
Anna Lu

That evening, a statement was released by Lu cooperation stating that the engagement between the CEO of Lu cooperation and the heir of Chen Enterprise has been cancelled. Nothing much was added but the statement, as short and as simple as it was caused an uproar since it was widely that they were so much in love.

In one of the presidential suites, a man and woman were busy entangled in bed when a phone call interrupted their moment of passion. The woman got up annoyingly and took the phone. She did not even check the caller and directly picked up the phone. "WHAT! " She annoyingly asked.

"ANNA LU! IS THAT HOW YOU SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER?!" A sharp voice echoed in the suite. Anna quickly detached herself from the man and left to answer the call in the bathroom. "Mom I am sorry, I did not know you were the caller. I was actually with Brother Chen right now, you know if I manage to get pregnant I can easily become Mrs Chen."

She calmly explained in a low voice. Her mother on the other hand was overjoyed her daughter was with the young master of the Chen Family but quickly remembered why she called. "Right, I called you to tell you that lousy girl has cancelled her engagement with your brother Chen, take this opportunity to make an article stating she cheated that is why she cancelled her engagement and then you can freely start dating in public! Hurry up! "

Anna's expression lit up as she heard her mother's words. They quickly agreed and she hung up. "Haha Jane Lu, prepare to be ruined!" Her eyes were clearly full of victory.

She quickly called her assistant and instructed her on what to do. She hurriedly went back to 'her' brother Chen.

On the enormous bed lay a man, Edward Chen. He was truly a handsome man but in comparison to Ryan and the top bachelor of the country, he paled in comparison. He diverted his eyes and looked at the woman approaching the bed. She is beautiful but one can clearly see she has had plastic surgery in different areas.

She wore the expression of a girl who will make anyone want to directly protect her, a complete opposite of his fiancee's nature. To him she is a fierce woman and never gives into a man's demand. To be honest, he knew he loved Jane, but because she refused to give in, he decided to make her jealous.

Edward knew Jane has always loved him but little did he know that to her right now, he is an insignificant fly. He decided to provoke her by sleeping with someone she does not get along with, her cousin.

When she did not say a thing, he decided to hint to her that he will break their engagement, she did not speak to him. He decided to go to the Lu elders and provoke her. He knew if she heard that she will quickly come back on her knees and to him, that is how a woman should be, except this time round he miscalculated completely. It has been hours since he told them and he has not heard anything, he decided to search for Anna to quench his thirst because for him she is just a tool and nothing else. He wouldn't dare wife her!

As he was in his own thoughts, Anna's shriek brought him back to reality., "Aah! Brother Chen! How could cousin do this to you!?"

She placed the phone before Edward as he read the article 'CEO Lu cheated on her fiance thus cancelling her engagement?' Edward immediately knew this article was fake because he knows Jane very well but what attracted his attention is the part talking about her cancelling their engagement. "What! She can't do this.It must be a rumour...Yes it must be a rumour."

He kept mattering to himself but Anna thought he did not believe she cheated on him. She kept spouting hateful words but before she could even complete what she wanted to say, a knock was heard on the door. She thought Edward had ordered something and therefore headed to open the door in nothing but a towel.

Edward was busy trying to get dressed so that he could go find Jane. He saw Anna heading to open the door and did not mind since he thought she asked for something.

Once the door was opened, there were numerous camera flashes as a lot of reporters had camped outside the suite.


As Anna had instructed her assistant, she released an article claiming that Jane Lu cheated on her fiance and she was ashamed and therefore cancelled her engagement. The article said a lot of things but did not back up it's claim with anything. It caused an uproar as this became the first time for the queen of the business world to be involved in a scandal. This was juicy news and everyone was debating on the issue.

An hour later, an anonymous account posted an article 'CEO Lu is the victim!' The article explained the relationship between Edward Chen and Jane Lu, explaining who exactly cheated. The article was attached with different photos of Edward and the B list actress Anna Lu going and coming out of a certain presidential suit in Fantasy hotel!

The article also showed the account that spread the previous fake article being that of Anna Lu! It further stated that there might be a possibility that the two people were even there at that right moment. Since the suite number was clearly visible, different reporters gathered their equipment and rushed to capture the news. This was about two CEO'S and a famous actress, no one would want to miss that!

In a certain dark room, a beautiful woman sat as she read through the comments cursing Anna and Edward and asking Jane to stay strong. She heartedy laughed as she sipped her wine elegantly. "Tsk tsk tsk cousin... enjoy"

This woman is non other than the mysterious hacker, Panther or if you'd like using her other name, Jane Lu.

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