
The Undying Dragon

Apollyon from For Honor and Smaug from Lord of the rings are killed and reincarnated into Essos.

Ghidorah · TV
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7 Chs

The Blackstone Empire

After killing all of the master Apollyon walked into the Palace hall and saw a massive Red egg on a single circle pillar at the end of the hall.

Apollyon looked at the egg entranced and started walking towards it. Once she got up to it she placed her head on the egg and it began to shine.

Suddenly she heard cracks and out of the huge red egg came a reptilian creature with golden slit eyes, blazing red scales, and large wings.

"A dragon." Apollyon was truly baffled as she stared at the creature.

The dragon was as large as a cow and it just hatched from its egg foreshadowing the size it would be as an adult.

"You seem to be the human I have been bonded too." The dragon spoke.

"Dragons can talk." Apollyon took off her helmet revealing her face.

"Not many I just have supreme intelligence and can speak many languages." The dragon pridefully.

"You were just born how can you have that kind of intelligence already." She said pouring herself a glass of wine from the dead masters cup then poured some in a golden bowl and slide it towards it.

"You were reincarnated into this world as well, am I correct?" The dragon looked at her.

"Yes I was in guessing you were too and it seems we are connected." Apollyon nodded.

"Yes our souls have bonded whatever happened to get us here wants us to be together." The dragon said blowing some smoke from its nose.

"I am Apollyon Targaryen Emperor of the Blackstone Empire. My goals used to be to plunge the world into war but now I have decided that the only way to guide the people is to lead them myself so I will conquer everything." Apollyon told the dragon.

"I am Smaug the Terrible and sense I am in a weakened state and our souls are locked I guess I will be allying with you. My goals are to amass a great amount of treasure and brood on it." Smaug said as he tail smacked the ground.

"I think we would both find our goals easier to accomplish with the help of each other." Apollyon said as purple eyes locked with gold.

"To our goals." Apollyon raised her cup in the air and started chugging down the wine while Smaug snorted and gulped down an entire bowl of it.

After leaving Smaug to rest Apollyon went to secret room that one of the master told him about when they tried to beg for their life. Clicking the lever she her movement and the bookcase moved showing a path.

Walking down into the palace's secret basement Apollyon found lots of gold bars and jewels but what took the cake was the block of stone infront of her.

'This is Valyrian Steel.' Apollyon ran her hand across it.

'This is enough to make an entire set of armor and a sword with some left over.' Apollyon began to think and smiled.

She immediately ran up the stairs and called Genz to go find a Master Blacksmith. After a couple days a famous blacksmith came to the city and began working on the stuff for them.

2 weeks later the armor and weapons were finished. Apollyon was heading down to the blacksmith now. She had given the people two weeks of resting but today was the day to make her announcement.

During this time she and Smaug had been going over many ideas. Smaug wanted to conquer all of Essos then head over to Westeros but Apollyon wanted to conquer some of Essos then head over.

The people have also declared Apollyon as the Emperor of Mantarys which she accepted then renamed it Pyres. The people were told that in 2 weeks an announcement about the future would be made.

Reaching the door to the blacksmith room Apollyon opened it up. See walked over and looked at the armor with a smile on her face.

"Magnificent work this will due." Apollyon took off her helmet.

"Wait your hair and eyes your a Targaryen." The blacksmith said.

It was much easier to identify her without the dirt all over her and people that are off higher status could usual pick them out.

"Sigh you should have went on about your business." Apollyon grabbed his throat and raised him up with one hand.

"Thank you for your work." Apollyon moved her hand and the blacksmith's neck snapped.

The only people to ever see her completely clean and without a mask or helmet was Skar and Genz.

Dropping the body Apollyon threw it into the fire then began taking off her armor and putting on the new ones.

[Her armor]

[Her Sword]

Apollyon walked out of the room in her armor and the feeling she was giving off was intense to say the least.

"Holy shit boss you look amazing. What's your sword's name." Genz asked.

"WarBringer." She said spinning it around.

"Damn you really are a warmonger." Genz said.

