
The Ultimate Guide to Thriving as a VRMMORPG Brothel Tycoon

Introducing Vale, the Rolls Royce of VR games – it's so splendid, even your toaster is jealous! Dive into a world where your fantasies come to life, and even your wildest dreams start sending you postcards. And guess what? In Vale, making money isn't just a virtual achievement; it's your ticket to fortune in the real world. Cha-ching! Meet Darian, the 18-year-old maestro of living under the luxurious roof of his deadbeat dad and his step-monster. But hold your horses – Darian stumbles upon the golden ticket to escape this living nightmare, and it's not a golden chocolate bar. It's Vale, the game where he can turn his digital heroics into real-world moolah! Watch as Darian transforms from a virtual zero to a real-world hero faster than you can say "respawn." Will he conquer the game and his annoying step-mom in one fell swoop? Can he turn his virtual success into real-life riches without tripping over his own Vale-pod? Join Darian on a quest for glory, riches, and a clean break from his dad's basement

Eldritch_Lord · Urban
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A good day to be a chef

The sun, the supposed bringer of daylight, was just now making a timid appearance, and Dariun was already succumbing to the call of sleep.

"Should've just caught some z's while I could. Stupid game," he grumbled while expertly flipping an egg on the pan.

He assembled a chicken sandwich and an egg fry, completing the breakfast ensemble with a glass of his special milk, just the way his mother preferred it. Yet, no matter how much he perfected the meal, she consistently managed to convince herself it was some subpar fare she was consuming. The culinary struggle continued.

"I don't get what's wrong with it," he muttered to himself.

"Hey, what's the holdup?" his mother hollered from the other room.

He gathered the plate and glass and headed toward her. 'If only she wasn't my step-mother...' he mused.

"Here," he said, placing the plate and glass on the table.

"Did you remember the pepper?" she inquired, leaning forward in her chair to grab her knife and fork.

And, my dear readers, when I tell you this woman ate her sandwich with a fork and knife, I'm not joking.

Initially, he had pegged her as just some eccentric wealthy lady when he witnessed her peculiar eating habits.

"I always do, Mum," he replied.

She started to eat, and there he stood, observing. Watching her cleav... um, enjoying her meal.

Let's be honest, she was an attractive lady—anyone with a pair of functioning eyes would concede that. It's just a shame that her personality had a not-so-charming side to it.

"Did you prepare Elsa and Anna's meals? You know they can't stand hunger, especially Elsa," she reminded him with a tone that carried the weight of her expectations.

Elsa and Anna were her two daughters from a previous marriage before his father entered the scene. And, unquestionably, both of them inherited some less-than-pleasant traits from their mother.

"I apologize, I had to cook your meal first. I'll whip up some breakfast for them," he acquiesced and headed off to cater to her daughters.

"Mhmm..." she cooed self-satisfactorily. "At least the milk is exceptional."

He offered a malevolent smile and set about making breakfast for the two daughters, undoubtedly continuing his morning of culinary diplomacy.


He crafted another sandwich, neatly placing it in a box for Anna when she woke up. For the "special" lady, he concocted a special burger along with special burger sauce and poured a customized glass of milk.

'Yep... just perfect.'

With the burger and the glass of milk on a platter, he ambled towards Elsa's room. A knock echoed, met with a haughty response to open the door.

'Oh, she's already awake.'

He opened the door and walked into the room, a carefulness in his steps to avoid any mishaps that could cause a spill.

But his eyes popped open wide in surprise when he saw the stunning sight before him.

There stood Elsa, standing on her feet, her hands delicately hooking her black bra in a sensual display. Not only that, but she was also adorned in a matching lace panty, completing the alluring ensemble.

"Give me the glass of milk, Mr. Milkman," she taunted him, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips.

But he didn't take offense, instead, a devilish smile spread across his face.

And my droogs, when I said it's a special milk, I meant it's really, really special special. Goat milk mixed with proteins he extracted from himself. He took perverse pleasure in meticulously stroking his throbbing cock, his hand gliding up and down, coaxing out every sticky drop of sperm to fill the glass. A cock specially hardened by the perverse desire that welled up within him, triggered by the sight of her bitchy mother.


