
The Great Exodus III

Modeus looked on in awe, such power couldn't be shrugged off

'Such a shame, I thought we could finally see eye to eye Alika…'

Modeus hardened his heart, such evil can not be allowed to exist while carrying on the surname of Orpheus.

'If only you had listened to me Elder Brother, none of this would have happened!'

The surrounding blood pool surged into Modeus' hand, within a few breaths the essence became a runic Schrift.

The schrift carries resentment toward the living.

Birger frowned depends 'Just like his brother, his strength grows with each passing century. Another eyesore from that accursed clan… Do I need to carry out another great cleansing?' A crooked smile formed at the corner of his lips as his lustful gaze landed on Alika.

Meanwhile, the crack continues to expand.

'I can't drag this out anymore the spatial crack is unmendable, there's little I can do to stop her without awakening 'them'…Since it has come to this.

As the highest authority, I can't allow such evil to slip away.'

"Alika, I'll give you one more chance to repent," said Birger

" Why the sudden change, old dog? Don't tell me… you have taken a fancy to this lady! A shame…If only you were younger, I might have taken you as my pet, hehe!"


Birger couldn't help scowling as his fist tighten.

"Insolent wench! You're courting death!"

For a millennium, no demon had dared to defy his authority. But now, a mere infant, who had yet to witness the changing of seasons, was daring to challenge the power of a mighty Archdevil, reducing him to a mere plaything.


3 miles away from the battlefield, debris littered the street, along with corpses.

About 70 humans survived the cleansing.

"Let's get out of here, Eisa." The 190cm robust slave pleaded with Eisa

"Where's young master Yor?" Eisa, frantically searches the ruins, only to find the corpse of the former master.

She couldn't help weeping, 'Why have such a plight come upon us, where can they go? His Lordship is dead, and the Young Master isn't among the corpse

"I thought he was with you? Aunty, we must leave here, he might be looking for us" the 27 years old lass pointed in the direction of the shattered sky.

A few of the slaves couldn't help rejoicing at the sight of the deceased.


Eisa glared fiercely in their direction, shutting them up.

"We must locate the young master, we can't allow him to come in contact with…Hurry and track him down!" Eisa as the highest authority quickly gives out the order.

The anger and unwillingness to participate in such a farce couldn't be hidden.

The master is dead and the world is crumbling.

How dare she stop them from attaining freedom?

" Hump, fools! Don't have any funny ideas." Eisa pulls out a bright-colored seal.

" …"

The horror was written all over their faces. As they clutch at their heart.

" There won't be the next! Fan out, and find the Young Master, once word gets out we will all be dead" A visible sweat accumulated on Eisa's face.

" Valery, a drop of his blood. Track him down now, Hurry!" Eisa turned towards her niece handing over the tablet.


A crimson-eyed lad could be seen shoving his way through the chaotic crowd.

The 19-year-old lad seems to be in a stupor.

"Don't look back…" An unknown voice whispered to him.

The last thing he remembered was passing out.

The shouts and confusion echoed around, as demons and human slaves fled in masses.

Not everyone was willing to leave, while others had no choice.

If they stay, death awaits. Their homes for thousands of years were no more, smoke billowing in the sky.

Demons of all kinds fled toward the ray of hope

The unlucky ones were trampled.

There were few still holding out for the Council's intervention, refusing to leave, thus becoming spectators to a historical battle.

Ula, and Aldric, a well-known loyalists of Birger, choose to stay close to the battlefield….

The burning sensation was felt the sudden induction of sunlight brought about mix reaction.

Birger and Modeus lock onto Alika.


"No way!"



Those hiding in the shadow couldn't help gasping.

"Impossible, what sorcery did you just use? Speak!" The towering Birger became baffled at such a scene, this wasn't what he expected.

He would have understood if she fled or begged for mercy, but what is this nonsense?

"Hehe, who knows…" Alika's smirk drove Birger's rage to its boiling point

Another ignorant fellow daring to mock him, a Great Archdevil

"Try to stop this then!" Birger follow up with his next innate ability, the space around Alika shrunk

A palm big enough to wipe out Bervin City came crashing down.

However, it was met with the same indifference, not a hair of Alika was out of place, and the palm disappear into thin air.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? SPEAK!!!" Modeus couldn't believe it.

"If you're that curious come closer, I don't mind telling you," Alika's playful banter left an uneasy feeling in Ula's heart.

That seductive smile causes her heart to throb for some reason.

'What the hell am I thinking?' Ula shocked herself dispelling that enchanting bewitchment.

Aldric and the others in hiding couldn't help ogling Alika

" Am I a joke to you?" Birger's expression became even darker

Before Alika could answer. Birger's fist connected with her stomach, knocking the air out of her.


Alika slumped onto the ground, only to be greeted by a vicious kick to the side of the head.

Birger's repeated action of curb stomping Alika sends chills to everyone's spine.

Alika couldn't muster the strength to fight back, Modeus attack follow the moment she fell to the ground, dodging was out of the question.

Before she could draw her saber, A runic Schrift snakes its way forward.

This took place within seconds, battle at this level doesn't drag out. Especially once where the rank disparity is major.

Modeus' innate ability couldn't be dodged, All it took was a split second, and his words came to life.

The schrift carries the resentment of millions of grievous ghouls.

The hands of the abyss shackle her as their hatred drown away her consciousness.

No matter how much she struggled, these enraged spawns refused to let go.

"Such a frightening ability!" Those hidden in the dark couldn't help exclaiming

A few breaths later, Alika's youthfulness was replaced with a grotesque boil.

Her once enchanting beauty became unsightly to behold, boils and maggots eating away at her flesh, and those luscious lips were festering with pus.

