
The Undead Society

Renee Johnson is a young, blonde, and beautiful girl who has her whole life in front of her. But after a gruesome accident, that life is suddenly thrown into disarray. She begins to experience strange and frightening occurrences anytime she's alone, and she couldn't take it anymore. Making the mistake of trying to confront this new fear, Renee comes in contact with the being that has been haunting her every waking moment, and the mere sight of it could make a girl go mad with fear. Join Renee as she enters a terrifying new reality, one where people are haunted by the instruments of their own deaths, and must find a way to overcome them, otherwise they will all die.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Urban
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10 Chs

Haunted By Memories

Renee was in a deep sleep, dreaming about something that happened to her recently. It all happened at the home of Tiffany Parker, Renee's best friend. Renee had decided to stay with her, because she had been feeling very uneasy for a while now.

After the accident Renee found it extremely difficult to be alone, the feeling of dread would just creep over her in an instant, making her feel like her life was in some kind of danger. Unable to deal with this feeling any longer, Renee decided to live with Tiffany for the time being. And that's when she realised how dependent she really was on the company of others, and what would happen to her if she was truly left alone.

Tiffany Parker: I'm super late for work. Please help yourself to whatever's in the fridge. And I'll see you when I get back. (Tiffany explained as she grabbed her handbag, ready to go to work)

Renee Johnson: Have a nice day. And don't worry because I will take care of everything. (Renee said with a reassuring smile)

Tiffany Parker: Uh- huh... (Tiffany said before she left through the door, but quickly came back in)... Oh, and if you suddenly decide to throw a party, please don't make it too crazy, okay?! Byeeeee!!! (Tiffany joked before she left the house, this time for real)

Renee Johnson: (Chuckles) Party huh?... Nah. (Renee said before she left to do the dishes, which were still in the sink)

After taking care of the dishes, Renee grabs a rag to dry off her hands. But then she starts to hear a low rumbling sound, one that sounded like the engine of a vehicle. Renee has heard this errie sound before, and it seemed to be getting louder by the second.

Jumping out of the way, Renee narrowly escapes being run over by a large blue vehicle, which has been terrorizing her every waking moment. This was the bus that had almost killed Renee, and it seemed that it was about to finish the job.

Renee Johnson: No! Leave me alone! (Renee yelled as she ran away from the mechanical menace, heading straight for the door)

Renee ran for the door, and began to pull on the handle, and to her horror, the door was locked. That's when she remembered that she had locked the door after Tiffany left, so all she needed to do now was unlock it and flee this place.

Panic had already settled in with Renee, making her unable to open the door quickly enough. And by the time the door finally opened, what was behind Renee wasn't a bus, but a giant mechanical creature.

The humanoid figure easily picked up the fridge, tossing it at Renee with it's incredible strength. The large fridge slams into Renee's body with such force that she is knocked through the door and onto the empty street.

Renee managed to regain consciousness, only to see the massive mechanical monster, rip open a hole in the house, letting itself come outside to finish off the young woman. Renee tried to escape from it, but the fridge was still on her, pinning her in place and preventing her from fleeing.

The blue machine walked slowly towards Renee, making the ground tremble with each of it's heavy footsteps. The young woman closed her eyes, waiting to be killed by the creature of her nightmares. But the death she was waiting for never came, only the voice of an angry old man.

"What's with all the noise?! I'm trying to get some sleep here!" (The elderly man yelled as he exited his house, a scowl in his face as he looked around)

But all the man saw was a girl on the ground, with what seemed like blood on her forehead.

"Hey are you alright?" (The man asks as he rushes over to Renee, helping her to get up from the ground)

Renee was still visibly shaking, looking around in a state of true fear. The monster she saw had somehow disappeared, and all evidence of it's attack was gone with it, almost as if it never happened.

