
The Underworld Lord of Fire

When you get reincarnated as the child of prophecy who is supposed to defeat an all powerful being, what happens when you get reincarnated as his subordinate?

Pop_Prince · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Fang, how could you let the baby Escape?" Alexander asked angrily.

"How am I supposed to stop something that is instantaneous? Lord Yan's smoke portal formation is among the fastest powers in the world. If you don't believe me, go to the Sevenfold underworld and meet him." Fang shorted angrily.

"You better watch your tongue or you might regret it." Alexander threatened.

"I'm not scared of you. We can finally see which is stronger, your fiery flames of my fire lightning." Fang said with a smirk.

"Stop fighting, it will do you no good. Besides look at the bright side, you have an army of 999 Fourth class pyrokinetics at our disposal. Now, if we train them quickly enough, we can send them out to search for their last comrade at least when they are 16. They can execute Is soon." Sun Long said calmly.

"See, instead of arguing like you two morons, she actually came up with an idea." Alexandra commented.

"I think what Sun long said is the best option. The have the only drawbacks are the 'Great Day of Retribution' might come before then and they might not find him. Since that is the only option we have, we'll have to wait." Tian Feng said.

They continued discussing, but after some time, they felt a tremendous energy heading for them.

"It's must be him" Sun long said.

The door of the meeting room was then flung open and a figure walked in majestically. At age 16, he was already six foot two inches, had a muscular body, long Crimson hair, silver eyes and an extremely handsome face.

"I'm heartbroken, my birthday was yesterday and Sun long was the only person nice enough to come personally to wish me a Happy Birthday. I know you were busy preparing the academy and getting students but it would have only taken you up to five minutes to come to flower fruit mountain and wish me a happy birthday." Torres said with a sad face.

"Heavenly birds like me can't lower myself to come to you. I must be invited first to show my importance." Alexander scoffed.

"Last time you barged into my house, saying the exact opposite. You said you don't need an invitation to come to my house." Torres said

"Well you are now 16 and can be considered a man. It was my respect as a fellow man that prevented me from coming to your house unannounced." Alexander said

"Well played Alexander. Since you did not come to congratulate me. The universe took pity on me and sent me a gift. Do you want to know what it is?" Torres asked with a smile.

"I personally do not care. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave now." Tian Feng said and prepared to leave.

"Old man. At least let's wait to hear his gift from the universe. As an old person, you should be more patient." Fang suggested with a grin.

"As I was stargazing yesterday, a portal of smoke suddenly appeared and a baby came out of it. Torres said with a grin.

"It can't be. Impossible". Tian Feng shouted.

"I thought it was just a normal baby from the Yan family, but the next day I saw a Mark of a burning 7 on the child's shoulder. According to the Codex, isn't that the child of Prophecy that can rival me?

Tian Feng fell to the ground while the others were too shocked to react.

"As you know I believe completely in the fate. If the baby had fallen into your hands, I wouldn't care and I would even help train him. Sadly, he came to me. You guys are still welcome to my home anytime to try to convince him to go against me". Torres said with a smile and left immediately without waiting for a response.

"This can't be happening". Tian Feng mumurred. "He must be joking. He must have overheard us and decided to scare us for not coming to wish him a happy birthday".

"He won't joke about something like that". Sun Long said.

"He might just be pretending because of his f---" Tian Feng was saying before He was interrupted by a tremendous energy which appeared.

"To prove to you that I'm not lying, I brought him to you". Torres said with a smile. He then pointed to the baby in his arm, specifically at his shoulder.

At this moment, the baby opened his eyes. "Where am I? Who are this people? Why do they look like they want me?. Scorpio thought with confusion. He remembered being born, his dad trying to save him, his mom snitching, his dad throwing him in a smoke portal and him meeting Torres . "How unfortunate of me to die on such a perfect day. I was about to fulfill my dreams of going on a date with Sae. Ahh, Truck-kun how unfair".

"Torres, how about you give Baby Yan to us? In exchange you can marry Sun Long". Tian Feng asked.

"It was fate for him to come to me so I won't go against it. Also, if it is fate for me to be with Sun Long, we will be together but if not I won't complain". Torres said without a change in expression.

"Tian Feng, you know I respect you but never ever in your life try to use me as a bargaining chip. You are objectifying me". Sun Long said with a frown then left immediately.

"You guys are wasting time, let's just take him". Alexander said then he immediately charged at Torres. Alexandra, Fang and Tian Feng followed suit.

Sun Long rushed back to evacuate the workers in the castle so that they won't die. Just the aura and pressure from the battle is enough to kill all of them.

The top of the meeting room exploded shortly after she was done. Alexander flew out. He had called out his two large magnificent flame wings. They were blowing hot air around the castle and his otherworldly King aura was bearing down heavily on the castle.

'Thank God I evacuated everyone in time'. Sun Long thought.

A massive cry was heard as Alexandra transformed into her Celestial Phoenix form. Unlike her brother, she transformed completely.

Thunder was first heard everywhere veggie lightning started to fill the atmosphere. The lightning wrapped itself around Fang forming lightning shaped tattoos on his body as well as moving around him and filling his eyes.

A roar which was majestic, a roar which was domineering, an elegant caw and a loud snap were heard at the same time as Tian Feng unleashed his powers. The area around him was hot, cold, filled with wind and lightning.