
The UnAwaken Become's Strongest

Zane Skyler always felt different from everyone else. In a world where everyone around him had awakened special abilities, he remained ordinary. Accepting his fate, he decided to live with this difficulty, making the best of his life despite feeling like an outsider. But one fateful day, everything changed. Faced with a life-and-death situation, Zane discovered a hidden power within himself, a power unlike anything anyone had ever seen. This revelation set him on a thrilling journey to become the strongest of them all. As Zane began to unlock and master his abilities, his life took a dramatic turn. No longer the boy left behind, he quickly rose to new heights. However, his newfound power brought with it a slew of mysteries and challenges. Why had his abilities awakened so late? What was his true potential? And most importantly, who could he trust with his secret? --------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hardworking Protagonist: Yes, Interesting Side Cast: Yes, World Building: Yes, Overpowered Protagonist: Yes, Romance: Yes, Harem: No --------------------------------------------------------------- (#It's my first time writing so I know the story is not going to be a perfect one QAQ. Please support me with Ps, Gt and gifts, THANK YOU!!!) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from Pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.)

Me_In_Mirror · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Unexpected visit

### After School

When the final bell rang, Zane and Kevin headed out together. They were planning to meet at the park to practice and discuss their abilities further.

"Meet me at the park in an hour," Kevin said. "I'll bring some training equipment."

"Sure, I'll see you there," Zane replied.

### Back at the Fista Guild Headquarters

Selene was in her office, still fuming over the lack of progress in the interrogation. She called Marcus in.

"Any updates?" she asked curtly.

Marcus shook his head. "Not yet, ma'am. She's tough, but we'll break her."

"See that you do," Selene said, her voice cold. "I want answers by tonight."

"Yes, ma'am," Marcus said before leaving the room.

Selene stared out of the window again, her thoughts drifting to her daughter and the boy who had saved her. She made a mental note to personally thank Zane once this crisis was over.

### At the Park

Zane arrived at the park and saw Kevin setting up some training dummies and targets. Kevin waved him over.

"All right, let's see what you've got," Kevin said with a grin.

Zane focused, feeling the unfamiliar sensation of his transformation ability stirring within him. He closed his eyes, concentrating. His body began to shift, his skin hardening into a stone-like texture. When he opened his eyes, he felt a surge of strength and confidence.

"Whoa, that's impressive," Kevin said, his eyes wide. "How does it feel?"

"Strange, but powerful," Zane replied, flexing his newly transformed arms.

"Let's test your strength," Kevin said, tossing him a metal bat. "Try hitting this target."

Zane swung the bat with all his might, and the target shattered into pieces. Kevin let out a low whistle.

"Not bad at all," he said. "Now, let's see how well you can control it."

For the next hour, the two friends practiced together, pushing each other to their limits. Kevin used his ice ability to create various obstacles and targets for Zane to smash and navigate. Zane quickly learned to adapt, finding a balance between raw power and control.

"Great job today," Kevin said as they wrapped up their training session. "You're getting the hang of it."

"Thanks, Kevin. I couldn't have done it without you," Zane replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

Meanwhile, back at the Fista Guild headquarters, Marcus burst into Selene's office.

"Ma'am, we have a breakthrough," he said, trying to catch his breath.

Selene looked up, her eyes narrowing. "What is it?"

"The red-haired woman finally talked. She revealed that the group was hired by someone named Varek. He's an underground broker known for dealing with high-profile kidnappings and other criminal activities."

Selene's expression hardened. "Varek, huh? I've heard that name before. We need to find him and put an end to this."

Marcus nodded. "We're already tracking his known associates. We'll find him."

"Good," Selene said. "And when we do, he'll regret ever laying a hand on my daughter."

### A New Threat Emerges

As the sun set over the city, a shadowy figure watched from a rooftop, hidden in the darkness. He had been observing Zane and Kevin's training session, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

"So, the boy has awakened," the figure murmured to himself. "This could be interesting."

He pulled out a small device and sent a message to someone. "The target has potential. We might need to accelerate our plans."

As the figure disappeared into the night, the city's lights flickered on, unaware of the new threat looming on the horizon.

### A New Day

The next morning, Zane woke up feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. His body ached from the intense training session, but he felt stronger, more confident. As he got ready for school, he couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen.

At school, Kevin greeted him with a wide smile. "Ready for another day?"

"Always," Zane replied, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

As they walked to their first class, Zane couldn't help but notice Lucas watching him from a distance, his expression unreadable. Despite the lingering tension, Zane focused on the positives—his growing abilities, his supportive friends, and the knowledge that he was becoming stronger every day.

Little did he know, the challenges ahead would test him like never before, forging him into the hero he was destined to become.

### Afternoon Training

After school, Zane and Kevin decided to continue their training. They headed to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, a place Kevin's family owned and used for practice.

"This place is perfect," Zane said, looking around the spacious interior.