"Warmonger huh i think I'll use it."

"Apollyon the Warmonger. It has a nice ring to it." Genz said and Skar nodded.

"Genz you have proven to be a great warrior and knowledgeable man. I have decided to have you become the first member of my council. The training I gave you along with your own efforts have made you a fighter to be feared. You will become the leader of the Stoneguard a group of the best soldiers that are always by my side. This is for your future achievements." Apollyon handed him a valyrian steel battle axe.

"Valyrain steel holy shit! Sticking with you might be the best idea I've ever had. I'll name it Skull Spliter." Genz grabs the axe and gives it some swings.

"Skar you have also served me well being competent and able to get the job done. You will be the commander of the first division of the Blackstone legion." She said handing him a Valyrian steel sword.

"It's shall be named Silent Justice." Skar said.

"Both good names now it's time for business. Gather everyone in the center of the city it's time to make the announcement." Apollyon said.

"Yes ma'am." They said.

"Just call me sir." Apollyon said.

- 1 hour later-

Apollyon stood infront of thousands of people. Her figure was intimidating with her armor and size while it scared the people it also made them excited.

"People of Mantarys I am Apollyon the Warmonger I have conquered this city with your help BUT I will not end here. My goal is to conquer all of Essos and build the greatest empire of all time." Apollyon shouted.

"The Blackstone Empire is a might based empire as such only the strong can survive. To do so we must weed out the weak. Now please so me you have what it takes and cut down the weak." Apollyon sat down in her throne and watched the confused looks of people until a man bashed in a woman's skull with his fists.

Apollyon smiled and watched as the people slaughtered each other. In one go the city's population was cut in half to 120,000.

"Enough those who remain you are now part of the Blackstone Empire…Congratulations." Apollyon clapped.

"This is the beginning of the Blackstone Empire. To maintain an empire you need an army our army is the Blackstone Legion. Soldiers are very important to the Blackstone Empire as such if you become a soldier and join the legion you will receive benefits." Apollyon said

"All of those that wish to join the Blackstone Legion step to this side and you will be placed in a division and be sent to the barracks to train." Apollyon grinned as a large amount of the people went to this side.

-6 months later-

After everything was done the Blackstone legion had 5 divisions. The Blackstone legion had 20,000 soldiers comprised of men and women.

[Blackstone Empire sigil]

The first division was the swordsmen division which had leather and chainmail armor and swords. [45% of the troops]

The second division were the spearmen that had the light armor with a spear and a small shield. [15% of the troops]

The third division were the archers this division had the lightest armor and were given bows and arrows. [20% of the troops]

The fourth division were the horse riders which had chainmail armor and lances. [15% of the troops]

The fifth and final division were the heavy artillery units that were given light armor and short swords but their man functions was controlling catapults, ballistas, battering rams, and other large weaponary. [5% of the troops]

The typical Blackstone soldier wore leather pants with chainmail tops and a metal helmet. Their colors were black and red with the primary being black and secondary being red.

-In the palace-

Apollyon sat on the black and gold throne that she had made. The palace was also remodeled.

"Your Majesty everything is going smoothly the people have been settling into this life but we have had reports of a large creature flying in the sky." Genz kneeled.

"You may stand and what do you think of these reports." Apollyon rested her head on her fist.

"Probably fake but I brung it up because of the number of them." Genz

"They may not be as fake as you think." Apollyon says and Genz here's a loud thump.

He walks to the windows and sees a dragon the size of a camel landing in the massive garden of the palace. The dragon dropped a bull then scorched it and started ripping it apart.

"Dragon?! is that one of the dragons your sister has?" Genz asked.

"No that is Smaug he is much better than the 3 dragons she has." Apollyon said.

"So thats 4 dragons and you have one of them." Genz said.

"Smaug isn't mine we are working together." Apollyon said as they look out the window to Smaug blasting fire into the air.

"What if your sister doesn't want another dragon flying around." Genz asked.

"Remind me Genz what are our Empire's words." Apollyon sitting back down.

"We are war." Genz said.

"Exactly." Apollyon smiled