
Chapter 4

We returned on the very day of my first Rating Game. 

Everyone was excited but Tsubaki could barely keep herself in check. She knows that I have a present for her, and she can't wait to get it. The present is the Dimond-Dimond fruit I bought. I wanted to thank them for their contributions to my EP reserves, so I got them each a gift, but I refused to give it to them until we returned.

As I handed her the fruit, she started giving me a weird look, then again it was intentional, I couldn't have someone from the world of One-Piece spoil the surprise.

"Tsubaki, this is a Devil Fruit, to be more precise this is the Dimond-Dimond fruit. When you eat it, you will be able to turn parts of your body into Dimond, granting you a high level of protection against anything a high-level devil could throw at you. I chose this fruit for you since you can make it look like an extension of your sacred gear."

Midway through my explanation she jumped into my arms and gave me a deep kiss. This Tsubaki is completely different from the one that would have served under Sona. She is a lot more expressive and after more than forty years together there is nothing, we don't know about one another.

"Next is you mother, you are not only my wife but the one who contributed the most to populating my inner world, because of that I will give you two gifts, the first is this Flame-Flame Fruit, it will grant you greater fire power along with the ability to turn into fire and avoid physical damage unlike our ethereal fire form. However, you should be careful of magic since it will still affect you even if you turn into fire. Your second gift will be this fruit, it isn't a devil fruit, but it will allow you to break through from high class to reach the middle of Ultimate class."

After being reassured of her position within both my heart and harem she turned dossal and simply focused on her duties such as managing the other girls and taking care of my children, even those not her own. 

She took the duties of ruling over the other women like a fish to water, all of them respect her to the point of becoming the uncontested queen of the harem. Her servants Nico Olvia and Viola Riku served as extensions of her will. The few times she had to punish some of my women she made it into a spectacle where all must attend. I can still remember the cries of Sadi as she was being whipped publicly with a holly attribute whip. That was when the girls truly understood that the system I put in place is not just for show, my wives have the power to go as far as killing servants as long as they weren't pregnant, and in the case of mistresses they can be demoted to servants where if they make any mistake they might just suffer the same fate. 

Order must be upheld for me to enjoy the harem life. 

"Last is you Akeno, this is the Lightning-Lightning Fruit, it will grant you the same abilities as the Flame-Flame fruit only with lightning. The greatest advantage of this fruit in my eyes is the travel speed it grants, whilst the speed of lightning can be matched and even exceeded by those in the Ultimate class and above, they are unable to maintain such speeds over long distances, something you will be able to do easily."

Akeno gave me one of her warm motherly smiles and thanked me with a hug. With over a dozen children between us that smile became a weapon of mass destruction. Honestly, I don't think there is any one within my harem who is more suited to be a mother than Akeno. The way she looks whilst pregnant and the way she takes care of our children have always warmed my heart.

"I am sorry Artoria but there is nothing fitting I can give you, that is why…" I did not kneel but simply took her hand, planted a kiss on it and put a sparkling ring on her finger. "You are my second wife even if you rarely make use of your authority, this ring is proof of my love for you, I hope you can accept it."

Artoria shed a couple tears then nodded and knelt.

"My master I swore to be your knight but today I make you this promise, never will I leave your side, never will I betray your trust for I am yours in mind, body, and soul."

 "Now that everyone is ready let's be on our way. We might not have a complete peerage but who said we needed one? Each one of us is at least Ultimate class. There is no way we can lose! Now let's go!"




And indeed, we won. 

During the game we were teleported into an artificially created city, here we needed to take down the other team in no more than an hour, as per the rules of the Lightning-Fast Game.

Akeno only needed 5 minutes to take down everyone except the king and queen who she spared at my request. She showed them what lightning fast really means.

I faced the king and left the queen to Tsubaki. My opponent in this match was Sairaorg Bael, a good friend of mine but since I wanted to make a show out of my first appearance, he will sadly suffer public humiliation. I promised myself that I would make it up to him. 

Tsubaki easily disposed of Kuisha Abaddon, the enemy queen. Leaving only Sairaorg and I. 

