half of the students infront of the door disappeared and Izuku knew they were at the cafeteria, but the other half were in awe of the "undying hero" and also moved to the cafeteria.

Bakugou: *jaw on the ground* Huh?

Izumi: *pats Bakugou on the back* You okay?

Izuku ignored the duo and went to the cafeteria.Much to the suspicion of the other students.

At the cafeteria Izuku stepped around the corner with a cold look to the students, which made everyone tense.

Izuku: *cold* Did anyone panic when the attack happened?

Random student: *tenses more* W-We were sur-surprised but we remained calm!(Because we don't want you chewing us out!)

Izuku's personality did a one eighty and became happy go lucky.

Izuku: *smiles* That's great!Keep up the good work!

Everyone was extremely releaved and went back to thier food.And then everyone sat at the table, the tables next to the one Izuku is at or just stands next to it with food in hand.Those at his table is Shoto and Mina on his left Pony on his right and Momo, Iida, Niato and Ibara across him.

Izuku: Okay, were to begin?

Sero: Where did the mist guy send you?

Izuku: The Antarctic.

Everyone was shocked at that revelation.

Izuku: Hey don't freeze up like that otherwise I might think you all went there instead of me!*laughs*

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the bad joke with him.

Izuku: Anyway, after finding that out I started running straight and dived head first into the ocean and swam for three days before hitting land.

Sato: But it's been more then a week?

Izuku: I'm fast but not that fast, I hit Australia first.

Everyone: Ah!

Izuku: I helped a leader out and he helped me with my ID and passport which would've taken months.

Everyone was again shocked but happy to hear that he got here way earlier that that.

Izuku: But if push comes to shove I would have ran across Australia and swam to Japan and repeat that as many times as needed.

Even the other kids hearing this had to respect his dedication.

Iida: It's truely impressive.

Izuku: *sigh* But I'm sad about one thing though.

Shoto: What would that be?

Izuku: I wanted to see Australia's spider rain but it's the wrong season.

Everyone tensed at that but for different reasons, some for the extreme suicidal drive Izuku has, others for the fear of raining spiders and others for trying to picture being caught in the middle of that rain.

Mina: D-Does i-it rea-really rain sp-spid-spiders?

Izuku: Yeah wind blows them into the air and they use webs to try and slow thier fall as a parachute meaning a person can literally get trapped in webbing.

Fear in the students intensified dramatically.

Mina: *hugging Shoto in fear* I don't want to think about that!

Momo: *a shivers goes down her spine* I now know were I should never go.

Shinso: So the rumours of you trying to kill yourself in the most bizarre and brutal way possible is true.*shakes his head* I don't even want to think about everything you already tried.

Izuku: Well there was- *his mouth was covered*

Pony: *covering Izuku's mouth* No telling!

Izuku: *shrugs and lifts her hand up* Fine, no telling.

Everyone sighed in relief

Izuku: Anyway as I was getting sidetracked by Australia's wonderful weather.

Everyone sweat dropped at that.

Izuku: I helped at hospitals around the clock to get money for a plane ticket which I got yesterday and got here the same day.

Kaminari: Seems uneventful.

Izuku: It would have been if it wasn't for the terrorist who killed the pilots.

Everyone had to do a double take on that one.

Everyone: HUH!?

Izuku: Yeah, I never thought all the aviation training with Nezu would be used so early in my life, I'm shocked myself.

Shoto: *surprised* So you flied the plane?

Izuku: Yeah but I did have a old man who flied "back in his day" as a copilot he even told me about his adventures.

Momo: Trouble seems to follow you everywhere.

Izuku: Yes it does, but what did I miss?Other than Mina and Shoto liking each other I mean.

Everyone was wondering what he was talking about until they saw that Mina hasn't let go of Todoroki yet after hearing about spider rain and grabbing him.After they realise that, they let each other go with Shoto's face bright red and Mina's being a deep purple.

Izuku: *sees the reactions* Oh... Too soon?

Mina: *punches Izuku's arm* Meanie...

Everyone just giggles at that and they all just talked and having a good time while most avoided Izumi and Katsuki much to thier confusion.

Izuku: (They are figuring it out at a impressive rate for just beginning high school.) *smiles* (They all have a bright future ahead of them)

The bell just rang and everyone went to class but Izuku is talking with Shoto at the back of group.

Izuku: *serious* Shoto I'm going give you some advice...

