
The Ultimate Karma System: Legendary adventure in a cultivation world.

"Kuk HA HA HA HA HA..." Zhu Dingxiang laughed wildly as grieved tears fall from his lifeless eyes. Where did it all begin? What is this insatiable anger that I felt? I, what have I become... "Struggle all you want, Green-Wood Divine Sovereign! YOU CANNOT STOP THE INEVITABLE!" The Devil enunciated every single word with its hideous face. "Are you done talking?" With one hand, Zhu Dingxiang lifted his giant two-handed War-Axe over his shoulder. His black-gold armor was cracking while fresh blood tainted his handsome face. His lonely and heroic figure unleashing a killing intent with unimaginable oppressiveness, Zhu Dingxiang stands straight like an immovable mountain with unrelenting forces. "I will split your body in half and splatter your flesh all over... Ha, Ha Ha Ha!" He charges toward the boundless ocean of enemies unhindered. "I-WILL-SHOW-YOU-MERCY-NO-LONGER!" His deafening roar and determinations shake the soul of all living beings! Each strike of his axe reeks of savagery and pure anger. "The final strike! [WORLDLY CORRECTION!]" THROUGHOUT THE HEAVEN AND EARTH! HE ALONE IS A PREDATOR! THROUGHOUT THE HEAVEN AND EARTH! HE ALONE IS SUPREME! THROUGHOUT THE HEAVEN AND EARTH... HE ALONE IS ABSOLUTE! This is the tale of a man who only seeks a peaceful life. He transmigated from earth to the world of cultivation, have a small cheat and embarked on an exciting adventure. -Disclaimer: I don't own the book cover above so please if the owner is dissatisfied then I will remove it! I will also post character pictures in the comment or paragraphs as a reference, they are all from Pinterest AND i DON'T OWN THEM. -English is my second languages, so there are some grammar and punctuation prob in the few beginning chapter. But please give me your opinions as we start this journey together. -I will try to update at least 1 chapter or 2 a day.! adios.

ChibiSage · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 57: Ingredient obtained.

Fighting in a shaky and unfamiliar battleground for the first time, Zhu Dingxiang's movement was greatly restricted. As the water current grew more and more assertive, he stumbled and could not switch to a proper defensive stance in time.


With a severe expression, he tried to hold his ground and shouted.

"Puk!" Hearing Zhu Dingxiang's shout, Chibi quickly flapping its four giant flippers, generating wind and waves as it soaring out of the water.

Confronting with the incoming attack of the Aurora Wine Fish, Chibi swiftly activated one of its abilities [Energy Shield]. Immediately, an indistinct spherical shield that gleamed in a yellow and brownish hue was formed, fully enveloping them.


The Aurora Wine Fish's deadly tail fin crashed into Chibi's energy shield, following by the sound of an explosion. After a small ripple, the light of the energy shield dimmed a little but soon stabilized.

Feeling relieved, Zhu Dingxiang sighed, "With a superior bloodline, this fish won't be able to take down Chibi's defensive ability before tiring itself out."



"What the..." Looking at the numbers of spiritual fishes gathering below, shooting water bombs at Chibi, he was astonished. If this were to continue, Chibi's energy reserve would run out sooner or later due to constantly receiving attacks.

Once that happens, only God knows how the situation was going to end.

"Brother Dingxiang, it's not good; we are causing too much commotion. If this goes on any longer, I'm afraid that the Aurora Wine Fish king would be alarmed." At this moment, Qiuyue looked at the surface of the lake and was stunned.

A few minutes back, she had long let go of her fishing rod because of her inadequate strength to contend with the fish. Unable to help him, she has silently kept surveillance on the surrounding water.

Hearing the legend about the king of the Aurora Wine Fish for years, she was feeling extremely anxious.

Aurora Wine Fish King, overlord of the Blue Wine Lake, and also a Rank 3 existence!

The gap between Rank 2 and 3 spiritual beasts was immense, and once they accidentally attract it here, even with Chibi's flying ability, they won't be able to escape.

