


a fool in leather shoes

Ted's POV

This creep must've been trying to crack a joke, too bad he didn't have the talent. He had the humor of a rock and an aura of a serial killer.

The HR department should thoroughly screen the people they will hire because clearly; the person that should make me feel secure, made me feel like I could get stabbed at any second.

I scoffed at his warning and jumped up from my position. I was the damn CEO here, albeit I was just a pretense one, I still had a higher position than him.


Maybe the loser applied for this position but he didn't have the skills that I had. It wasn't my fault that I was born with talent.

I made my way past him and bumped my shoulder against his in the process, but instead of being the one who gave the shove, I was the one who bounced back.

What the hell?

I let out another scoff and muttered, /"Whatever./" I opened the door and left the room, introducing myself to the corridor.

The whole place was empty, the staff had gone home. The clicks of my shoe's heels bounced off the white walls of the hallway.

Striding down the corridor of the building, I could hear Ian's feet falls behind me. The more I hurried, the more he became faster.

Was he fucking teleporting or something?

My feet hooked to the floor and I released a heavy breath of annoyance. He loomed behind me and I could feel his cold eyes boring blistering holes on my back.

I had it!

I groaned and spiraled to face him. /"Why are you following me?/"

/"It's my job./"

/"Don't you have somewhere else to go?/" I questioned.

It was pissing me off that he was looking down on me.

What kind of growth pills was he taking?

/"I have strict orders to follow you wherever you go./"

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. /"Why?/"

Why was he so dedicated? Why didn't they hire a lazy bum?

/"It's my job. What part of a bodyguard do you not understand?/"

/"I didn't ask for this!/" I shouted.

He gave me a questioning look. /"I didn't ask for this either. I was told that I'd be a bodyguard; not a babysitter for someone who has a boner for every cleavage he sees./"

The hell? It was a normal human response!

/"Just leave me alone for once!/"I groaned.

/"No. My orders are to follow you wherever you go. If you can't accept the terms and conditions of this relationship, better to pass your resignation letter. We can find another person to work for us./"

My head was steaming with rage and I was close to punching his stern face.

/"I didn't read the terms and conditions! Who even reads them?/" I asked.

I was practically screaming like a banshee now. My hands wanted to tear my hair off my scalp from the frustration.

/"Someone who cares for their worth and dignity as an employee which you obviously don't have,/" he insulted, his voice low.

/"You're a pain in the ass you know?/"

/"I thought you liked women?/"

My eyes rolled skyward and I threw my hands up.

/"Fine, let's just go now!/" I snapped.

I felt like I ran a marathon with how heavily I was breathing. I kicked the nearest metal trash can and scattered garbage all over the empty hallway.

I will never get a moment of peace with this guy.


He gestured at the door in front of us. /"You have a virtual conference to attend tonight./"

I sighed heavily. /"Can't a brother rest. The talk show has taken all my energy./"

This job was getting worse every minute, and the donkey next to me wasn't making it any easier.

Ian narrowed his gaze. /"Stop whining. A sevenyearold would think that you're the same age as him with your behavior. You're employed, so work. If you want to go to clubs at booked schedules then quit./"

The tone of his voice was causing me to wince like a child being scolded by his dad.

He had a point.

I ran my hands through my hair and followed him to the parking lot. I moved briskly towards the jeep and I kept repeating his words in my head.

The more I thought about what he said the more it became intolerable.

He had a point.

But at the end of the day, he was just a goddamn bodyguard.

/"Don't think of doing anything stupid./" I heard him say like he knew I was thinking of something despicable about him.

I swerved and threw my gaze on him. He never rested. I never even saw him take a holiday off. Didn't they go on shifts? Was the company too stingy to hire more bodyguards?

/"Ian, aren't you tired?/" I asked. /"You've been following me throughout the day./"

/"Bodyguards can't work through Viber. If we could, you'd be dead by now,/" he calmly retorted.

He was grilling me with sarcasm.

Be calm Ted.

You were still the man of the day. And who was he? He was no one. No one loved this...piece of shit.

/"Your boss isn't here, why can't you just let me go just this once? You can take a day off and watch some comedy shows. Have some fun every now and then,/" I tried to persuade.

Please just give in.

/"Did you see the word fun anywhere in the contract?/" He asked.


/"Come on bro, we could be buddies if you stop behaving like an asshole./"

I was desperate. I tapped him gently on his firm arm. /"Let's hit the club and have fun, just the two of us. The boss doesn't have to know, what do you say?/"

He drew his face close to mine and his glare could probably snap my neck.

/"Please attend your fucking conference, sir,/" he hissed.

He gripped me tightly by the arm, opened the rear door of the car, and threw me inside.

The hell?

/"Oh shoot!/"

He glanced at me through the rearview mirror. /"What is it?/"

/"I forgot my phone in the studio./" Let me see if he was stupid enough to believe the lie.

/"I'll go get it,/" he sighed.

He glanced at me one last time before he left the jeep. I moved to the driver's seat once I was sure he had entered the studio and laughed evilly. Keys in, pedals pressed and soon, I was out of the building. I felt bad for leaving him.