Shoto: *serious* Right.

Izuku: When you take Mina out for dinner and a movie do the movie first so you have something to talk about over dinner.

Shoto: *beyond shocked and embarrassed*

At the front of the group

Jiro: *trying to hold back her laughing*

Momo: *worried* Jiro are you okay?

Jiro: Yeah just heard something funny.

Momo: *calmed down* Will you tell me what's so funny?

Jiro: *nods* After school.

Momo: *smiles and nods*

At the back of the group

Shoto: *blushing and looking down* I'll keep that in mind...

Izuku: *pats Shoto on the back* I'll be your wingman if you want.

Shoto: *blushes even more* Thanks.

It is the next day and everyone is getting thier things to move into the new dorms and just enjoying the company of the others.

Sero: Why are you carrying that?

Everyone turned to see Izuku carrying three big white boards much to the confusion of everyone.

Izuku: If you think that killing myself in bizarre and brutal ways is a easy task then you are wrong, it always takes a lot of planning and these *pats the white boards* are naturally for my planing, and as to why I have three it's because I have a lot of plans.*smiles at himself* A lot of wonderful plans.

And just like that Izuku continued to his dorm room with everyone sighing at what he said.

Sero: I just had to ask didn't I?*sarcastic*

Izumi and Katsuki are very depressed at Izuku's self destructive nature and are constantly reminded of what he said that day in junior high school...

At night everyone was done with there rooms with Izumi sleeping in her room hugging her pillow while Katsuki laying in his bed looking at a picture that was taken a few days before they went to the quirk doctor.

Katsuki: *sigh* Damn it...

Meanwhile downstairs everyone was talking about comparing rooms and then Mina made it a competition.

A/N: I'll be just showing reactions to Izuku's room because the others are the same.

When everyone entered Izuku's room they saw the three white boards on the right side of the room, a desk with five monitors on it at the centre of the far wall and the gaming chair with it, on top of the monitors is a shelf with two skulls on it, on the left side of the room they saw a chemistry set on a table in the far corner and at the other corner of the wall was stacks on stacks of notebooks with a few drawn pictures on the wall of various heros and lastly was the framed picture on the desk with the screensavers on the monitors of Izuku a beautiful girl and a adorable kid smiling brightly.

Tokoyami: *trying to cover his eyes* (So bright!)

Everyone else awed and cooed at the images.

Izuku: Yep!My daughter is a cute one.*proud*

Most of them froze at that.

Shoto: Just too clarify, she was adopted.

Everyone sighed.

Mina: Yeah and the girl is his girlfriend!She is sooo nice!*looks at Izuku and smirks* When is the wedding going to be?

Izuku: Next year when I'm sixteen and can legally marry.[Japan's real legal marriage age is 18 for boys and 16 for girls but with the appearance of quirks I really believe that it would drop by 2 years for both.Just my opinion.]

Momo: Congratulations!

Kaminari: Wow wow wow!Anybody gonna explain!?

Izuku: She is immortal like me and we hit it off quite nicely.*smiles warmly*

Ochako: *smiles* That's nice.

Kirishima: *looking around his room* This room is so manly!

Mezo: And it doesn't have a bed because you don't sleep?Interesting.(Basically the exact opposite of my room.)

Sato: Ah... So no comment on the skulls...?

Tsu: *narrows her eyes* Please don't tell me...

Izuku: The one on the left is the very first time I lost my head saving two people and the other one is my latest one from the USJ.*grins*

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Everyone sighed and shook their heads except for Momo who perked up at hearing about the first one.

Momo: (So that's his head he lost saving me and Nejire?)

Iida: *changing the topic* So you basically work throughout the night while we sleep?

Izuku: *nods* Yeah, I write code and sell it which is why I have five monitors, one is to make sure the networks are safe and stable, one for the security cameras around campus, one for research and different resources, one for the actual programming, the last one are personal stuff like gaming, anime and music.

Everyone was impressed.

And at the end of everything Sato won the competition because he bribed the girls with sweets.

Izuku: *nodding his head* He has a bright future ahead of him.

Jiro: *giggles* (I should have seen that one coming.)

Next day was a normal school but everyone was training afterschool for the sports festival.

We see Shoto and Shinso training with Izuku.

Izuku: Ok Shinso now do as many push ups as you can and then sit ups I'll train you in unarmed combat after you finish and have gotten some rest.

