
Chapter 5

Following my tryst with Sona I checked a notification I received after the rating game.

'Congratulations master you've earned 22,000 EP.'

That's amazing, on average this is even more lucrative than children. Sadly, I can't enter the big league of the rating games which means that I will likely be earning less than this. A peerage like Rizers would at most give me 15,000 EP and that's me being generous with myself.

The rating games is also a sport and that means that the average public needs to enjoy it, that mostly results in weaker teams participating so that the public can follow their actions. That also means that high class devils are considered major players in the junior league and middle-class devils are the norm. 

In the end that's all right since all I need are a total of twenty matches with a minimum of thirteen wins to progress to the next league. (A/N This is just me adding onto the story)

If the average is 15 matches in one year I could try and push for more and hopefully graduate by the end of the year. 

Once I get fully acknowledged as a high-ranking devil, I will demand a territory of my own, once it is given to me, I will then offer a second engagement to Seekvaira Agares. She and I already came to an agreement on that matter even if it is still unofficial. 

Frankly all I need right now is to find a proper sacred gear for Ravel, preferably a Longinus. I know the location of four of them however I do not wish to give her the Boosted Gear which leaves me with Sephiroth Graal, Annihilation Maker, Dimension Lost, and Incinerate Anthem. Sephiroth Graal is simply a death sentence since it forcefully crams all the knowledge god had on the soul and life. If Ravel can't assimilate the knowledge than she will turn into a vegetable.

 I am uncertain as to how Incinerate Anthem's flames will affect its owner if they are devils, so I rather not risk it. This leaves me with two of them however Dimension Lost is somewhat limited in its use and even if she is immortal I rather she not use the Annihilation Maker since it requires lifeforce to make those monsters. 

Maybe I should wait until Issei plays his role and give her the Boosted Gear? Or I could go for a non-Longinus sacred gear. 

Ravel is no doubt the weakest in my peerage, she has the reserves and power output of a mid to high class devil and whilst that's impressive for her age she is still too weak for my liking. 

She needs a boost, actually she needs more than one. I could get her a Devil Fruit to start with, let's see…

'System give me a list of Devil Fruits suitable for Ravel.'

'Acknowledged, here are seven suitable Devil fruits for Ravel Phoenix in order of affinity (after devil discount):

Flame-Flame Fruit: 550,000 EP

Phoenix-Phoenix Fruit: 1,750,000 EP

Love-Love Fruit: 222,000 EP

Storm-Storm Fruit: 1,900,000 EP

Magma-Magma Fruit: 1,200,000 EP

Flower-Flower Fruit: 75,000 EP

Dark-Dark Fruit: 3,900,000 EP

The Flower fruit is useless in a world as powerful as this one. Phoenix, Magma, Darkness and Storm are too expensive. I love my sister but not to the point of bankruptcy. That leaves me with the Love-Love Fruit and the Flame-Flame Fruit again, although I see it increased in price. 

'System get me the Love-Love Fruit.' My sister has yet to mature but she no doubt is cute, that should allow for the fruit to take effect on those weaker minded. As to how she obtained this power I can justify it the same way I did with Tsubaki, I simply helped her develop it. I will get her the Flame-Flame Fruit when I get enough spare points. 

For the Love-Love Fruit to reach its full potential it needs to be combined with Haki however the manual to learn even the basics are in the millions. I guess it's true what they say, Haki is king. Although it lacks the power output and wide area damage needed to deal with those in this world. 

'I am curious, how much does the Nika fruit cost?'

'Answer: The Sun God Nika Fruit costs 39 million EP after discount'

'I shouldn't have asked.'

To think that Luffy ate a fruit worth more than all of those above combined, I feal like crying right now. 

"Big brother, are you crying?"

"Oh no… Ravel I have something for you…" I summoned the fruit out of nowhere and handed it to her, "This fruit will grant you the ability to turn bad people into stone."

Anyone who looks at my little sister with lust should stay petrified.

Ravel was happy with her gift and started playing with her familiar. After a little while I could see Rizer crossing the garden but for whatever reason I couldn't see him leaving.

"Big brother Raizer are you a bad person?"

