
The Ultimate Survivor

"Hope, despair, trust, betrayal, friendship, enmity and much more, all in the killing game of Hope's Peak Academy. For this game, I'll be your host, Monokuma who will provide the rules, the motives, the entertainment much more to make this the most memorable killing game of all time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Coming very soon." Disclaimer: This is a Danganronpa fan-fic, so in case you don't realize it by now, do not read this, unless you have finished the first game, at the very least to avoid SPOILERS, although having finished the other games as well will add to the experience with the various references that I'll leave throughout the story. Also, don't expect this story to have any shipping, relationships or adult material, otherwise we will be starting shipping wars and for the love of god, I'm not turning this into some basement-dweller's material. Without further ado, enjoy this alternate take on this story.

NyanGod371 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 3a: Motives (13)

[Missing Knife: The missing knife from the kitchen is the murder weapon, that Sayaka happened to steal right in front of... Why do I even bother in putting effort on a note about a missing knife, when you know it's in thief's chest?]

*crunch* "I could really come up with something better about this note..." Sheldon commented with a bored expression, as he checking the knife rack in the kitchen, while eating an apple. As for reason for eating one, he had thrown up when he discovered the body, so his stomach has been pretty empty and needed a quick snack to munch on, just until he can get through the class trial. After finishing it and throwing the core in to the trash, he left the cafeteria and decided to look Hina and Sakura, as the two of them weren't in the cafeteria and he hadn't seen them anywhere in the dorm area. Although he didn't need any information from them, he still needed to update on the situation and felt rather curious about their investigation, since as far as he could remember, those didn't do anything spectacular during the first trial, aside from providing the info about Sayaka's actions. Thankfully for him, it didn't take long to find one of the duo's location, as Hina happened to be examining the shop during this time.

"Yo, Hina! Did you decide to go treasure hunting all of a sudden?" Sheldon greeted casually, as he could see Hina messing a doll.

"Oh, Saito. How's your investigation going?" Hina asked with a focused expression, as she kept examining the doll.

"Pretty smoothly. I just want to check on a couple of areas of interest and I should be good for the trial. How about you two?" Sheldon explained with a smirk on his face, as she put down the doll she was holding.

"Can't say, to be honest. I've been checking the entire main school area, while Sakura has been checking the dorms, but I was thinking to take a quite break after checking this room and meet up with Sakura after that." Hina explained with a shrug.

'I would be more surprised if you did find something.' Sheldon commented inwardly, before asking something else: "I see. When you check up with Sakura, can you pass her a message as well? It actually for both of you."

"Sure... What is it?" Hina asked curiously for Sheldon's message.

"If Makoto happens to ask you about some information, just fill him in on our alibi for last afternoon, but don't say that Sayaka was there yet. Save it for the trial."

"Huh!? Wait, why?"

"I told him to come to you two for some information, as I didn't want to say anything about it at that time, especially in front of other people. I also could have told him during another time, but as I'm in a bit of a rush, I want to check on another area, as quickly as possible. Besides, considering a friend close to him died, I wanted to help him out in some sort of way and the alibi just happened to be the first thing to come to mind. Of course, I don't intend to lay all of our cards, but I'm willing to pass an extra Jack, if it means he can give me the 10 I need for my straight. But only tell him about the difference on the knife rack." Sheldon explained with a serious and somewhat awkward expression. [A/N: Straight is a card combo used in Poker with 5 numbered cards in ascending order, but with different symbols. As for the order, it's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J (Jack), Q (Queen), K (King) and A (Ace).]

"Now I see Saito. Still, isn't it risky, especially considering that Makoto could have done it, since it happened in his room?" Hina with a thoughtful expression, while crossing her hands.

"I wouldn't worry too much. If anything, I already have another person in mind, but I need to investigate more, so I can find some conclusive evidence." Sheldon explained with a serious expression.

"If you say so, I guess it will be fine... Well, I'll better get going and tell Sakura as well. Take care Saito."

"Take care and be careful as well." Sheldon responded back, before making his way towards the gym. Once he entered, he saw both Chihiro and Hiro sitting on the stage, with the former having a thoughtful expression, while the latter was fast asleep and with a bit of drool running out of his mouth.

*clap* "Wake up, sleepy Joe."

"Uh... Huh!? Hey, what're ya waking me up for? I about to reach an enlightenment about the mysteries of life." Hiro asked angrily, as his nap was interrupted by Sheldon.

"Uh huh. And I also happen to know the future and how everyone dies. Now get up and follow me, so make yourself useful." Sheldon responded in a sarcastic manner, before ordering him to follow him.

"Huh? What d'ya need me for?" Hiro asked confusedly, as he followed him.

"You'll see. Now come." Once he gave the order, the two of them slowly made their way towards the trash room and once they arrived outside of it, the two of them saw Makoto and Hifumi enter the trash room.

"I guess we made it just on time." Sheldon commented with a smirk, just before entering the trash room with Hiro.

"Wait, why do ya want me here, if you only intend to investigate the trash room?" Hiro asked with a slightly annoyed expression, as he felt like he was dragged for no reason.

"I'd like to have a bit of insurance, for when it comes to investigating other areas. Besides, the trash disposal room is a good place to find evidence and an extra pair of hands can make the process go twice as fast." Sheldon explained with a serious expression, as the two of them entered the disposal room.

"Well... When you put it like that, I guess it makes sense..." After the two of them finished their conversation, the quickly followed behind Makoto and Hifumi, Sheldon could see that Hifumi was questioning Makoto about his motives, while Makoto was looking mentally drained.

"Hey guys, how's the investigation going for you?" Hiro asked casually, as he waved at the two of them.

"Oh, Mr.Hagakure and Mr.Kuramoto. What brings you two here? Are you here to help with the investigation or are you here to collude with Mr.Naegi to dispose of evidence?" Hifumi asked with a judgemental look, as he put on a pose that was eerily similar to a certain attorney's finger-pointing pose.

*sigh* "Just here to investigate and also, I'd like to cut on the unnecessary fantasies, got it Hifumi?" Sheldon requested with an annoyed expression.

"You can't stop a man's fantasies from running amok!" Hifumi exclaimed proudly, while Makoto had an expression that screamed "Don't entertain his fantasies".

"Alright, so where do we... MY CRYSTAL BALL! WHAT HAPPENED TO IT!?"Hiro cried out with a desperate expression, as he quickly ran towards the shattered glass ball that was lying on the ground.

"Oooh... Let's be glad it wasn't an orange one, otherwise we would have been unable to the eternal dragon." Hifumi commented with an awkward expression, as the three of them were feeling awkward from the fact they were seeing a grown man on the verge of tears, all because of a broken glass ball.

'Suddenly, I'm starting to regret bringing this guy here. Should have brought Chihiro instead. At least he wouldn't be as much of a crybaby as Hiro.' Sheldon thought to himself, while wondering if it was a good idea to give someone a chance to be a bit more useful than a cardboard cutout.