"Um… sorry about this Sairaorg, it's my first game and I think my peerage went a little over bored…" I wasn't acting I really didn't intend for things to end so fast. I mean yes, we outclassed him and his entire peerage to the point that any one of us could have finished this match in mere minutes, but I didn't want to humiliate him like this. 

"Ha… Hahaha… No, I understand this simply means that we must train harder but don't forget I am still standing."

I wanted to give him some face, so I prolonged the fight between us by fighting him in hand-to-hand combat. Something I am not all that used to. But in the end that only prolonged the inevitable, the moment I started coating my hands with fire is when the countdown began. 

I was taking my time but seeing no chance of beating me, Sairaorg decided to give it his all-in-one shot. Needless to say, it didn't work, he used all he had but I simply ignored it and I knocked him out with a hit to the side of the head.

Artoria didn't even have to move, although this was intentional. She is our trump card, I mean she is no doubt in the top twenty strongest in the world, if she had a proper sword, she would be in the top ten no doubt and if she had her legend propagated and her original weapon and scabbard returned then she would be on the same league as Ophis. 

This match was so easy that Akeno and Tsubaki didn't even have time to show their sacred gears. 

"Well played." I shook Sairaorg's hand once we were teleported back. 

"Next time will be different." He answered whilst holding a bag of ice to his head.

"I can't wait." Well, this is just lip service, by the time they catche up to us we will be Satan class or even further.

 A great many people congratulated me but the only ones I cared about were my mother and my sister Ravel.

"Wow big brother is the strongest! Could you teach me? Please…"

"How about you join my peerage, that way you can learn everything from us directly."

"Really you would take me?"

"Of course I would, you had a piece with your name on it since the day you were born." A pawn piece but that's already something when my peerage will soon be unrivaled. 

"Mom, mom can I join big brother's peerage please."

Mother made a show of thinking to build the suspense, but we already discussed it.

"Yes, you can, however this will serve as your birthday present."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

On this happy note we returned home. 

Whilst everyone was celebrating there was one person who wasn't, Raizer grew up in my shadow and ever since I turned our mother into my woman, he was never given any attention or import. Even the allowance that would normally go to him was halved due to a myriad of reasons and instead it was given to me.

However, Rizer never had the guts to blame me. He feared me from the bottom of his heart. Today the whole underworld was surprised by my prowess, but Rizer already knew how powerful I am, and given my known dislike for him he always did his best to stay out of my way. 

In truth I don't realy hate him, but I crafted a story to get my hands on Rias and until it comes to an end, I will simply continue to ignore him.

Following the after party I took Akeno and Tsubaki with me. Today the breeding counter restarts, and I am not wasting time. For the next couple of years, I will be forced to face peerages of even lesser power, that is why I don't intend to take them seriously and instead use the time to build my reputation as a profligate breeder. 

Seeing that peerage members are usually used in the hope of getting more children my actions will not only be tolerated but instead they will be celebrated. 

Also, I have grown used to having children running around, not to mention my impregnation fetish. Honestly, I am rather pleased with my fetishes since I know there are some nasty ones out there. 

R18 ahead 

"Akeno I will start with you…" I came closer to her and whispered, "I wander how your dad will react when he learns that I not only took his little girl's cherry, but I also put a bun in her oven." 

At my words I could see her being turned on to the point of shredding her clothes with lightning and spreading herself all wide and open for me. 

That was what I taught my women, when it's time for me to put a child in them, I expect them to be on their back with their legs wide open. Play time can wait, right now is the moment I not only become one with one of my girls, but we create a whole new life within. 

Tsubaki having experience the same thing multiple times, went behind Akeno and supported her head whilst playing with her boobs. 

After making sure Akeno climaxes a couple times I decide to finish inside her and so I push deep to the point of touching her inner wall then I finish. 

I remain on top of her for about ten minutes, maintaining the same position to make sure as little of my cum leaks after which I drag Tsubaki to the floor and let her clean me. 

The same thing happens with Tsubaki and once I get a confirmation from the system for the both of them, I take them into my arms and let myself dose off.

