
The Ultimate Life of Haruto

Long, Long, Long, Long, Long Time Ago... A man named Gol D. Roger, A man that rules the entire planet Earth and has the Ultimate Treasure called One Piece. With him having the ULTIMATE TREASURE, everyone feared him and his power. The 5 Nations, The Land of Earth, The Land of Water, The Land of Lightning, The Land of Wind, and the Land of Fire, reaching each other out, making an alliance. The Five Kages made a decision and launched a surprise attack on Gol D. Roger Fleet, resulting in a full-blown war. As everyone was focused on the battle. An unexpected visitor from outer space landed and reigned terror, resulting in the losses of many. This unexpected visitor is so strong, that he can snap and level a mountain, in a blink of an eye. This visitor from outer space proclaimed himself as the Ultimate lifeform and called himself, the Emperor of Universe 7. And His name is Frieza. ......... "Wait... Are you kidding me?..." "WHAT WITH THIS FUCK UP SETTINGS?!" "RoGeR? KaGeS? And even FriEzA?!" "WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!" "YOU FUCKING TELL ME, HOW CAN I SURVIVE IN THIS WORLD?!" "Like... WHAT THE FUCK?!" -------------- Writing an Attack on Titan Fan Fic is too damn depressing, so I decided to write this. Enjoy! Schedule: Every Year Lmao Idk! Gonna write some chapters if I feel like it, and if this thing become popular. We will see...

CanYouMakeItClear · Anime & Comics
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Lelouch Vi Britannia

Chapter 2



"Lelouch vi Britannia...?"

"All right, if you have a say in my name say it! My name is goddamn Lelouch, ok?!"

"Wait... wait...Wait, I'm just shocked, because of your name different from everyone"

"Our Village name is Britannia. We, the Village head descendant, have to be named after the Village"


'Shit. Shit. Shit. Like, what the fuck? Damn, I should've just chosen Reincarnation over Transportation.'

"Hey! I'm telling you all my secrets, and you're not even introducing yourself. That's rude you know..."

"Umm... sorry. My name is Haruto Kazunagi. I'm sort of new to this place so, Nice meeting you, Lelouch"

Lelouch nodded his head and said.

"Do you have money?"


"Like I said, do you have money"

"... I have"

"Then... You said you're new to this place, right?"

"I've said that..."

"So, I'm here. I will introduce you to this place. Just give me some money to eat food, and someplace to sleep"

"Wait....wait... wait. What, and why?"

"You know, I lost all my possessions. I'm kinda broke at the moment, but do not fear. I will repay you by introducing you to this place"



In the end, Haruto agreed with Lelouch and told him that he's completely at a loss and had no idea what this place is. 

To be honest, he even didn't know the history of this world. 

"First of all, you need to register yourself."

We walk towards the central place, registering myself as a citizen of this Village.

"Good morning"

The receptionist greeted us with a smile, as Lelouch suddenly said...

"In the name of Lelouch vi Britannia, you will agreed on all of my commands"

The receptionist got some sort of emblem in his eyes and said in a monotone voice.


"Le-Lelouch, what did you just do?"

"I just use my Kenkai Genken to get her on my command. No one will register a person that comes out of nowhere"

"I-I see"

Haruto stuttered on his response and thought...

'Wooooo, that was a scary ability. And it was cool too, seeing one of my favorite characters and power get used in front of my eyes. I mean, it is all good just don't use it against me'

With Lelouch easily commanding the receptionist, Haruto's ID was successfully created. He is now a citizen and not just a wanderer.

Lelouch then began to tour Haruto to other places. Where's the building, where's to buy food, and where's to buy food.

As they travel, Lelouch begins asking Haruto for money and buys it for food from vendor to vendor.

"Takayuki, Sushi, and even Ramen"

Lelouch eats a lot of food. Haruto from time to time, eat some, but not like Lelouch whose stomach can digest all of the food.

Haruto looked at his Pouch, seeing his money depleting fast. 

"What's this... My money is losing and I'm not even progressing one bit."

... .

"Your money is almost gone? What happened?"


'This guy had the nerve to say that?'

"Lelouch... with all the food you eat, it's not strange to make my money gone"

"Well, fair enough"


Haruto clenched his fist. If not for the power Lelouch possesses, Haruto will surely smack him in the head.

Haruto looked intently at Lelouch...