When I turned back, I found Ravel knocking on a statue of Rizer. At that moment I wasn't sure if I should get angry or laugh. 

'Notice: the Love-Love fruit abilities can also apply when feeling loving emotions other than lust.'

'Don't care, it's funnier this way.'

"Big brother Revy what should I do?"

"Just leave him over there, if he is lucky then a servant will find him in a day or two." 

At dinner I shared Rizer's fate with the rest of my peerage. I am sure we never laughed as much as we did that night.




And life when on, I participated in Rating Games, spent time with my women, trained Ravel and for posterity's sake I gave my father a third present, a girl this time. 

On my seventeenth birthday I got the DxD Subsystem and through it I found a liquid version of the sleeping sickness for one million points, and with the help of my mother my father is now suffering from the sleeping disease. Making it the perfect crime.

I am now 18, and the newest entry into the top tear of the Rating games with a record 55 wins and 0 losses. I am now officially acknowledged as the strongest of my generation and an official Ultimate class devil. This might sound impressive and indeed it is however in the grand scheme of things I am simply an average fish in the pond. 

The power ranking system in the underworld was created by devils for devils, that is why when other beings from pantheons other than the Abrahamic one get involved you start to see what true power looks like. 

Devils are nothing when compared to gods. The big G wanted servants and helpers not fellow gods who can threaten him. That is why even though devils and angels are quite impressive they are looked down upon by all other pantheons. The weakest of gods are all at least in high class and the average god is about as strong as an Ultimate class devil and whilst those in the Satan class have enough power to fight some of the stronger gods out there, it would mean an upward fight that will most definitely cost them their lives. 

There are devils such as Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub who are abnormalities since they've become even stronger than the original Lucifer making them Super Devils. But even they can barely match gods like Zeus and Odin. 

If I were to dispel all my parallel existences, I would only barely be considered a Satan. 

Of course, this is mostly talking about pure power since abilities play just as big a role in battle. 

I mean who would want to fight Sirzechs when he can use the power of destruction? Or Ajuka when the world is his playground?

In truth the only reason the three factions have yet to be destroyed is thanks to those two and the angel Michael. His golden wings are not just for show, Michael has the ability to draw power from heaven and the believers of God. That alone makes him a monster all gods fear.

Angels might have been the greatest losers of the last war given how low their numbers now are but as long as they have Michael, they will remain the most powerful faction in our pantheon. 

Then again it is doubtful if he would descend to help devils and fallen if we ever get attacked by another pantheon. The reason I am not shitting my pants right now is because I have Artoria who although she lacks a proper weapon is no doubt as strong as Sirzechs.

To put her power in perspective, Artoria could have ended every rating game we participated in sixteen moves exactly, one attack for each adversary. 

She was given the nickname "Standing Knight" since all she does is stand whilst the rest of us fight.

Saber is my trouble-free card since unless she has to battle the leader of a pantheon, one of the heavenly dragons or a dragon-gods she can always bail me out of any trouble. 

Devils might brag that they are in the Ultimate class but then again that classification is too broad to really gage their power. The range of power in Ultimate class goes from a small city to an entire country. In fact, two of the four Satans are in truth Ultimate class devils rather than Satan class as they claim. 

If Devil kind ever had to face Olympus for example, then it would be an upward fight. Sirzechs and Ajuka can fight Zeus and Poseidon on equal ground, hell I would even give us the advantage in such a battle, however that is where our advantage ends. There are twelve Olympians, five of which are equal to those mentioned previously. That means that Serafall Leviathan and Falbium Asmodeus who are in truth only at the peak of Ultimate class stand little chance to stop even a single one of those five. 

Hera, Hades, Athena, Ares, and Hestia are all Satan class minimum and whilst Hestia is unlikely to participate in any conflict it still has to be said that any of them could fight and kill the two remaining Satans. I can be generous and consider Grayfia Lucifuge on par with the weaker Satans but even including her in the equation we still come up short. 