Tomorrow, I will reward them properly but right now I take pleasure in knowing that I once again put a child in girls I truly love. There are few things that come close to the feelings of conquest and love.

On the next day I turned Ravel into my pawn and had her practice magic with Tsubaki. 

Though it might be early I decided to announce to everyone that both Tsubaki and Akeno were pregnant. 

Everyone was happy with the news, but no one was as happy as Ravel. She always took care of her little brothers who are in fact my sons and having more children coming from her favorite brother was a blessing in her eyes. 

My mom on the other hand was only moderately happy even though she tried, in truth such a thing was quite common in my inner world, this does not mean that she wasn't happy but that after 40 years it has lost its novelty. 

The news even traveled beyond the walls of our home only to reach the ears of Sona, sending her into a panic. For on the very next day, I found her waiting for me, right outside my bedroom. 

"Tell me, how fast does news travel in the underworld?"

"I am not sure, but I learned about it less than an hour after your announcement."

I was only joking but honestly that's scary.

"So, to what do I owe this visit?"

"We had an agreement, did we not?"

"Indeed, and as I remember I defeated you at chess a total of three times, right in front of both our parents." Thank you, Magnus Carlsen experience card, those were the best 200 points I ever invested. Hell, I even convince my mother to name our second son Magnus, not joking. "So, what's the matter?"

"The matter is that I am to be your wife and yet I was taken over by… by… by some bimbo…" as soon as she started to lose her temper, I took her hand and brought her inside my room, although that might not have been the best idea since both Akeno and Tsubaki were in my bed. 

Before she could react, I made the split-second decision to take her within my world but away from anyone. 

"Where are we? Is this the human world?"

"No, this is my biggest secret, it's a world I created within myself." I might have embellished things a little but hey, who other than the system would know?

"You are joking right? The horizon is about 6Km, this world should be massive, even bigger than earth!" 

"Yes, it is, and I made it for us, you see I understand that you must have been disappointed, not being the first to bare my children but that doesn't matter. I chose you to be my wife. You might not understand this given how out of control your emotions are but the fact you will be my wife makes you special in my eyes. You are too young for me to share everything but for now all you need to know is that I truly do care about you, and I intend to marry you even if you try and run away from me. The same way I want your redheaded bimbo of a friend to be my queen, I want you to be my wife and no one, not even your sister will get in my way."

"Sona you are mine, you belong to me, no matter what others say or what even you believe, I want you and I will get you."

My words were a little harsh but knowing devils and more precisely Sona she will soon melt into my hands, best part I didn't lie. I want her and I will get her, same with Rias. Even if the Satans try to get in my way I will just take them down.

I came closer and locked lips with her. For a long moment we simply let our bodies do the talking, however I stopped before we go too far. I want to saver her on our wedding night as her sister is forced to stay outside listening to me taking Sona for myself. 

I will have her screaming my name so that everyone invited understands that she is my possession.

"Ok but I don't want to hear of anyone else before me. I will not forgive you otherwise, understood?" 

"Yes, but since that's the case there is something you should know…"

"What is it?" 

"The girls aren't the first…"

"What? Who? The green eyed one? Well don't just stand there tell me!"

"Honestly there are too many but of those you know there is Artoria and lady Phoenix." I just couldn't hide my smile. I know I angered her even further, but I am just proud of my conquests for unlike those I summon through the breeding subsystem those two were truly conquered by me instead of having the desire to submit to me ingrained within them. 

Once I get my hands on Rias is when I will go on a hunt in the supernatural world. Since power is law, I will forcefully subjugate anyone who catches my eye, whether they be human or goddess. Those I summoned with the exception of Artoria are all place holders and EP farms in my eyes. My true harem will consist of those I myself conquer, whilst the others are tools I use to pass the time. 

After divulging the true size of my harem, the structure it is based upon and her place in it, I finally managed to get myself out of trouble. We agreed that I am free to do anything I want in my world but until we are officially wed, I will not officialize any such news. 

"Wow, I mean lady Phoenix is your woman… You know it is frowned upon."

"Yes, but we are devils so there is little we consider illegal, whilst others may see it in a bad light, I simply couldn't care less."