She possessed a jaw-dropping, voluptuous hourglass figure, with skin fair and silky-smooth, like a sinful temptation. Those perfectly perky 32 C cup breasts were a sight to behold, defying gravity with their delightful perkiness.

And her eyes, oh, those ice-blue eyes that pierced into his soul, promising both danger and pleasure. But it was her silky, inviting thighs that seemed to beg to be crushed, a playful invitation that ignited his imagination.

A sly grin played on his lips as he observed her savoring the glass of "his" special milk, treating it like the most delightful elixir in the entire world. She handed him the glass back.

"Place that on the table and come help me with the hooks," Elsa didn't ask; she commanded. And in Elsa's world, whatever you were doing, you dropped it and obeyed her.

He responded, setting the platter down on the table before walking towards her. Taking hold of the hooks, he started to stretch and maneuver, attempting to fasten them together. However, the task proved challenging, given that her breasts were a tad too ample for the bra she had on. 

He let out a groan of frustration as he strained, while she mirrored the sentiment with her own groans, feeling the fabric tighten around her generously endowed chest.

"Hurry up, dammit," she snapped impatiently, "I don't have time to waste."

"Maybe if you didn't have titan-sized breasts, we could be done by now," he quipped, instantly regretting the remark as he saw the fiery glare in her eyes.

"What the fuc-"

Without letting her finish the sentence, he seized the opportunity, swiftly bending her over. His fingers deftly worked the elastic, stretching it to its limit, eliciting a gasp from her as the fabric contoured to the curves of her generously endowed chest.

She was so focused on the swift maneuvering that she failed to register the heat pressing against her shapely ass, something stirring a discomfort that made her want to scream. It wasn't until her eyes widened that she realized she was pressed against the table.

"W-what are y-you doing?" she stammered, caught off guard by the unexpected position.

"You want me to hook the bra, right? I'm hooking it," he responded, his tone nonchalant. His fingers continued their deft work, stretching the elastic further and making the fabric constrict tighter around her breasts.

She couldn't help but groan as she felt the unmistakable pressure of his hard, throbbing cock pressing against her ass. Though he was too focused to notice, the sensation sent waves of desire coursing through her body. Overpowered and bent over the table, she was at his mercy, feeling the heat and size of his enormous member against her ass crack.

"Just a few more stretches," he said, his voice filled with determination. "Then we will be done."

"D-don't," she stammered.

"What?" he teased, leaning in closer. "I can't hear you, what was that? You want me to hook it?"

"I s-said don't," she managed to say, her words coming out as a breathless plea.

"Ah, but you said you want it hooked, right?" he chuckled, his voice filled with mischief. "Don't worry, I'm almost done."With each stretch, his powerful cock pressed firmly against her ass, the heat radiating from it even through her panty. The sensation sent shivers down her spine, making her cheeks flush with a ruddy hue. Her pussy throbbed with growing wetness, betraying the illicit desires that stirred within her.

'When did he get so powerful?' she wondered. 'This is bad. Really, really bad.'

Her breasts heaved with anticipation, straining against the tightness of her clothing, yearning for release. And suddenly, with a release of the elastic, her breast was pushed upward from the tightness.

"There, all done," he declared, his voice filled with satisfaction.

She was too distracted, too consumed by her own overwhelming horniness to even think of standing up. And there he stood, unmoving, with his hard and warm cock pressed firmly against her ass.

"What now?" she managed to ask, her breath coming in short gasps.

"What do you mean what now? I'm done hooking it."

"You can let go then," she said, her voice laced with both urgency and need.

But to her surprise, he remained rooted in place, not budging an inch. Her bare ass, adorned with nothing but the thin fabric that hid her womanhood, now encapsulated his hard cock, smothering it between the supple cheeks and pressing it against her soft, eager flesh.

"Gonna let go or what?" she asked, her impatience mounting as time passed..

"Right, sorry," he apologized, finally realizing his lingering presence. With a sense of urgency, he quickly left the room, leaving her alone to process the whirlwind of sensations that had just consumed them.

She found herself alone in her room, her mind swirling with a mix of thoughts and emotions. What had just happened? How had she allowed herself to be dominated by a titan-cocked, stupid man?

"What the hell happened to me?" she pondered, wiping the sweat from her brow before resuming the task of putting on her uniform.