Lelouch saw that Haruto was looking at him and said...




"You don't have to say that!"

'Heh, your not even denying it'

... .

"All right, sorry that your money is almost gone."

Haruto sighed and said...

"It's all right, what's done is done. Gonna only think what to do, to gain money"

Lelouch made a thinking position and said...

"Then what about doing a quest"

... .

"There's an Adventure Guild in this world?!"

Looking in front of him, seeing a building with a sign at the door. [Adventure Guild]

Haruto really didn't know what to say...

"Huh, is it really strange? All the Village have Adventure Guild build up in their own"

"Is it STRANGE!! Haiz~"

'What is this? What is this setting? Pirate Era? Shinobi World? Fantasy Set up? This world is really fuck up'

Haruto thought of this and stopped, and looked at Lelouch and said.

"Then... Why are you not doing a quest, to make money?"

"I'm not registered"

"Then just register!"

".... I forgot that there is Adventure Guild"


Haruto looked up at the sky and thought...

'Uhmmm, I kind of regretted my choice for him as a guide.'

Haruto looked at Lelouch, who was busy eating the food he had in his arm... and thought. 

'What is this? Where's the all intelligent Lelouch? All I see is a lazy ass, foodie, and problematic Lelouch. He's body, face, and power is the only thing that resembled Lelouch... the rest is just half-assed work of some Third-Rate Fanfiction'

For the first time of his life... Haruto misses school...

"Wanna go home"

... .

Going inside the Adventures Guild... Haruto saw all kinds of people, from swordsman to magician, and even priest? 

Haruto looked at this scene and thought...

'I kinda. Use this. Being surprised and all'

"So Lelouch what are we going to do- Wait! Who are you"

Looking at his right side, and seeing a person with Boar Mask. 

"Don't worry! I'm Lelouch"

"But... what with that Boar Mask?"

"This is a way to hide my identity. Look there, you see my face"

Lelouch pointed towards a sign... There are different kinds of events and news. Haruto saw Lelouch's face and approached it.

[Lelouch vi Britannia is Dead]

[A sudden attack happened in the Coronation and killed Lelouch. The one that killed him is Zero.]

Haruto looked at this sign with a speechless expression and thought...

'It really happened. So this guy is really, the real deal'

Haruto looked at Lelouch and still saw him at the table, ordering food. Eating...

'... So what? This guy is pain in the ass'

"Lelouch ordered me some too"

"Oyy, don't use my real name. Called me Boar Mask"

"... whatever Sis-con"

"O-Oyyyy, you don't have to say that"

'Heh, your not even denying it'

... .

Standing up, Lelouch then said...

"We're now full. Let's go and register"

'Just how much food does this guy eat? I only down to 4 copper coins'

Haruto sighed, reluctantly handling his money to the waiter...

"Costumer, have a great day"


Haruto curses on his head...

"Don't worry about the money. With a few quests, your wallet will be full again"

"Easy for you to say. Your not the one that losing money"

Haruto sighed and continued speaking...

"Lelo- I mean Boar Mask"


"Where do we register?"

"To that girl"

Lelo- I mean, Boar mask pointed his finger towards the receptionist in the farther right back of the guild.

While walking, Haruto thought of something...

'Speaking of Boar Mask... I thought of Inosuke in Demon's Slayer. What if they-'


Lelouch looked at Haruto, startled, and asked...

"Oy-Oyy did you finally lose it? Suddenly smacking yourself"

"I really wanna punch you! You bastard."

Haruto look hate fully at Lelouch and continued...

"I just smacking myself to stop raising flags"

"Raising... Flags?"

"Anyway, let's go and register"

"Heyyy. If you have some problems, just talk to me ok? You know, I'm kinda smart"

While walking, Lelouch suddenly said that and looked at Haruto earnestly. 

Haruto looked at Lelouch earnest eyes... and said.


"Oyyy, you don't have to say that!"

'Heh, not even denying it.'

But truthfully speaking, Haruto didn't want to fight Michale Jackson, I mean, Muzan...

Demon is scary, right?

But, when he thought of Nezuko. 

'It's not a bad idea. Demon's Slayer being he-'


"Oy-Oyyy, Haruto! You finally lost it right? You really went crazy, right?

"Shut up, You Sis-Con!"

"Oyyy, don't be loud!"

'Heh, not even denying it'.