The only way we could win is if the top five in the rating games join forces to fight two of the top seven Olympians whilst Serafall, Falbium, and Grayfia fight another two leaving me and my peerage (not including Artoria) to fight the last one. In truth this would be more of a gamble than a strategy. Serafall can sink a country beneath the waves and Falbium's body is impenetrable whilst Grayfia is the true ice queen of the underworld but in front of any of those their powers are of little relevance.

That still leaves five Olympians who are at the peak of ultimate class and who knows how many children those horny Greek gods have. 

A year back I traveled to the human world with Akeno and Tsubaki to have some fun and somehow met the god Loki, the battle between us lasted for two days and during that time we were barely able to keep up with him. If it wasn't for the intervention of some Valkyries sent by Odin, then I would have had to ask Artoria to step in. Hell, the only reason we didn't just run away was because I had her on standby. 

The power levels in DXD are far greater than anything I remember watching. Loki had spells capable of killing me with ease, even with my Immortality trait and regeneration powers. Halfway through the fight I was forced to dispel one of my clones to close the gap between us. Akeno played support and Tsubaki used her sacred gear to reflect as many of his attack as she could manage. I was the frontline fighter and biggest damage dealer. I focused on what I am best at which is swordsmanship and magic. By pressing Loki I kept him from attacking the girls and in the few times he managed to send me flying I used large scale magic to nullify his advantage and keep him from advancing. 

That was my first real battle and I loved it. 

At the same time, I regret giving him the time to summon Fenrir, that thing was a monster. I panicked at that point and called some of my more powerful children to keep the beast in check. 

I am sure that Oden was watching the entire battle and by summoning my children instead of Artoria I am sure he managed to glimpse something related to me and my inner world. Fucking gods of knowledge. 

Anyway, after that battle I learned that Rating games were just that, games. Real fights are a lot more complicated and pose a real chance of dying. 

The system had long ago recommended I purify my bloodline to start advancing faster but since I didn't see the benefit in spending 2 million for such a thing, I simply ignored the recommendation. Most devils are born with a sin or two, I on the other hand was born with three those being pride, lust, and greed. This time my pride got the better of me. I was a fool to believe that I was perfect, after all one can always improve. And so, I bit the bullet. 

'Congratulations on purchasing the Bloodline Purification option -2,000,000 EP.'

That in itself did not do much to increase my strength, but it did correct the mistakes within my Phoenix Bloodline making it as pure as that of the original. 

Afterwards I stopped relying on the occasional body strengthening pill or magic refining beads I sometimes receive in my daily gacha. Since those are limited to the common, uncommon, and rare variety. As such they were less and less effective. 

Instead, I purchased different manuals that teach how to improve in different areas ranging from the body to the soul. All in all, my total bill came to 27,000,000 EP.

I placed those books and scrolls within the library inside my inner world so that others could also improve themselves. I am mostly referring to my harem since the stronger they and I are the more EP I get from the birth of each child. 

After years, no centuries if I count the time I spend in my inner world, I finally got an increase to my strength from the system. Even if I had to develop it all myself those manuals did help me a lot.

They are the reason I can call myself an ultimate class devil and mean it. 

I still had 53 million EP of which I used 41 million to summon Mata Hari so that she may serve as my personal spy/ninja/assassin. I am thankful that she is weak, if not for that I would need billions of EP like the others. I mean how the hell is the Hassan of Serenity worth 4 billion EP? I just wanted a beautiful assassin to serve me, I wasn't even going to add her to my peerage. 

Thank you, Mata Hari, for being even weaker than a Hassan. 

With the twelve million I had left I bought breeding stock of greater quality to increase my EP gains. I have now reached the level where my harem is divided into breeding stock and women I actually care about. When you have over a hundred women that have the idea of obeying you carved into their very souls you start to lose interest in them. 

Instead, I have decided to stop involving those I consider real people in the breeding system I had going. The only exceptions being Lady Phoenix since she made a binding oath to bare me a child once every three years and Artoria because she is my biggest earner, without her I would need to multiply my harem by two to get what a single child from her is worth. 

I never cared about my children after they reach their maturity but after they started wars, I decided to step in. I divided the children based on their mother's world of origin and created different dimensions for them to grow and inhabit. This did not end the fights, but it did reduce the casualties. 