"Were you attacked by your boyfriend or something? Do you want me to call the police?" (The man asks)

Renee Johnson: Didn't you see it? Didn't you see that monster?! It threw a fridge at me! (Renee explained in panic, with tears now rushing down her cheeks)

"Your boyfriend hit you with a fridge?! How awful!" (The old man misunderstood)

Renee Johnson: No! No! No! It was a monster! A monster!!! (Renee yelled hysterically)

"Calm down, calm down!" (The man tried to calm her down, but she wasn't having any of it)

Tiffany Parker: Oh my gosh, Renee! What happened?! (Tiffany yelled as she arrived in her car, and then rushed over to her friend's side)

"She said she was attacked by a monster. Which I think is code for her boyfriend hit her" (The elderly man explained to Tiffany)

Tiffany Parker: Thanks for helping her. I'll take it come here. (Tiffany tells the man before grabbing Renee in a gentle embrace)... Ssshhh, calm down, Renee. Everything's gonna be fine... I promise. (Tiffany told her friend with tears in her eyes)

Renee Johnson: Monster... Monster. (Renee sobbed in her friend's arms, all the while remembering the terrifying face of her attacker)


Renee suddenly woke up from this dream, a dream about the attack she suffered from recently. No one believed her when she told them of course, and asked that she start consulting a therapist. And so she did, but she still refuses to be left alone though, and now leaves the house when Tiffany does.

Tiffany Parker: Okay I'm going to work now. Where will you be for the day? (Tiffany asked as she entered the room)

Renee Johnson: I think it's time for me to get a job, that way I can keep myself busy. (Renee explained as he rubbed her tired eyes)

Tiffany Parker: Then hurry up and get ready. I may not like my job, but I'd still like to keep it by not being late all the time. (Tiffany tells her)

Renee Johnson: Sorry about that... And, thanks. Thanks for always being there for me. (Renee tells her)

Tiffany Parker: That's what great friends do. Remember that. (Tiffany said before she left the room)

Just as Renee is about to shower and freshen up, a call could be heard from her cellphone, so she rushes to pick it up.

Renee Johnson: Oh, it's the therapist. I wonder why she's calling me this time. (Renee said before she answered the phone)

Martha Wells: Hello, Miss Johnson. How are you? (The middle aged woman asked)

Renee Johnson: Fine, I can't complain. (Renee tells her)

Martha Wells: That's good... Look I called to ask you if you could meet up with me later today, to discuss something very important. (Martha explains)

Renee Johnson: Oh, really? Well I'm not sure I can meet with you today, I'm super busy and whatnot. (Renee lied, not wanting to meet up with the therapist at all)

Martha Wells: As I said before, I want to discuss something very important. You have to come. (Martha insisted)

Renee Johnson: And as I told you, I am super busy. If it's so important you can tell me right now on the phone. (Renee tells her rudely)

Martha Wells: Very well then. It's about that mysterious doctor you told me about, I believe that I have found him. (Martha tells her with a smile)

Renee Johnson: Really?! How, when?! (Renee demanded to know)

Martha Wells: A patient of mine told me a story very similar to yours, about a strange doctor who fed her his blood. But unlike you, they managed to identify him. But we will need your involvement if we are going to report him to the authorities. (Martha explains to her, her smile growing a bit wider)

Renee Johnson: I'm on my way, give me thirty minutes! (Renee said)

Martha Wells: No need to rush, Miss Johnson. The person will be here by five o'clock, so you should be in my office by then. Please don't be late. (Martha tells her)

Renee Johnson: I won't! (Renee said before she hung up the phone)... I can't believe it, he's real! When they catch this guy, he's going to have to explain what he did to me! (Renee said in anger)

Meanwhile at the office of Martha Wells, the older woman dropped her phone, and then stared up at the two individuals in her office. One male, and the other female.

Martha Wells: She'll be here by five. Please try not to make a mess. (Martha tells them)

Male: Don't worry, everything will go smoothly. (The male assured)

Female: I make no promises. (The female tells her, with an expressionless look on her face)

Next: The Twins.