"And to think that you pass off your sons as your brothers, I mean just wow. I am just impressed; your cuckolding fetish is quite something to do it to your own father."

"Ha-ha, I know right."

"I am not sure that's something to be proud of."

We continued to banter until I was sure she managed to move on. After our talk I took her to my palace and presented her as my third wife. All the women present kowtowed her way. This is something I taught them to do whenever a wife is introduced. Showing submission towards their betters is the foundation of my harem. And although she tried to hide it, I could tell that Sona was quite pleased. Even more so when she tested them by commanding even the concubines the same way she would servants and saw how obedient they were.

I on the other hand didn't care, no matter their rank this is what I expect from all my women including my wives. And just to spite her a little I ordered Sona to strip in front of everyone then give me a blowjob. This being her first time doing such a thing I refrained from going any further. As long as she knows her place, she is free to torment the rest of them. 

My day ended with a naked Sona tied to the wall and forced to see her soon to be husband partake in other women. All whilst Rin took care of her lower lips. 



Name: Revy Phoenix

Age: 15 (55)

Race: Part Devil, Part Fallen

Points accumulated: 3,429,500.

Racial traits: Great Demonic Power, Immortality, Hell fire, Light manipulation

Secondary traits: Perfect Memory, Magic Eyes, Chastity-Chastity Fruit, Flame-Flame Fruit, Phoenix-Phoenix Fruit

Affinities: Life affinity, Fire affinity, Wind affinity, Darkness affinity

Resistances: Light Resistance, Holly Resistance, Demonic Resistance, Pain Resistance, MindResistance


Tier 1 according to current world: Low Satan class (divided into 3 clones of mid Ultimate class each)

Ranking in the Rating Games: 238th 


Available subsystems: Life Simulator System, Breeding Subsystem, Summoning Subsystem, Childcare Subsystem, Harem Subsystem 


Available Worlds: Tensura Subsystem, Fate Subsystem, One Piece Subsystem, Planetos Subsystem (12,600 points), Food Wars (4,170 points), Haikyuu!! (390 points)


Tensura Subsystem acquisition: Unique Skill: Parallel Existence


Marked as Important in inventory: Inner World, infinite bag of cookies, infinite gourd of water, Infinite bag of Big-MC, Heal-Heal Fruit, Phoenix tears, Broadsword, jewelry subsection, wealth subsection. 


Number of Breeders: 42


Harem Hierarchy:


Wives: Lady Phoenix and Artoria Pendragon

Mistresses of note: Daenerys Targaryen, Erina Nakiri, Alice Nakiri, Margaery Tyrell, Sansa Stark, Rin Tohsaka, Nico Robbin, Akeno Himejima, Tsubaki Shinra, Kozuki Hiyori, Nefertari Vivi

Servants of note: Cersei Lannister, Lyanna Stark, Rhaenys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Missandei, Alvida, Domino, Kalifa, Koala, Makino, Nico Olvia, Portgas D. Rouge, Shalria, Tashigi, Shyarly, Charlotte Galette, Viola Riku, Vinsmoke Reiju, Kiyoko Shimizu, Hina, Nami 


Number of children 731

Greatest contributors to the number of children: Lady Phoenix (21), Daenerys Targaryen (17), Portgas D. Rouge (16), and Nico Robbin (16) (AN/ I used math for this be grateful you scoundrels)


Single greatest contributor to points: Artoria Pendragon: 1,458,500 points.

Second place: Lady Phoenix: 252,000 points.

Third place: Charlotte Galette: 187,000 points.


Revy phoenix Peerage:


Rias Gremory as Queen (pending)


Akeno Himejima Bishop 1

Tsubaki Shinra Bishop 2


Artoria Pendragon knight 1 

Xenovia Quarta Knight 2 (pending)


Kuroka Rook 1 (pending)

Rook 2


Ravel Pheonix Pawn 

Rossweisse Pawn (pending)

Asia Argento Pawn (pending)

Koneko Toujou Pawn (Maybe)

Yubelluna Pawn (Maybe)

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