"Where's your confidence, you should have accepted the kindness of Lord Birger extended, that beauty you took so pride in, it's no more!" Modeus couldn't help smirking at his handy work

Birger couldn't help looking on in shock, luckily he retreated in time

Modeus' innate ability.

'He sure hid this one well…hehe' thought Birger.

Modues' Great Burial Seal is well known, but not the resentment of the dead Schrift, after all the Great Burial is the only thing keeping those monsters from breaking free.





With a broken jaw, and cave chest. Alika's injuries worsen with each passing second, and Birger attack became relentless.

Alika continue to cough out blood, but in the next second her gaze became a little strange.

A crooked smile formed as she burst into a fit of laughter.

This caught them off guard

"Have finally gone mad..." said Modeus

"Ji Ji Ji, do you not get tired saying the same line uncle…." another laughter follow alongside a tight slap.

With each laughter accompanying the sound of a fist, her front tooth broke.

"If you say another world, I promise to fuck you bloody!" said Birger



Those in the surrounding couldn't help looking at him strangely, was he such a man…

"Can you still get it up? Ji Ji Ji Ji"

"She asking for it!"

Unmasked rage fill his being as he glared fiercely at the lass.

" Calm down and how can you allow such taunt to rattle you, Birger."

Modeus felt disgusted by Birger's action, but this wasn't the time to delve into his fetish.

Modeus subdue the rebellious saber on Alika's waist.

'How was she able to repel the previous attack… is it a weapon of Law?'

A few breaths later…

He couldn't feel anything special emanating from the blade except Alika's presence.

There wasn't a trace of law, 'Could it be her innate ability?' both men couldn't help frowning after careful consideration.

The Night Wench Bloodline is one of the lowest within the demonic hierarchy.

Succubus is mid-level demons, their abilities are usually tied down with draining the life essence of men and infiltrating dreams, with enough spiritual force any high-level demon can overpower them.

An anomaly like Alika is one in a million, no one knows where she came from, so most demons assumed she was the offspring of a Highborn.

Around the age of 17, she was adopted into the Vampiric House of Orpheus.

While living with Modeus' brother Adoni, she comprehended the intricacy of mana.

3 years later she became a Demon Lord, most demons spent their whole life as Greater Demons never reaching such height because of their bloodline shackle.

This young succubus was different, her talent was so monstrous.

Adoni had to seal her Sea of Conscience...

Thus forcing her to only rely on her innate physique.

Her ability became even more refined with each passing year through experimentation.

Alika would often disappear from the mansion, only to return a few years later.

No one would dare to question her whereabouts.

After all, she was the young master. With each passing century, she blossomed.

In truth, the scarcity of mana in the Eternal Prism delayed the growth of Alika.

The seal was mainly to protect her from the Council and Birger's treacherous plot.

During that same year a Great Cleansing took place, the Ancestral Tomb was robbed, and an item when missing.

That was the official report given to the general public

All great houses were ordered to be searched. On this fateful day, Alika lost the only person she once called her father.

A thousand years later, the seal on her Runes was released. During this grieve stricken century, she dedicated herself to Adoni's library where she acquire knowledge of the Eternal Prism.


"Ohh you want it back. Go on, you can have it!" A cruel smirk followed as he made his way forward.

With a swollen face, and a ruptured eardrum.

Alika reaches out for Nightfall, only to be pierced by the tip


Birger didn't use a single spell to attack Alika, just his raw strength and arrogance were enough.

Just as he was about to plunge Nightfall into her heart.

Birger's retreat caught everyone off guard.


A strange child with crimson eyes and a single black wing appears out of nowhere.

Birger's transformation was forcefully undone, he return to his hunchback elderly state

Modeus couldn't believe his eyes, someone got this close without them noticing.



"Monster, why is that here?" He shouted as he did his best to distance away, but it was too late for dear old Uncle.

His body was continuously deteriorating.

"Alika, what's your relation to the Great Lord Jullah?" Birger could no longer keep quiet, this scene scared him to his core, the mangled body of Alika seems to be healing back up, and the abundant vitality surged into her every cell.

Modeus' Schrift became to wail uncontrollably, no matter how much they try to stop Alika's recovery… It was already too late.

"Isn't that a little harsh, uncle!" The hair-raising cackling follows as she ignores Birger's questioning.

"You let it out of your system, big fella? I guess that peanut-size brain of yours finally figure it out, hun?"

A look of pure horror followed, as his transformation ended, the pathetic hunchback, one foot in the grave geezer, requiring a cane returned.

Those in the distance spectating the fight couldn't believe what just happened, some were gleefully cheering on the crushing defeat of Alika, but what was this situation, and did he just say the Ancestor's name? What's going on here?

Before they could run away, their bloodline force them to stay in place

"Ji Ji Ji, did you enjoy the spectacle?"


"It was you!" The color from Aldric's face drained, as he vomited blood

"Hehe, why wouldn't it be me… I have waited 10,000 years, my era has arrived…None shall stand in my path, Hehe!

Old dogs, it's time to choose…Death or Servitude?"

The great beauty has returned and the prism shattered, a new dawn has arrived.


[Present Time]

A week has passed since the welcoming banquet, and the sound of wooden swords hitting against a dummy could be heard on the training ground.

"How many times, do I have to remind you? To fix your stance, Menos!"

" Hehe" a chuckle escape a handsome platinum hair fellow

"You're no better Amin, keep your back leg and shoulder width apart, just like Yeli," said Nuu

Meanwhile, on the terrace, the sound of laborious breathing could be heard



"Aaah, Oga you're killing me… I can't take anymore"

Nylah's tongue lolled out as her rear took the brunt of his massive dong, each thrust was more fulfilling than the prior.

Next chapter