

THIS BOOK IS UNDERGOING EDITING "Brother Chen! Cousin slapped me!" Anna said as she tried squeezing her tears out. "JANE LU! What did I tell you about harming my fiancee?" An angry voice filled the venue attracting everyone's attention as Edward went forward to cover his fiancee. "Just look at your fiancee, why would I slap her and commit animal abuse? I am also kind incase you never knew." Jane replied them with a lazy smile on her lips as she checked out her well polished nails. She is Jane Lu, The undisputed queen of the business world in Country X. No one can tell her anything in the business world except for one man who is on the same level as hers. Because she refused to give into her fiance's demands, he sought to cheat on her with her cousin. She promised to repay both of them for every single pain she felt. What will happen when she slowly ends up falling for the business King, love at first sight without her knowledge? Will she open up or will she cover herself up with the insecurities she had during her previous relationship?

Elsie_Newton · Urban
Not enough ratings
337 Chs


Liam did not wait for any other person in the room to speak because he felt like the more he stayed around the more trouble he was likely to encounter and therefore after giving his instructions, to Daniel, he immediately left the room making people pave way with respect as he headed towards the pathway as he headed towards the heavy oak doors that led to the outside.


"He looked like he wanted to kill us for a moment there!"

"I know the fact that his actions even make me want him more is what terrifies me more!"

"Your actions are justified because the man looks so hot like.. I wonder how Jane was able to capture him in the first place! But again, they suit each other so well!"

"Stop! He will hear you."

Some of the socialites had to shush each other because they realized that Liam was approaching and they were still talking about him.

"I wouldn't mind though…Hehe"