
The UnAwaken Become's Strongest

Zane Skyler always felt different from everyone else. In a world where everyone around him had awakened special abilities, he remained ordinary. Accepting his fate, he decided to live with this difficulty, making the best of his life despite feeling like an outsider. But one fateful day, everything changed. Faced with a life-and-death situation, Zane discovered a hidden power within himself, a power unlike anything anyone had ever seen. This revelation set him on a thrilling journey to become the strongest of them all. As Zane began to unlock and master his abilities, his life took a dramatic turn. No longer the boy left behind, he quickly rose to new heights. However, his newfound power brought with it a slew of mysteries and challenges. Why had his abilities awakened so late? What was his true potential? And most importantly, who could he trust with his secret? --------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hardworking Protagonist: Yes, Interesting Side Cast: Yes, World Building: Yes, Overpowered Protagonist: Yes, Romance: Yes, Harem: No --------------------------------------------------------------- (#It's my first time writing so I know the story is not going to be a perfect one QAQ. Please support me with Ps, Gt and gifts, THANK YOU!!!) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from Pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.)

Me_In_Mirror · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As night fell, the city of Asteria began to wind down. The streets were lit by the glow of streetlights, casting long shadows across the pavement. In a secluded alleyway, Lucas waited impatiently, glancing at his watch. Finally, a dark figure approached, shrouded in a cloak.


"You're fucking late," Lucas said, his voice dripping with irritation.


The figure laughed softly. "Patience, Lucas. We both know this will be worth the wait. What do you have for me?"


Lucas handed over a small device. "This contains all the information you need. Zane and Kevin, their abilities, their training locations. They're getting stronger, but they're still vulnerable."


The figure examined the device and nodded. "Excellent. We'll proceed as planned. The packages are ready as you wanted…". The figure pause making Lucas frown


"Nothing, I was just thinking would it be, ok for you to if you do this considering you are son of vice president of star guild" says raising his one eyebrow

"That is not your business" Lucas scoffed "Just make sure packages are ready"

"Don't worry our work is perfect and as you fulfilled your task we will do ours"

Lucas's eyes gleamed with malice. "Good. Let's see how they handle a real threat."


### The Next Day


Zane and Kevin arrived at the warehouse for their afternoon training, their spirits high after their recent progress and the new equipment from Selene Morgan. As they set up the portable obstacle generator, they discussed their plans for the session.


"I think we should focus on speed and agility today," Kevin suggested. "With the weighted wristbands, it'll be a real challenge."


Zane agreed, strapping on the wristbands. "Sounds good. Let's push ourselves."


As they began their drills, the warehouse doors creaked open. Zane and Kevin turned to see Lucas standing there, a smug expression on his face.


"What the hell are you doing here, Lucas?" Zane asked, his voice wary.


Lucas stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Just wanted to see how the future hunters of our country in training are doing. And to offer a little... surprise."


Before Zane or Kevin could react, the air in the warehouse shimmered, and five grotesque creatures emerged from the shadows. Four of them were smaller, their skin a sickly green, eyes glowing with malevolence—D-rank monsters. The fifth was larger, more imposing, with spiked armor and a terrifying roar—a C-rank monster.

both zane and kevin got shocked at this seeing so many monsters suddenly.


"Meet your new training partners," Lucas said with a sneer. "Good luck."


The D-rank monsters were ghastly creatures, each about the size of a large dog. Their skin was a putrid, mottled green, covered in oozing sores and festering wounds. Their eyes glowed an eerie yellow, full of malice and hunger. They moved with unsettling speed and agility, their limbs long and sinewy, ending in razor-sharp claws.


The C-rank monster, in stark contrast, was a towering behemoth. Standing nearly eight feet tall, its body was covered in thick, spiked armor plates that gleamed with a dark, metallic sheen. Its skin, where visible, was a dark, ashen gray, with veins of molten lava coursing just beneath the surface. Its eyes burned with an intense red light, and its mouth was filled with jagged, obsidian-like teeth. The air around it seemed to warp and distort from the sheer heat radiating off its body.


### The Battle Begins


The first D-rank monster lunged at Zane, its claws extended. Zane barely had time to shift into his stone form, deflecting the attack with his hardened skin. He countered with a powerful punch, sending the monster sprawling. The impact sent a shockwave through his arm, but he gritted his teeth and held his ground.


Kevin conjured a wall of ice, blocking the path of the second D-rank monster as it charged toward him. He quickly formed ice spikes, hurling them at the creature. The spikes pierced its flesh, but the monster continued to advance, seemingly unfazed.


"These things are tough!" Kevin shouted, dodging another swipe from the monster. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he tried to maintain his focus.


Zane swung a metal beam at the third D-rank monster, but it caught the beam with its claws and snapped it in two. Zane's eyes widened as he realized the level of their strength.


"Fuck, we need to work together!" Zane called out. "Focus on the small ones first!"


Kevin nodded, concentrating his ice attacks on the second monster while Zane tackled the third. They moved in sync, each attack coordinated to exploit the monsters' weaknesses. As Kevin froze the legs of the second monster, Zane delivered a crushing blow to its head, shattering it.


"One down, three to go," Kevin said, breathing heavily, his hands trembling from the exertion.


Lucas watched from a safe distance, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "You think you can handle this? I've got more surprises for you."



The remaining D-rank monsters regrouped, their movements more coordinated. The fourth monster leapt at Kevin, who managed to block it with an ice shield. However, the C-rank monster took advantage of the distraction, charging at Zane with terrifying speed. Zane barely managed to dodge, feeling the air whoosh past him.


"Shit, this one's a lot faster," Zane grunted, focusing on the C-rank monster. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through his veins.


