
The Uncovered Mystery

After her billionaire parents were murdered and all their assets became hers, Meena grew up living an ordinary life as a simple girl until she was kidnapped by a mysterious man who may or may not want her dead. Who is the man? What mystery could be uncovered about her parent's death? Was his father's wealth filthy or genuine? What finally became her faith at the end of the story? Join me as we embark on the journey of discovery in this book.

Queen_Diva_ · Urban
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17 Chs

I need to return home

These few days haven't been easy for Dave, since he met Meena. Always daydreaming about her and waking up to reality. Now all he craves is to see this lady who is causing him sleepless nights. He still can't believe that he'll one day feel something for a woman in such a way.

He is well known for his nonchalant attitude towards women.

Being a public figure and one of the richest and strongest young men in Medaline, the most substantials women fights for his love and attention and the low class admires him from afar. He's everywoman's dream.

But still none of these women caught his eyes except Meena. He knew everything about her and now wants to know her intimately as well.

It didn't take him a while to realize how much he wants to make her his.

He drove to Beldine to pay her an unforeseen visit. He couldn't hang on anymore. All thanks to his private operatives, he knows where she stays already.

Knowing fully well his visit was unannounced, Meena was dumbfounded the moment she saw him which was exactly how he expected her to react. The urge of grabbing her into his arms was so overwhelming that he had to battle with himself to subdue it.

The moment they were in the car and her green innocent eyes stared at him, the desire to kiss her was so enormous but he restrained.

He struggled to tell her his feelings but lost the courage and told her about his father's threat instead.

Right now, he hopes she eventually calls as he parades to-and-fro in his luxurious room.

He soliloquizes in dismay, each time his phone buzzed and it wasn't Meena. The loss of concentration made him bounce every incoming call, including business calls.

He neither took any of his calls until the last one rang. Out of depression, he picked up the call without looking and yelled.

      "Why can't I have my peace?! I'm unavailable now!"

He shouted. And just as he was about to terminate the call, he heard a voice...

      "Hello, it's me, Meena"


      "Meena? Oh, Meena! I eehm...I'm sorry for the yelling, I didn't know it was you" He murmured as he deters his hand from terminating the call and he become at peace with himself at just hearing her voice.

      "Are, you okay? Who was bothering you before I called?"

      "Nothing to bother about. You finally called" he said drifting from the question.

      "Yeah, I gave it a thought"

      "And?" He asked as he anxiously awaits the reply.

      "Yes, will come to your house"

Yesss! He exclaims in his mind

      "Alright, I'll send one of my men to come to pick you up tomorrow morning"

      "What about Jane? She can't just stay here"

      "Don't worry about that, I already had it planned out. I'll allocate her a new house"

      "Why can't she come with me to Meldaline"

      "Cause she's from Belidine, and she's not in the picture...so she'll be safe"

      "Okay," she simply said unfulfilled.

      "No need to worry, will assign two of my men to stay with her till the whole thing is over"

      "Alright, thank you," she said, now satisfied.

      "As I said, my men will come to pick you up.


I need to drink to this, the first step of her becoming mine, achieved. He thought to himself joyously.


After the call ended, I became excited and nervous at the same time. Going back to the house I was abducted to stay is one of the most insane and unimaginable things.

It sounds crazy but there's this part of me that yearns for it. And one of the things which inspires me the most is the fact that I'll be closer to home, cause Dave stays in Denvis a neighboring to my Village Delus. Unlike Agape which is a different town in Medaline. I guess I just followed my heart.

Now, how will I explain to Jane and Gabriel, they'll be disgruntled.

I'll figure out a way, but right now it's time to pack the few clothes I have here and some essential things. Maybe later tomorrow, I'll go get more clothes at my residence in Agape.

Just as I was about to start, my phone beeped. I checked and it was Dave. My heart skipped.

'Don't bother coming with clothes, remember your wardrobe is still intact and I got more clothes'

He still left everything for me...did he know I'll be back? This man never ceases to amaze me.

I woke up the next day, freshened up, and wore the best clothes, out of the few ones I have here. Went to my dressing mirror, applied some light makeup, and brushed my hair side-part, matching so well with my fitted black sleeveless short gown, which brought out my voluptuous physique.

I wore my favorite perfume and black knee-length heels and headed to Jane's room.

She was done preparing, now waiting for Gabriel to arrive.

"You done already?"

"Yes Meena baby, I can see you're done too. You look amazing, my angel" She said with a bright smile on her face.

"Thank you, aunty, you not looking bad yourself," I said sitting next to her on the bed"

"Come on Meena, don't tease me"

"I'm serious," I said and we both chuckled. "Aunty... there is something we need to discuss"

"Go on my dear, what is it?"

"We are not moving to Deli anymore," I said anxiously, trying to discern her reaction.

"You are kidding, aren't you?" She said with a smile in a teasing way.

"No, I'm serious"

"And what does that supposed to mean? I don't understand" she said with a confused straight face.

"See anuty, I don't know how crazy this may sound to you but I think it's time I depict my family. My grandfather might not have left a good legacy but It's time I erase it and build back a decent, promising one. But if I have to do that, I'll need to know my father's involvement in this. I need to know if he also took his father's footsteps. Then, I will be able to know where to start making things right. And if I discover my father was involved, I'll make sure I never touch anyone of his assets and start from the beginning" I paused, took a deep breath, and drew closer to her.

"How long do I need to keep running, aunty? That will never solve our problems, and leaving your city for Deli is also not a good one. I don't want you to run away from your home all because of me. Aunty, it's time I fight to survive, it's time I face my fears. I need to be home" I said with tears accumulating in my eyes.

I understood her fears. She wouldn't want any harm to come to me, and also her own life is at stake and that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid, don't want her to lose her life cause of me.

She was mute for some minutes as she ponders on what I said before she spoke up.

"That's a sign of bravery and I'm impressed, but Meena, this is a matter of life and death. You're a lady and not a man. You won't be able to handle the heat, it will burn you! I can't afford to lose you, I won't survive it" she said and started subbing profusely which ignited the accumulated tears in my eyes to rush down my cheeks like a waterfall. Such emotional moments between two women can break a strong yoke.

I held her hands, so tight like I would never let go. I love this woman with everything in me. She's been there all through my life. Right from the day I was birthed till now, she never loved me less, rather it accelerates limitlessly. She's my second mum. She has automatically done for me what a mother would do for her child.

"Aunty, stop crying please," I managed to talk "don't underestimate the power of a woman. Everything will be fine, okay? I strongly believe that, and nothing will happen to us. I just have to return home...I need to be home...I miss home. No matter how much I love this place, I still don't belong here"

"So what next? Are we going to stay back here?"

"Not at all, we'll be getting you another apartment here in Beldine but in a different town"

"We? who are 'we'? And if I head you correctly, you said "getting you", what exactly do you mean by that?" she asked, confused.

"Dave and I"