Shinso: On it.*starts with the push ups*

Izuku: Shoto you will be practicing your fire and just that for the time being, because you didn't train it much.

Shoto: Right.

Izuku: *thinking of what training would be best* Hmm... Hey Shoto.

Shoto: Yeah?

Izuku: Your mother's quirk is Cryokinesis, right?

Shoto: *confused* Yes?

Izuku: Make a small flame on your palm.

Shoto did just that but was still confused.

Izuku: Now let the flame hover a little above your hand or try at least.

Shoto was even more confused but did it anyway and after a few seconds he had the flame hover a inch above his hand with some difficulty.

Izuku: Even more proof that it's your quirk and not his, your mother's Cryokinesis combined with your flames that gave you Pyrokinesis.

Shoto: And Endeavour's quirk is different?

Izuku: Endeavour can just produce and shoot flames, you on the other hand can control flames, moving it with your mind increasing or decreasing it's heat with a thought, you can even extinguish flames that aren't yours with enough practice... Theoretically at least...

Shoto was so shocked that he couldn't even speak and was just staring at his left hand trying to process what he was just told.

Izuku: Your training will be letting a small flame move as far from your body as possible while still having control over it while you also try and increase it's heat as much as you can *starts moving back to Shinso* feel free to use your ice if you overheat, but don't use it for anything else.

Throughout that week they would train as intensely as they could and saterday they trained early from the morning until they dropped from exhaustion a little past noon.

Izuku: Ok, come on you two *pokes both of them with a stick* I'm taking you two to a restaurant with Eri *smiles* a very special restaurant.(Normally Diamond would work at the restaurant aswell but she is busy with other matters, unfortunately.)

Shinso and Shoto went and got cleaned up and went with Izuku and Eri to the forest... Huh?

Shinso: I thought you said we were going to a restaurant?

Izuku: We are going to a restaurant.

Eri: The food there is the best!

Shoto: In the forest?

Izuku: Just relax would you two, I mean would I lie to you two?

Shoto/Shinso: *raises a eyebrow* Would you?

Izuku: *nervous chuckle* Would Eri lie to you when she says there's good food?

Shoto/Shinso: We trust her but not you so much.(You are a sadistic bastard for a sensei.)

Izuku: (Ouch... Although it's true.) *grins*

After some more walking they came across a door... Just a door, no buildings or roads, just a single door.It was a dark wooden door with a golden handle, there was a sign on the door with a picture of a cat and the word Nekoya written underneath it.

Izuku: I hope you brought your appetite.*opens the door*


As everyone stepped through they saw a restaurant filled with people, one looked like a lion and was so big he had to sit on two chairs instead of one, two old men sitting at the counter drinking beer, a blue lizard man, a girl with long pointed ears with a extremely fancy dress, a group of seven small people who couldn't be bigger than two inches and a lone old man at a table.

Maid: Ah welcome back!*gives a small bow* I see you brought friends, please sit wherever you like.*gestures at the open tables*

Izuku: *also gives a bow* It's good to be back, Aletta *looks at Shoto and Shinso* come on.

After they are are sitting at the table and ordering.

Izuku: What do you guys want?

Shoto: *a bit nervous* Uh... *looks through the menu* I'll have s-some soba, please.[Please don't roast me because they don't actually serve that in the anime]

Shinso: *unsure* I-I'll have the same.

Izuku: It has been a while since I had that, make that three sobas.*looks at Eri already knowing what she will have*

Eri: Apple tart!

Aletta: *giggles* Of course, right away.*goes to the back*

Izuku: How has it been Curry!?

Shoto/Shinso: *confused* (Curry...?)

Curry: It has been good and how about you coffee?

Shoto/Shinso: *even more confused* (Coffee...?)

Izuku: Very good.*smiles*

Curry: And you Sweet apple?

Shoto/Shinso: (Uhhhhh...)

Eri: Great!

Izuku: And it great to see your doing well Queen crape.

Queen crape: You aswell.

Shoto/Shinso: Uhhh...

Izuku: *sees them confused* To explain, everyone is called by what their regular meal is, but because I have something different every time while always having coffee with everything gave me the name of coffee.

Shoto/Shinso: Oh, ok!

Izuku: And Eri eats anything that is sweet and has apples in it, and Curry's full name is Curry rice.

Curry: Yes!No matter how many times I eat it I never seem to get enough of it!