"Yeah, we can train without worrying about anyone seeing us," Kevin replied. "Let's start with some basic drills."

For the next few hours, they worked on honing their abilities. Kevin created intricate ice sculptures, using them as both targets and obstacles. Zane practiced shifting between his normal form and his transformed state, aiming for precision and control.

As Zane swung a heavy metal beam, his movements became smoother and more deliberate. He smashed through ice barriers with ease, his newfound strength evident.

"Impressive," Kevin said, watching him. "You're really getting the hang of it."

Zane grinned. "Thanks. I feel like I'm finally in control."

As they took a break, sitting on the cold concrete floor, Kevin looked at Zane thoughtfully. "You know, you really have talent. You just awakened your ability a few weeks ago and are using it quite well. When I awakened, I could only make a small ball of ice in my hand."

Zane looked at Kevin, surprised by the praise. "Well, I'm not sure. I just feel like I can use it."

Kevin smiled. "Right, that's what I'm saying. You can't just feel like it; you have to give time to make your body adjust to your ability."

Zane said with a grin on his face, "Looks like I'm just a bit special."

Kevin felt a little annoyed seeing Zane's grin. Suddenly, he threw a weak ice ball at Zane's face, startling him and raising his guard.

"Hey! What was that for?" Zane exclaimed.

"I just felt like it," Kevin replied with a smirk.

"Then I also feel like beating you up!" Zane said as he dashed towards Kevin.

As Zane and Kevin continued play-fighting, a sleek black car pulled up outside the warehouse. The door opened, and Selene Morgan stepped out, her presence commanding attention. She walked into the warehouse, her eyes immediately locking onto Zane.

"Zane," she called out.

Zane and Kevin looked in her direction and saw her. They recognized her instantly from her frequent appearances in news articles and magazines. She was very famous in Asteria and one of the strongest Awakened in all ten countries.

Both boys turned, surprised to see her. Zane quickly reverted to his normal form and approached her.

"Hello, Mrs. Selene Morgan," Zane said hesitantly. "What brings you here?"

Selene said, "I wanted to personally thank you for what you did for Sophia. You risked your life to protect her, and for that, I am deeply grateful."

Zane blushed, not used to such praise. "I just did what I thought was right."

Kevin stared at Zane, who was blushing.

But Zane composed himself and said seriously, "I don't want to be rude, but how did you know I was here?"

Selene smiled. "We've been keeping an eye on you since you got involved in this case. Others may be coming after you, and as you are a unique case who awakened late but showed such feats, we wanted to ensure your safety."

Zane glanced at Kevin, who gave him a look that said, 'I told you so.' but ignored him. "Thanks for your concern. I am very grateful," Zane said.

"Are you thinking of joining the Academy to become a hunter?" Selene asked.

"Yes, Kevin and I are both planning to take the Academy entrance exam in two years," Zane replied.

Selene nodded. "You have talent and dedication. I expect you can become stronger in the future as you gain experience."

"Thanks for your appreciation," Zane said.

Selene then gestured to the man behind her, who took out a suitcase and handed it to Zane.

Zane looked at the suitcase and then at Selene. "What's this?"

"This is some equipment as a gift to help with your training and improvement," Selene explained.

Zane accepted it gratefully. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Morgan."

Selene nodded. "Take care, Zane. And remember, we're watching out for you." She then left, her presence lingering in the air.

Kevin looked at Zane, envy evident in his eyes. "Lucky you, getting a personal visit from Selene Morgan and a gift on top of it."

"Feeling jealous?" Zane teased.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Kevin admitted.

Zane was surprised to see Kevin easily admit his jealousy.

Kevin suddenly said, "Well, you deserve at least this much for saving her daughter."

"Well, that's true. Now, let's see what's inside," Zane said.

Kevin nodded in agreement.

### The Gift

They opened the suitcase and found a set of advanced training equipment. There were weighted wristbands, a compact but powerful training dummy, and a high-tech device that seemed to be

 a portable obstacle generator.

"This is amazing," Zane said, examining the equipment. "This will definitely help with our training."

Kevin nodded, equally impressed. "You've really hit the jackpot."

"Let's set it up and start using it right away," Zane suggested.

They spent the next few hours setting up the equipment and incorporating it into their training routine. The weighted wristbands added resistance to Zane's movements, enhancing his strength training. The training dummy could simulate various combat scenarios, providing a more realistic training experience. The obstacle generator created intricate and challenging courses for them to navigate, pushing their abilities to the limit.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, Lucas was planning something of his own. He had been watching Zane and Kevin closely, taking note of their progress and strengths. He knew that Zane's abilities were developing rapidly, and he saw an opportunity.

Lucas made a call. "Yes, it's me. I have some information that could be valuable. Meet me tonight."

He hung up and smirked to himself. The wheels were set in motion, and soon, everything would change. I will surely make them pay. "hahahaha!"

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