After all a child between me and Daenerys stands no chance against one born of Akeno. 

They were also given copies of men and women from their related worlds to reproduce since I get one tenth the EP of each descending generation. That might not be much but given enough grandchildren and great grandchildren I will get a passive EP production. 

My words are quite crude, but I've learnt that the EP generation is closely related to my desires who are in turn based on my sins and virtues. That mostly leaves me with banging women to satisfy my lust, collecting items and people I desire for my greed, and crushing my enemies to reinforce my pride. Along with charity towards those I take pity upon and diligence in all I do. 

Those are at the core of the system which in turn is no more than a representation of myself. 

It took me decades to figure this out. In truth I should have figured it out simply by analyzing the gifts I receive for my birthdays, all of them serve to compliment this very idea. I blame web novels for sullying my mind with game systems assisting protagonists.

Now that I truly understand the system and how EP is generated, I divided my parallel existences to work towards earning as much as I can. I did so by collecting treasures and people of interest to me, buying or even creating companies I have an interest in, fighting those I acknowledge as being powerful, and studying what I love most swordsmanship and magic. Charity is harder since my idea of charity is finding those worthy of help and giving them a hand until they can prove that I have indeed made the right choice when I helped them. 

Another potential EP making venture is the Exchange Subsystem I got for my eighteenth birthday. With it I can trade anything I have for EP, sadly I am both greedy and a bigger hoarder than a dragon. I have literal mountains of gold and jewelry, yet I never used any of it. The few times Rin Tohsaka enters my treasury I feel like she is squeezing my heart. If not for the valuable research, she does I would have killed her out of frustration. 




I am now nineteen and will soon marry both Sona and Seekvaira, having graduated from my horny faze I can now truly appreciate them and what this day entails. 

I now understand the difference between lust and love. And so, I know that I feel both for each of them. Sona with her more petite figure and the aura of the cleverest girl I know and Seekvaira with her curvy figure and the strictness that defines her character.

As the ceremony started, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. 

Three thrones stand at the far end of the hall, draped in dark purple velvet. The air crackled with an eerie energy as guests, all clad in elegant attire, murmur amongst themselves in anticipation. At the center of the hall, an archway shrouded in mist awaits the arrival of the brides.

At the entrance of the hall two large doors are swung open and there came the brides gliding down the aisle, royal blue gowns with golden yellow linings trailing behind them. 

At the other end is I, the groom, dressed in a suit of midnight black allowing my aura filled with dominance to spread around the hall, imposing myself upon the invitees to keep their eyes and remarks in check. Throwing etiquette out the window and allowing my power to spread, sending shivers down the spines of all attendants. 

I am a well-known troublemaker and so I do not mind offending every last devil if it means that I can give my girls peace of mind during our wedding. And indeed, both send me grateful looks.

The officiant took shaky steps forwards and commenced the ceremony.

"Welcome, honored guests. We are gathered here today to witness the binding of three souls forged in the fires of hell itself. Let us celebrate the union of Lord Revy Phoenix and the ladies Sona Sitri, andSeekvaira Agares. On this joyous day we bear witness to a marriage that will shape the underworld for centuries to come."

The officiant talked about the devil purity and the need for unity after the great war before he gestured for us to speak our vows.

"I, Sona Sitri, in the presence of witnesses, do solemnly swear my unwavering devotion and submission to my beloved husband, Revy Phoenix. 

With reverence and love, I willingly bind myself to him, acknowledging his authority and leadership over me within our unholy union. 

I pledge to honor and cherish him as my protector, provider, and guide, placing his needs and desires above my own.

I vow to obey his commands and respect his decisions, trusting in his wisdom and judgment to lead our household with strength and compassion. 

I surrender my will and independence, embracing my role as his devoted wife and partner, to support him in all endeavors and trials. 

I accept the responsibility to nurture our home and family, to create a sanctuary of love and harmony under his guidance.

I understand that through submission, I find my greatest fulfillment and purpose, and I willingly embrace the joy of serving him with humility and grace. 

May my submission strengthen the bonds of our marriage, and may our love endure through every trial and triumph that we face together. 