Shoto: Uh, Izuku...?

Izuku: Yeah?

Shinso: The door...?

They all started to talk, with Izuku explaining everything about this restaurant and it being in another world, with the door appearing only every saturday.

After some talking they got their food served by a girl in a pure black maid outfit.

Maid: <Here is your order.>

Both Shinso and Shoto were shocked that they heard the voice was in there heads.

Shinso: *in awe* (Telepathy...?)

Izuku: Thank you very much Kuro.

Kuro: *bows and leaves*

After getting over their shock and taking the first bite of the food they were gobsmacked at the amazing flavour and extreme quality.

Shoto: I've eaten in many five star restaurants in my life *takes a bite and smiles* But those five star restaurants are nothing compared to this.*takes another bite*

Shinso: *takes a bite* Best thing I ever tasted in my life.

Izuku: It's the master of this place taking ingredients from all the different worlds and fine tuning the taste *takes a bite* although the difference is small he goes out of his way to make it the best he can.

Shinso: I'm sad we can only come every seven days...

Izuku: Well it'll get worse.

Shinso/Shoto: What?

Izuku: If you don't get into the third and final round then you won't come here for two weeks.

Both boys immediately froze and became determined to do their best and not be punished.

The time went by very fast for them and it was already time for them to go, after they got back Shinso and Shoto began training twice as hard, now we see Izuku entering the bar seeing the hero killer himself standing infront of Tomura.

Izuku: (Interesting...)

Stain: What is your ideals!?*points his sword at Tomura's face*

Tomura: To break down this corrupted system of heros and generally make room for a better one.

Stain: *narrows his eyes* And how are you going to make a better one?

Tomura: *calm* I won't.

Stain: *growls and get ready to attack*

Tomura: But he will.*points at Izuku*

As stain looked at the person who the so called leader of the League of villains is pointing to, only to be shocked seeing the immortal himself.

Stain: *shocked* The undying hero!?

Izuku: (Yes!Finally!A better name!) *smiles* Yes, the plan is to enforce a test of morale made and conducted by therapists along with primary schools all the way to high schools to enforce the ideals and mindset of helping others instead of praising those with strong quirks, and many more ideas for rebuilding the system.

Stain: *amazed* Incredible...

Izuku: *smiles* Thank you.

Stain: *looks at Tomura* Fine I'll help you all clean the filthy fakes from the street *serious* but answer me this.

Everyone was waiting for his question curiously.

Stain: *still serious* Why did you expose All Might, a true hero, and force him to retire.

Izuku: *cold and sounding lifeless* You heard the story about my childhood?

Stain: Y-Yes...?(Why is he so suddenly cold?)

Izuku: Did you watch the conference when I was missing?

Stain: *confused* Yes...?

Izuku: Do you remember his reaction when ever I was brought up?

Stain stood still, remembering how All Might flinched and became nervous and how he almost panicked when Izuku's parents was talked about and he came up with one though but couldn't believe it...

Stain: N-No it-it can't be!

Izuku: He is my biological father... The "great" All Might neglected his only son in favour of my sister...

Tomura: And that information will definitely help with breaking down the ideals of the world along with *gestures to Dabi* the knowledge of the number two's son being driven to fake his death.

Dabi: *waves at Stain*

Stain: *angered* I'll definitely help now.(Even All Might...?) I'm still planning on taking out Ingenuim.

Izuku: *confused* Why him?

Stain: In his last battle he made millions of yen and was only talking to people leaving the rescue heros to help people.*angered*

Izuku: Yeah the people he talked to were officials from the hero association who are in charge of a new department to give villains therapy to deal with past trauma and either be civilians or new heros, which was made by his family.

Stain: *shocked* What!?

Izuku: And more than half of the money he made went to reconstruction or to fundraisers for orphanages, without bragging about it of course.

Stain: *looks at his own hands in shock* He's a true hero...

Izuku: *nods* Maybe do a little more research before hunting someone down, kay?

Tomura: We can even help find info on those who you like.

Stain: *still in shock* Thanks.*looks at Izuku* And thank you for telling me that, before I did something reckless.

Izuku: *smiles* No problem.*looks at the shadow at the back of the room* You coming out?

As stain saw a figure in the shadow he didn't notice slowly came out revealing another Izuku...?

Stain: *confused for the life of him*

AFO: I am All For One *small bow* I'm the one who gave All Might that injury and subsequently that repulsive form you see today.