Just a little.

He can walk home for all I care.

I maneuvered myself through the streets of the city, passing shops and apartments as I headed towards the city's most popular strip club, Sinners. It was a short drive and I parked my jeep in front of a shop that faced the club. A smile grew on my face when my eyes dropped on the sign on top of the building.

'Sinners' was written in bold calligraphy and the sign radiated in neon lights. I had always wanted to come here. But since I was a noname actor who was still struggling to pay his bills; I couldn't get in.

I looked to my left and right before I crossed the road; that had cars of different shapes and sizes running on its tar. The line in front of the building was long, almost stretching to the junction at the other end of the road. Letting out a sigh, I ambled to the last person in line and stood behind him.

His huge frame towered over my head, casting a large shadow over mine. I began to check the time on my watch when the line remained stagnant for a whole 30 minutes. Running out of patience, I sauntered towards the front line, ignoring all the curses the people in the queue threw at me.

When I got to the entrance, I saw a huge bouncer signing the tickets of the people in line. His black shirt hugged his bodice, bursting his muscles in any way it could. He had a frown wrinkled on his darkskinned face like he was forced to do the job.

Oh shit, I didn't even have a ticket.

/"What are you doing here?/" The bouncer pointed at the line. /"Don't cut the line../"

/"Hey man, can you just.../"

/"I'm not repeating what I said,/" the bouncer disclosed, looking at the ticket of the man in front of him.

My lip parted and I stared at the bouncer in shock.

Didn't he know who I was? I'm Ted Fucking Hamilton!

I ran my hands through my hair, deliberating on what to do next when I noticed he wasn't even giving me any attention.

Maybe another club?

There was another one near here. But I wanted to enter Sinners. I've heard a lot about the place and needed to see if the stories were true.

/"Hey man, that's Ted Hamilton,/" the man in front of the bouncer said. I was about to leave but stopped in my tracks when I heard what he said.

At least someone recognized me.

/"Who's Ted Hamilton?/" The bouncer asked, locking his eyebrows.

The man in the line looked at him questionably, like the bouncer didn't know how to sing his ABC's. /"You mean you don't know Ted Hamilton?/"

The bouncer shook his head, still having that confused look on his face.

/"Here, let me show you a video,/" my hero offered. The man brought out his phone and started playing a video. Trying to figure what the man was talking about, the bouncer peered into the flickering screen of the man's phone.

I could hear what the people in the video were saying. It turned out that it was the interview I had a few hours ago. The bouncer's eyes widened as he trailed his gaze off the phone.

/"Wow, I can't believe it's you./" He stretched his hands to shake me. /"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you. You look more goodlooking in person./"

I curved my lips into a smile and shook his hand. /"No problem./"

I take back what I said; this job was the best thing that had happened to me. I hate the freebie that came along with it though. Stupid bodyguard.

/"Please, come in./" He shifted aside, providing space for me to go in. /"If you want to use our VIP room, it is always open for you./"

/"Thank you./"

I gave him a curt nod and went in. The whole place was dimly lit with red lighting. At the centre of the room, low seats surrounded a catwalk with multiple poles. High round tables and barstools were displayed at a corner of the room next to a bar.

I licked my lower lip as I watched a shorthaired blonde, dancing around a pole. She wore a pink gstring and her perfectly carved breasts made the rod in my trousers twitch. I made my way to one of the low seats so I could get a better view of this beauty.

Sizzling drinks were carried around by ladies in towering heels. One passed by me and I quickly took a glass, trying to fit in with the people in here.

Another lady on the stage suspended herself from a pole with her thick luscious thighs and pushed out her nice and round breast. An old man next to me had a hand inside his trousers and kept on moving it up and down. I chuckled and took another sip of my drink.

What a shameless pervert.

/"Do you like what you see?/" A raspy voice behind me asked.

I turned my head and saw a longhaired brunette, staring at the blonde lady on the pole. /"I didn't know Ted Hamilton would like this kind of place./"

/"Well, now you know./"

The lady I was talking with walked past me and sat on a seat next to mine. She wore a black tight gown that stopped above her thigh.

The material hugged the curves of her hips, making her look irresistible.

/"What are you looking at?/" She asked when she noticed I was checking her out.

/"I'm sorry, you're just...sexy./"

She smirked at me. /"You know what, why don't we go somewhere private?/" She bit her lower lip gently in an attempt to seduce me.

Well, it was working.

/"Somewhere like.../" I trailed off.

/"The VIP room./" She glanced at a door beside us that had VIP engraved on its fine metal. /"Since you're famous, you wouldn't have a problem getting in./"

Thank you fame and fortune.

/"Sure, let's go,/" I approved coolly. I may sound calm and collected but my brain was already filled with pornographic scenarios.

Her whiff alone was giving my dick a bone to chew on.

She held my hands and dragged me towards the door. Her hips swayed with every click of her heels against the ground.

This sexy lady will sing the national hymn for me.

Ted Hamilton, you'll be getting laid tonight!