
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 43: Both Of Them hooked at once~

"Okay, we're all here. Let's go."

The next day, at Konoha's gate, all the members of team 7 arrived.

"Let's go!"

"Are these brats really reliable?"

Tazuna said as he sipped the sake with a grim expression.

"Don't worry, I am a Jōnin, I will take care of the problem if they can't handle it."

Kakashi comforted him. 

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Tazuna looking down on them, after all, the three kids were newly appointed as ninjas.

In addition, although ordinary civilians knew that ninjas were powerful, they didn't have a specific concept of how powerful they were.

Although Naruto and the others had just graduated from ninja school, it was easy for even Sakura to knock down a few adult civilians.

This was the extraordinary power possessed by ninjas.

"Besides, one of my students is very powerful, he even hurt me before, hahaha~"

"Is that so?"

Kakashi's words did not reassure Tazuna but made him feel even more worried.

How could a Jōnin who was injured by his own students be powerful?

He didn't believe that these three little devils had the strength to hurt Jōnin, so he thought that Kakashi was not that powerful.

This made Tazuna feel a little bit regretful, why didn't he increase the mission level!

Alas, it was all caused because of the lack of money!  


They maintained a normal speed toward the destination.

After an hour.

Naruto turned his head slightly and looked behind, but then returned to normal.

His Voice of all things heard the movement from behind.

There were two ninjas following them since they left Konoha Village.

There was no doubt that the target was their client - Tazuna.

But at this moment, Naruto had nothing to worry about. Although Zabuza was good, he will lose when he fought against team 7.

If even the Naruto in the canon could finish this mission, then Naruto now could easily handle it.

'You don't expect him to lose to the canon Naruto right?'

However, what attracted Naruto's attention were the root ninjas sent by Danzo behind the two enemy ninjas.

Naruto estimated that neither the latter two ninjas nor Kakashi knew about the root ninjas.


"Captain, should we act on the two enemy ninja?"

A masked ninja asked the person leading the way.

"Our mission is to only keep an eye on the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki."



"Huh? Naruto... sensed them? What the hell kind of perception is this?"

Although Kakashi had been leading the way, he had been paying attention to the movement around him. 

After all, this was their first time out of the village to perform the mission, and in any situation, their reactions and performances would allow Kakashi to get to know them, and then conduct targeted teaching based on their shortcomings.

So Kakashi was surprised when Naruto sensed the two ninjas behind them.

He thought that in the last field exercise test, Sasuke didn't find his position, but Naruto was able to find him immediately and successfully forced him out of the ground. He thought that was Naruto's limit.

As a result, Naruto once again changed his view of him.

Kakashi didn't show his shock and thought process outside, and continued to chat with Tazuna.

"By the way, Tazuna-san."


"Aren't you from the Land of Waves?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Tazuna panicked, 'Did this Jōnin discover something?'

"Kakashi sensei, are there ninjas there too?" Sakura asked curiously.

"No, there are no ninjas in the Land of Waves."

"Although cultures and customs are different, most countries have their own ninja villages, large or small, such as the country of fire and Konoha, and Kumogakure and the land of lightning..."

"However, a small island country like the Land of Waves, which is not disturbed by other big nations, does not need Ninja Village at all."

"Also, our mission is a C-level mission, so we won't encounter other ninjas, so it's safe."

Kakashi laughed.


Tazuna's face turned bitter, and he regretted it even more.

Another hour later.

When Kakashi passed by a small puddle, his eyes glanced inadvertently, his footsteps inadvertently slowed down, and he fell to the end of the group.

Naruto didn't care and moved on, Kakashi wanted to perform, so he would let him.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the puddle, and a figure quietly appeared behind Kakashi.

A long chain wrapped tightly around Kakashi before he could 'react'.


"What happened!!"

Sakura and Tazuna looked flustered, looking at the attacker who had suddenly appeared in disbelief.

Sasuke's expression tightened, ready to strike at any time, while Naruto's expression was calm.

"First let's take out the Jonin."

When the chain tightened, Kakashi was torn to pieces, bleeding all over the ground.

"Ah! Kakashi-sensei!!" Sakura was so frightened that she almost fainted.


Sasuke thought that Kakashi was useless!

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone was stunned, two voices came behind Naruto and said to Naruto in a sinister manner.

"The second target~"