So do I pledge, in the presence of the Satans, to honor and obey my husband, for as long as we both shall live."

That was something… I never expected Sona to completely discard her independence. After all these vows are binding, every word she spoke serves as a chain on her soul, she could never run away from the decision she made today. I can only imagine what her sister is feeling right now, if anything I am surprised, she hadn't stopped Sona from finishing her oath for if I accept her, she will lose all rights she might have had. 

"I, Revy Phoenix, with gratitude and reverence, receive the solemn oath of submission offered by my cherished wife, Sona Sitri. 

In the presence of all witnesses, I acknowledge the depth of her commitment and the purity of her devotion. 

With humility, I accept the responsibility entrusted to me as her husband, recognizing the sacred bond that unites us in love and partnership.

I promise to cherish and protect her, to honor her obedience with kindness and understanding, and to lead our household with wisdom and compassion. 

Together, we shall walk this journey hand in hand, united in purpose and bound by the sacred vows we have exchanged. 

May our love deepen with each passing day and may the strength of our union be a beacon of light in the darkness. 

With all my heart, I accept her oath and pledge to cherish and uphold it for all eternity." 

Somehow the audience managed to turn even more quiet, likely understanding the significance of our oaths, devil society will be talking about this for the rest of the year at least. The sister of the Satan Leviathan and heir of the house of Sitri is now no better than a slave to her husband. High society will have a field day with this.

Likely wanting to get things over with the officiant gestured towards Seekvaira whilst sending her a pleading look, begging her with his eyes not to make things worse for him.

"I, Seekvaira Agares, do willingly and wholeheartedly offer this oath of servitude to my esteemed husband, Revy Phoenix, in the presence of witnesses and the Satans. 

I recognize your esteemed position as the head of our household, and I humbly submit myself to your authority and leadership. 

With reverence and dedication, I vow to serve you with unwavering loyalty and devotion, attending to your needs and desires with diligence and care. 

I pledge to support you in all your endeavors, to stand by your side through joy and sorrow, and to be your faithful companion in this journey of life.

I relinquish my own aspirations and ambitions, dedicating myself entirely to your happiness and well-being. 

I accept the duties of a devoted wife and servant, embracing the role entrusted to me with gratitude and humility. 

May my service bring you comfort and joy, and may our union be strengthened by the bond of mutual respect and trust. 

So do I swear, before the Satans, to honor and serve you, my beloved husband, for as long as we both shall live."

Ok they definitely planned this. I can't even imagine how much chaos this is going to create, and I honestly love it. It's been a while since I last made trouble for the Satans so this is the perfect opportunity to annoy them once more, only instead of my usual target, that being Sirzechs, it will instead be Serafall Leviathan. 

"I, Revy Phoenix, receive with profound gratitude the solemn oath of servitude tendered by my beloved wife, Seekvaira Agares. 

In the presence of witnesses, I acknowledge the depth of her commitment and the selflessness of her devotion. 

With humility and profound appreciation, I accept the responsibility entrusted to me as her husband, understanding the sacred duty that comes with her offering. 

I promise to honor and cherish her dedication, to respect her sacrifices, and to fulfill my role as her protector and provider with unwavering commitment. 

Together, we shall navigate the trials and triumphs of life as partners, united in purpose and strengthened by our mutual respect and devotion. 

May her service be met with kindness, her sacrifices acknowledged with gratitude, and her love cherished with tenderness. 

With all my heart, I accept her oath and vow to uphold it with the same dedication and devotion she has shown me."

I could hear the officiant whisper "Oh hells, this is a disaster."

Finally, we sit on our thrones, me in the middle, Sona at my right and Seekvaira at my left. I couldn't help but look in the audience for Serafall's reaction only to see her in the arms of Ajuka kicking and glaring towards me. And just to spite her a little I send her a wink whilst miming "I will take good care of her big sister."

Oh… The rage in her eyes was priceless. 

The story will really start from here, next chapter is the start of the Queen Arc. 

Name: Revy Phoenix

Age: 18 (172)

Race: Part Devil, Part Fallen

Points accumulated: 12,000,000.