Kevin formed a massive ice wall, blocking the D-rank monsters' path. "I'll keep these guys busy. You take care of the big one!"


Zane nodded, shifting his attention entirely to the C-rank monster. It roared, the sound reverberating through the warehouse. Zane charged, swinging a heavy metal beam at its head. The monster caught the beam, twisting it with its immense strength and tossing it aside like a toy.


"You're gonna have to do better than that!" Lucas taunted from the sidelines, a cruel smile playing on his lips.


### The Strategy


Zane and Kevin quickly realized brute force wouldn't be enough. They needed a strategy.


"Let's lure them into the obstacle course," Zane suggested. "We can use it to our advantage."


Kevin nodded, activating the portable obstacle generator. The warehouse filled with various obstacles: walls, barriers, and traps designed for their training. The monsters followed, crashing through the obstacles with brute force.


Zane and Kevin used the environment to their advantage, weaving through the obstacles with practiced ease. Zane smashed through barriers, using the debris as makeshift weapons. Kevin created ice barriers and traps, slowing the monsters' advance.


Kevin froze the ground beneath the fourth D-rank monster, causing it to slip and fall. Zane took the opportunity to deliver a crushing blow, incapacitating it.


"Two down," Kevin panted. "But that big one's still a problem."


The remaining two D-rank monsters charged simultaneously, their claws slashing through the air. Zane and Kevin worked together, synchronizing their attacks. Zane deflected blows with his stone form, while Kevin used his ice powers to immobilize the monsters. They fought fiercely, every move calculated to exploit the monsters' weaknesses.


Kevin conjured a massive ice spike, impaling one of the monsters through the chest. It let out a guttural screech before collapsing. Meanwhile, Zane tackled the last D-rank monster, pounding it with stone fists until it was nothing more than a lifeless heap.


"We're not done yet," Zane said, panting heavily as he looked towards the C-rank monster.


The C-rank monster roared, shaking the very foundation of the warehouse. It charged at Zane with incredible speed, its massive fists crashing down. Zane barely managed to roll out of the way, the impact leaving a crater where he had just stood.


"This one's on a whole different level," Zane muttered, wiping blood from a cut on his forehead.


Kevin formed an ice barrier to shield them, but the C-rank monster smashed through it effortlessly. Kevin's eyes widened in shock as he felt the heat radiating from the beast, searing his skin even from a distance.


"We can't let it get close," Kevin shouted. "Its heat is too intense!"


Zane nodded, dodging another attack. He lunged forward, aiming a punch at the monster's exposed chest. The monster caught his fist mid-air, squeezing with bone-crushing force. Zane screamed in pain as he felt his bones fracturing.


"Zane!" Kevin yelled, creating an ice lance and hurling it at the monster's arm. The lance shattered on impact, but it was enough to make the monster release Zane.


Zane fell to the ground, clutching his mangled arm. "Fuck, this thing's strong."




"We need a plan," Kevin said, his voice shaking. "We can't keep taking hits like this."


Zane struggled to his feet, his vision blurred with pain. "We need to hit it with everything we have. I'll distract it, you go for the kill."


Kevin hesitated, glancing at Zane's injuries. "You'll get yourself killed."


"Just do it," Zane snapped, his eyes filled with determination. "We don't have a choice."


Kevin nodded, steeling himself for the final assault. He began forming a massive ice structure, focusing all his energy into creating a weapon powerful enough to pierce the monster's armored hide.


Zane charged at the monster, his stone form cracking from the strain. He dodged and weaved, landing blows wherever he could. Each hit felt like smashing his fists into solid rock, but he kept going, refusing to back down.


The monster roared in frustration, swinging its massive fists at Zane. One hit connected, sending Zane flying across the warehouse. He hit the wall with a sickening thud, blood spraying from his mouth.


"Zane!" Kevin screamed, his heart pounding in his chest.



Zane coughed up blood, his vision darkening. "Do it now, Kevin!"


Kevin unleashed his ice attack, creating a colossal ice spear. He hurled it with all his might, aiming for the monster's heart. The spear flew through the air, glinting in the dim light of the warehouse.


The monster turned just in time to see the spear coming. It roared, raising its arms to block the attack. The spear struck with tremendous force, piercing through its arm and into its chest. The monster let out a deafening roar, stumbling backward.


"Now, Zane!" Kevin shouted.


Zane, mustering every ounce of strength, forced himself to stand. He charged at the monster, his body screaming in agony. With a final, desperate leap, he drove his stone fist into the spear, driving it deeper into the monster's chest.


The monster roared one last time, its body convulsing as it collapsed to the ground. Zane fell with it, collapsing in a heap, barely conscious.

'Shit, shit how did they can handle these monsters' Luca cursed inside.



Kevin rushed to Zane's side, his heart racing. "Zane, stay with me!"


Zane coughed weakly, blood dripping from his mouth. "Did... did we get it?"


Kevin nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Yeah, we got it. It's over."


Lucas, seeing his plan unravel, decided to retreat. "This isn't over," he snarled. "You may have won against them but now you can't escape!!" and jump with the large fire ball in his hand.

Lucas took the advantage of situation both are weak and exhausted, he thought it is good time for finishing them off.


Kevin immediately made a large and thick ice wall


"You think this mere wall can stop me!, not chance!" Lucas shouted

Zane was still unable to stand, Kevin protected him.


Kevin was struggling against Lucas even though he was way strong but right now Lucas is overpowering him.


Zane gritted his teeth it come to this again, he felt the same feeling of helplessness on the day, he Awakened.


Zane tried to stand but as he is getting up, he fell again losing all the strength