Stain: WHAT!?

Izuku: I used to have green hair and eyes but I didn't want to look like my sister or mother, and it had a added bonus of making my father panic seeing his own son looking like his arch enemy *gives a viscous smile* And slowly brake him down for his stupidity and foolishness.

AFO: *gives a matching smile* We will make sure he will suffer and show them all a truely peaceful society were everyone can be accepted for who they are and not just for their quirk-

Izuku: Or lack thereof.

Tomura: It may be a ways off but our dream will come true.

Izuku: Our dream for the future is one were if a child is told they are quirkless and tells his or her friends the news, while said friends would just put a arm around their shoulder and say "It's fine!" or "It doesn't matter!" and not see them differently, same with those so called "villainous" quirks.

Stain: *imagining what Izuku just described* (It's a beautiful dream...) *smiles* I just make it my dream too.

Izuku: *smiles warmly* I hoped you'd like it.

And like that they all started interacting with each other and explaining things to Stain and telling him their stories until Nezu entered the bar which through Stain completely for a loop.

Izuku: So did you finalize the plan?*gives a smile that can only be described as demonic*

Nezu: Of course I did.*gives a smile promising torment*

AFO: Wonderful!*grins sadistically*

Everyone felt very uneasy about those three but the new guy was close to freaking out, they saw the trio slowly turn to Twice.

Twice: Oh god please help me!/ We're doomed!

The trio slowly approaches Twice, with him not being able to move do to his fear.

Twice: Go easy on me, please... / With a cherry on top...

We cut to UA were the students are training non stop and later that night they saw the news that said that Endeavour was now the new number one hero of Japan.

Shoto: *sighs and shakes his head* (God dammit.)

All the other students were somewhat neutral on this but Mina saw Shoto being sad and went over to him.

Mina: *puts a hand on his shoulder* You ok?

Shoto: *looks at Mina* Yes... No... I don't know... *sighs*

Mina: Want to talk about it outside?

Shoto: *thinks about it before nodding* Sure.*stands up and walks next to Mina*

At the other side of the room we see Izuku, Momo and Jiro looking at the scene.

Izuku: I bet a 100 yen on them coming back holding hands.

Momo: I bet it's more likely they will walk in next to each other normally to hide it for the time being.

Jiro: I bet they will come back at different times.

Izuku: It's on.*put a 100¥ note on the table*

The other two did the same.

Back with Shoto and Mina who are outside.

Shoto: Have you ever heard about quirk marriages?

Mina: *surprised and confused* Can't someone like you know, go to jail for that!?

Shoto: *sigh* Not if you are the number two hero *annoyed* and now number one...

Mina: *shocked*

Shoto: He forced my mother to make the "perfect tool" to try and surpass All Might, but my previous older brother died due to his "training" *sigh* even my mother thought see saw that bastard when she saw me and poured boiling water on my face *holds his scar on his face* and then he put her into a mental hospital *looks at the sky* and that doesn't even begin to cover all of the casualties he make by his fires.*sigh*

There was a few seconds of silence before Shoto was suddenly hugged by Mina and she had her face in his chest.

Mina: Is that why you don't use your fire side?

Her voice was slightly muffled but he still heard what she said.

Shoto: It was.*nods slightly*

Mina: *looks up at him* Was?

Shoto: *smiles* I finally understand that it's my quirk and not his, it felt nice to get that off my chest.

Mina: *smiles at him* That's good.

They were holding each other quite close and started blushing when their faces slowly inching closer to each other until they finally lock lips and melted into it.

They kissed for a few seconds before separating from each other their foreheads touching, and both still blushing.

Mina and Shoto slowly got up.

Shoto: *blushing* Tommorow is going to be a big day.

Mina: *blushing* Yeah, I'll see you around then!*quickly goes inside*

Shoto: (Maybe I'll ask her out after the sports festival.) *looks at the stars and smiles*

As Mina got inside while still blushing she looked around before noticing Izuku, Momo and Jiro looking at her.

Izuku/Momo: *sighs in defeat*

Jiro: *pumps her fist into the air before taking the money on the table*

Izuku: *smiles and gives Mina a thumbs up*

Mina: (They made bets!?) *blushes even more*

Mina went to her room quickly as possible and later everyone was sleeping soundly except for Izuku who is online with Tomura destroying noobs like it was going out of style.