
The Undefined Love

Imagine when your soulmate turns to be the destroyer of your life. But while destroying you completely, he falls in love with you. Will you be able to forgive his mistakes or will you be leaving him behind? This is a story of a girl 'Lifen ' who always thinks positively. To her, the most important thing was one's heart where love exists. Her life took unexpected turns when she meets Wang Deming, the young CEO of Wang Corporations and fell in love with him. But the night she prepared herself to confess her feelings towards him was the unluckiest night for her. She got heartbreak and ....... The rest of the story you will get to know when you read it guys. I can confirm one thing to you...the story will have a happy ending for sure but the way of reaching that goal will give you emotional roller coaster rides. This is my first story and I am really inexperienced. Please bear with my mistakes and do support the story. I will try not to disappoint you all. And the cover of the novel is taken from google and is being edited a little-bit by me!! Join me in the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect with me on insta: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · Urban
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396 Chs

Doctor, How is she?

His strong hand yanked her wrist to make her look at him and other went to grab the nape of her neck. She shivered when she witnessed his dark orb eyes, and without any warning his lips was pressed over hers, biting it and sucking it hard as if he was letting out all his anger and frustration he was holding back.

"Mmm..De..ming, what are you doing? Let..me go", she muttered under her breath but her words were ignored making the kiss more and more deep and fierce. She resisted, and punched hard on his chest only to get success after several attempts.

"Deming, that was enough. What are you taking me as? Am I a toy to you? If you ever dare to repeat this again than be ready to witness the worst of me", she yelled.