"Alright!" Zhu Dingxiang nodded as he heard about the Aurora Wine Fish King a few times from the fisherman. Albeit never confront with Rank 3 spiritual beast before, he doesn't want any risk as Qiuyue was with him at the moment.

Yet, as they were talking, the situation was getting worse! The energy shield was getting fainter and fainter by the second.

After attacking Chibi, the Rank 2 Aurora Wine Fish already gone back to the water. Focusing his attention, Zhu Dingxiang concentrated a generous amount of nature-Qi to both of his arms and feet.

"UP!" Zhu Dingxiang held the fishing rod with both hands, bending his back slightly before pulling back with all his might.

Splash! Splash!

In the whirling waves, the Aurora Wine Fish try to struggle, but all was useless as Zhu Dingxiang has forcefully dragged its body out of the water. Once the fish was exposed once again in the air, he quickly took out the Crimson Blood Axe. With a quick jump, he followed after it into the sky.

However, because of his forceful action earlier, the iron hook was torn off from the fish's mouth, allowing it to retaliate. Feeling the boundless bloodlust coming from Zhu Dingxiang's direction, the Aurora Wine fish sensed intense danger.

Opening its mouth widely, the Aurora Wine Fish consumed its blood essence and increased its strength before using [Water Bom].

As multiple thick streams of water from the lake below quickly gathered in front of its largemouth, they began spiraling into a giant water ball of more than 3 meters in diameter, and its size was still swelling by the second!

Standing on Chibi's shell, Qiuyue's body suddenly trembled as a sense of danger and urgency filled her heart. After attaining enlightenment and receiving insight into being a master archer, her intuition was significantly heightened.

At this moment, her instinct is screaming at her internally, saying that they have to run! Run far away and quickly; otherwise, they will die!

Qiuyue's face paled, and her emerald eyes filled with panic! She attempted to look around but was unable to locate the source of the danger. Turning her attention to the Aurora Wine Fish in the sky, she became determined.

'No, I have to do something. Otherwise, it would be too late!'

Getting a tight grip on the longbow, she draws its string and quickly shooting out ten arrows in continuation in merely a second.


Among the streams of water obstacles air, the arrows emitting a heart-piercing coldness. Like a bird, they are waltzing freely in the sky, striking to the same spot in the left eye of the Aurora Wine Fish, one after another!

After getting hit, the Aurora Wine Fish's conjuring was rudely interrupted, blood dripping out from its injured left eyes as the spiraling water ball disintegrated.

"Trying to run? not after all these, pal." Seeing that the Aurora Wine Fish flapping its fin, trying to get back into the water, Zhu Dingxiang smirked as he proceeds to execute his newly learned martial technique immediately.

As a blood-red and green aura burst fore, covering his entire body., Zhu Dingxiang shouted.

"Thunderclap!" Accompanying his roar, there comes a rumbling sound of crashing thunder that could strike fear into one's soul.

Tyrannic and unstoppable!

Like a raging tide, the Crimson Blood Axe instantly busted the air apart, giving people the illusion that no matter what stands in its way, there would only be one outcome.

Total extermination!


Holding the giant Axe with two hands, Zhu Dingxiang smashed it into the fish's head without hesitation. And as expected, in front of absolute power, the Aurora Wine Fish's skull, which was even tougher than refined iron, quickly ruptured and busted apart!

As fresh blood and flesh stained his lovely face, Zhu Dingxiang quickly stored the carcass of the Aurora Wine Fish in his storage ring.

"Let's go quickly!" Qiuyue quickly warned.

Seeing her pale expression, he was surprised but still signaling Chibi to quickly fly away to a safer area.

A few minutes later, a gigantic shadow with blood-red eyes arrived, looming underneath the lake's surface after they left. Like a King, as it continued to wander around the battle site, hundreds of other spiritual fishes swimming behind it in respect.

Chibi just love writing fight scene! it's exciting!

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