Racial traits: Great Demonic Power, Immortality, Hell fire, Light manipulation

Secondary traits: Perfect Memory, Magic Eyes, Greater will, Chastity-Chastity Fruit, Flame-Flame Fruit, Phoenix-Phoenix Fruit

Affinities: Life affinity, Fire affinity, Wind affinity, Darkness affinity, Mental affinity

Resistances: Light Resistance, Holy Resistance, Demonic Resistance, Pain Resistance, MindResistance, Thunder Resistance, Curse Resistance


Tier 1 according to current world: Low Satan class (divided by 4 into mid Ultimate class each)

Ranking in the Rating Games: 11th place 


Available subsystems: Life Simulator System, Breeding Subsystem, Summoning Subsystem, Childcare Subsystem, Harem Subsystem, Exchange Subsystem


Available Worlds: Tensura Subsystem, Fate Subsystem, One Piece Subsystem, Planetos Subsystem (12,600 EP), Food Wars (4,170 EP), Haikyuu!! (390 EP), DxD Subsystem, Harry Potter (3,700,000 EP)


Tensura Subsystem Acquisition: Unique Skill: Parallel Existence

Fate Subsystem Acquisition: Artoria pendragon, Mata Hari (41,000,000 EP)

One Piece Subsystem Acquisition: Flame-Flame Fruit × 3 (1,575,000 EP), Chastity-Chastity Fruit (30,000 EP), Phoenix-Phoenix Fruit (1,750,000 EP), Bear-Bear Fruit (90,000 EP), Lightning-Lightning Fruit, Dimond-Dimond Fruit (500,000 EP)

Planetos Subsystem Acquisition: Dragon Eggs × 10 (10,000 EP per egg)

Food Wars Subsystem Acquisition: 45,000 EP in ingredients per month

Harry Potter Subsystem Acquisition: HP magic (1,000,000 EP), HP books year 1 to 7 (230,000 EP), complimentary books year 1 to 5 (700,000 EP), Phoenix core wand (700,000 EP), year 1 spells automatic mastery (110,000 EP). 


Marked as Important in inventory: Inner World, infinite bag of cookies, infinite gourd of water, Infinite bag of Big-MC, Heal-Heal Fruit, Bear-Bear Fruit, Dragon Egg, Phoenix core wand, Phoenix tears, Broadsword, Jewelry subsection, Wealth subsection. 


Number of Breeders: 131+


Harem Hierarchy:


Wives: Lady Phoenix, Artoria Pendragon, Sona Sitri, and Seekvaira Agares


Mistresses of note: Daenerys Targaryen, Erina Nakiri, Margaery Tyrell, Sansa Stark, Rin Tohsaka, Nico Robbin, Akeno Himejima, Tsubaki Shinra, Kozuki Hiyori, Nefertari Vivi, Charlotte Smoothie


Servants of note: Cersei Lannister, Lyanna Stark, Rhaenys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Missandei, Alvida, Domino, Kalifa, Koala, Makino, Nico Olvia, Portgas D. Rouge, Shalria, Tashigi, Shyarly, Charlotte Galette, Viola Riku, Vinsmoke Reiju, Kiyoko Shimizu, Hina, Nami, Monet, Belo Betty, Ulti, Kaya, Alice Nakiri, Lily Potter, Ginny Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour, Helena Ravenclaw, Hannah Abbot, Andromeda Black, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Susan Bones


Number of children: 2577


Greatest contributors to the number of children: Lady Phoenix (59), Daenerys Targaryen (36), Nico Robbin (27), Portgas D. Rouge (25), and Kozuki Hiyori (25)


The single greatest contributor to points: Artoria Pendragon: 23,650,000 EP


Revy phoenix Peerage:


Rias Gremory as Queen (pending)


Akeno Himejima Bishop 1

Tsubaki Shinra Bishop 2


Artoria Pendragon knight 1 

Xenovia Quarta Knight 2 (pending)


Kuroka Rook 1 (pending)

Rook 2


Ravel Pheonix Pawn 

Rossweisse Pawn (pending)

Asia Argento Pawn (pending)

Koneko Toujou Pawn (Maybe)

Yubelluna Pawn (Maybe)

Next chapter