
The Unbeliever

Ashley has a bestfriend named Kai. One day Kai goes missing...In the next 11 years, Ashley was without a best friend. A war starts. Then Everyones finds out what happened to the one boy named Kai with a secret.

Ash_Johnson_8910 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

: Missing Child

It was a winter day near the mountains. January the 18. Ashely was hiding for Kai, not in the way you think but simply playing hide in go seek. "Ashley where are you?" Kai yelled out in the open. Ashley giggled kind of loudly. Weird right? "I can hear you," Kai said while turning his head around. "Where are you" He was walking closer and closer to where Ashley was hiding. "Hehe" Ashley said in a low voice. "Found you" While he jumped on Ash and tickled her. "Hey! No fair!" Ashley said while trying to control her laughter. "Hey, you never told any of the rules," Kai said after tickling her almost to death. Then Kai gets up and looks at her while she is still on the floor trying to control her laughter. "So I didn't do anything wrong". "Whatever you say Kai" Ashley said while getting up with the help of Kai of course. They both get up and start walking but to the village, they live in. Yes. They live in a village. It's beautiful really, Snowing trees has a beautiful moon and sunset. Animals like deer, rabbits, raindeers. There was one thing about the village though every red moon werewolves come out and hunt in their village. But let's not talk about that yet. Now back to Ashley and Kai. "When did you start growing hair on your hands?" Ashely said and stopped walking and turned to Kai. "Oh that, Well you see, That started happening yesterday, yeah yesterday I asked my dad about it and he said it was a man thing" He stopped walking and was kind of mumbling but who knows. "Your Dad said it was a man thing?" Ashley said with a confused face. "Yep, that's what he said!" He continued to walk. Ashley knew he was lying but didn't have the energy to confront him about it at the moment. Then continued to walk then made a sharp turn and then. "Kai?" Kai was gone. "Kai?" Ashley said while turning around. "Kai, come on this isn't funny," She said and continued to walk."Kai..?" She said and stopped. "KAI" Ashely yelled. Then she realized. Kai was missing.